Denied Stunner9913's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Stunner9913, Aug 22, 2015.

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  1. Stunner9913

    Stunner9913 New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Alright, I know I already sent in an appeal, but I want you all to know the WHOLE story in explicit detail. So I was playing as a T on what I believe was the second round of the map. I had been in a large group of innocents(3-4) waiting for the perfect moment to Jihad. Then I was killed by some guy at random who thought he saw me kill a detective, but it was actually my T buddy. The mod(Lemon) had been on the server but was afk training his Trial Mod(according to him). Since he had been afk for a while, I took justice into my own hands and killed the rdmer. In hindsight, of course I should have just waited. Feeling guilty, I did slay myself in the next round. If you look in the logs you will see this, but the mod apparently did not. I was not able to put this is in my defense because I did it after I answered my report. I then left the server after another round or two to and play with friends in another game. The mod was not there at all during this time. I don't blame the mod for not being there since he was training another one, but because he wasn't there, he should not have banned me for leaving when I did stay in the server long enough to where I could've and should've been fairly prosecuted. And the reason why he didn't denied my first appeal really irritates me, "Considering you revenge RDM'd and you only have two days left in the ban, I will DENY this appeal". The revenge RDM reason is perfectly ok, but he also wouldn't unban me because it was only two days. That's absolute garbage! The amount of time I got as a punishment should have no influence on why I couldn't get this ban scratched. So I have already waited out my ban, but I respectively ask that the ban is scratched from my record. I also ask that this case be looked at by a second mod, not just him, so we have an unbiased decision. -Thank you!
    Evidence of Innocence:
    "I was training a Trial Mod so it took a little while to get to your report." (

    "Considering you revenge RDM'd and you only have two days left in the ban, I will DENY this appeal." (

    Sadly I did not screenshot the incident as I was not expecting to get banned after slaying myself.​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    This appeal was already previously denied by @Lemon with his reasoning in your 1st appeal. Please refrain from making multiple appeals. Denied with Lemon's consent.

    If you wish to discuss this, then please talk to Lemon through pm or Steam.
  3. Stunner9913

    Stunner9913 New Member

    I would prefer to discuss it here and now and would like you to at least give me his steam.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    This isn't the place to do it for that kind of information. Please take it up with Lemon through a PM. Considering he provided his reasoning, if you wish for him to go in-depth, talking to him through PM would be the most efficient considering your appeal was already handled and finished previously.
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