Completed Report against copilot

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by HDA, Aug 27, 2015.

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  1. HDA


    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2 rounds until change
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    I killed a guy for guilt of association for not shooting the guy who shot me. He ended up being that guy who shot me. He did not make a case until after i died. He lied in his report saying he thew a smoke, he did not. I also saw the area in which he shot me from, so i went there, he was there just sitting in the hottub. Copilot ignored me after i stated a few things and slayed me.

    If you need screenshots let me know, i have some but they are a pain to upload.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. HDA


    Also, on the first round of the next game,

    someone shot someone with a KOS then copilot shot the guy who killed the person with the KOS on them, then didn't slay himself and is saying that the guy shot him.
  3. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
  4. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Hi! I'm copilot!
    Since I like to keep things nice and simple lets get straight to the point.

    On HairyHouse you were reported for killing on location, you responded with;

    After I issued a slay on you, you then started saying;

    Completely changed your story so I pressed on with the slay for conflicting stories.

    And for me 'not slaying myself'

    I was walking with ProPAIN and of nowhere Iakothm came shooting him up so I reacted and shot him down.

    My admin @irritatingness will decide the outcome of this report.
  5. HDA


    First of ProPAIN had a KOS on him, so why you didn't kill him? Also you said Iakothm started shooting you, which he did not. Second off i said "Saw where the bullets were coming from, turned around and saw him." That means i saw him. I never said i didn't see him. Also even if it wasn't him, he would be guilty since he didn't shoot the person who was shooting me. I did not change my story.
  6. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    The person who originally called the KOS on Pro called it off.

    There were plenty of variables of WHERE the bullets could have come from.
    And not only that, you first said you only "Saw where the bullets were coming from"
    Not that you directly saw him shoot.
  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    To note: You do not have to follow a KoS called as you cannot confirm if the KoS is true or not. You can look at a player who is KoS'd and not shoot them if you believe they have not done anything traitorous. Nowhere does it state you have to follow a KoS.
  8. HDA


    Copilot, i said "Saw where the bullets were coming from, turned around and saw him" That means one of two things, he was the shooter, or he was a T friend of the shooter, i had enough reason to kill him. I should of not been slayed.
  9. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    I'll be locking this report since we have both have presented our sides.

    My admin will now decide the outcome of this report.
  10. EhhChris

    EhhChris Advisor. VIP Silver Emerald

    As far as copilot not slaying himself, shooting at another player is traitorous, and one may be killed for it, unless they are a detective. copilot decided to act on such, and there is no further discussion needed here.

    Though, based on the GBA rule, this slay should not have been issued had you cleared up the situation more, or claimed you killed him for GBA. This may have been clarified in chat, but as far as the evidence goes so far, I have not seen that. As far as copilot knew, you killed him because he was in an area you thought you got shot from, 6 seconds after the player shot you. Regardless, the communication here should have resulted in the removal of the slay, as it became word vs word when you said you saw him shoot you. Moderators may not exercise discretion, though I understand the hesitation to remove the slay when your story changed. I've talked to copilot about this, and he'll be a bit more careful with it in the future.

    Also, to be clear, there was a smoke grenade thrown, and his story lines up with the fact that it was there:


    I find it fishy that you lied about the smoke, and claimed to have seen him shooting you after the slay was issued. Please do not abuse the leniency our rules provide, or attempt to loophole them to kill players, even if your gut says they're a traitor. Loopholing is not taken lightly, and will result in a hefty punishment if you are caught.

    I'll be marking this report valid, but please heed my warning (even if you are not guilty of such in this case). Thanks for taking the time to report a moderator here, we appreciate being able to improve out staff team.
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