Invalid Report against Copilot

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dudewrath_Exalted, Aug 28, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Hairy house
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    12PM CST (Roughly)
    Reason For Report:
    Okay so, I was just slain for killing someone for GBA. Here is my complete and sound reasoning, ask copilot for the chatlogs if you require verification.

    A traitor kills a detective and enters a room. (Map: Hairy house). The room is full of people, and the traitor kills every one of them. In the room adjacent to this, a person is AFK and visible to the traitor through the doorway. The traitor could see him, but the traitor didn't kill him. Traitor exits the room and I kill him soon after on DNA. I noticed the AFK in the room as well. After I look at it, I COULD see that AFK from that room, from where the traitor would have entered after killing the detective. He was 100% Visible from where he was standing, through a doorway in the corner of a room. The traitor didn't kill that AFK, only because the AFK would have been a t-buddy to him, so I attributed Guilty by Association to the AFK and killed him with full confidence in my reasoning.

    Copilot says this is still RDM, and my reasoning is not sound.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    There is no screenshot evidence. I have no evidence, neither does copilot.
    It was his word vs my word. The traitor I killed for GBA was afk, and could not provide evidence of RDM against me, therefore copilot has slain me on Word vs Word,
    My word vs the AFK traitor's.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2015
  2. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    I'll respond shortly.
  3. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Hi Dudewrath!
    Thanks for utilizing the forums and reports section!
    I'm sorry for any inconveniences this slay may have effected upon you.

    Since I like to keep things nice and simply lets get straight to the point!

    On Hairyhouse, you were reported for RDMing an AFK traitor.
    When you responded you wrote this;

    Also note a few things:
    • All the bodies were ID'd long before you went in there
    • I was watching your screen during this incident
    • You didn't directly witness the event but rather killed him off pure sus in my opinion.
    The AFK was in the next room facing the wall and you claimed before that he was running with the person who killed the AFK's around when he was not.

    When I asked you to go into further detail; you wrote the AFK traitor was facing the doorway and most likely witnessed the other traitor killing the AFK's but when I was watching your screen, he was faced the opposite way.

    So when I had some doubt of to continue slaying you, I talked to @BmTron about if I can continue on slaying you and she gave me the go ahead when I gave her the details.

    You'll be given a chance to reply and give your side then I'll lock the report for my admin @irritatingness to give his verdict on this report.
  4. This is the second time you've misunderstood my statement. I didn't say the AFK traitor was facing the doorway, I said the active traitor, who I killed after he massacred the room, was facing the doorway and could see the AFK, who was 100% visible, even if he was in the corner of a room. I told you, you should not have been watching my screen, you should have been watching the screen of the traitor who was killing people, to validate that he could in fact see the AFK from where he was standing.

    "he AFK was in the next room facing the wall and you claimed before that he was running with the person who killed the AFK's around when he was not."
    This is a false statement. I never said this, and if you would check the chat logs and copy my words instead of writing your misinterpretation of them it would be much appreciated. Again, it is your word vs. mine. You should not have slain me for this.
  5. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Locking this.

    Please wait for my admin to respond.
  6. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to report a moderator!

    Anyway, based on your description, you claimed to have killed this player based on GBA, however, you were not present for the occurance. Had there been unid'd bodies near this AFK guy, that'd be acceptable grounds to kill him, however, you cannot prove that he was in the room and present for the killing that would be him witnessing traitorous acts. It may seem common sense here, that an AFK may have been there the whole time, however, it is entirely possible he wasn't and simply went back there, stood still, and was killed for actions he wasn't present for. For this reason, this report will be marked invalid.

    If anything needs to still be cleared up, you can go ahead and PM me on the forums, and I'll make sure to get back to you.
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