Denied cobrav809's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by cobrav809, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. cobrav809

    cobrav809 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Cobrav809 :3
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because i dont do anything
    Evidence of Innocence:
    This is my second ban appeal, i was global banned some time ago, and i know why, But this Global ban, i dont know why the global ban was happened.
    I was playing on Vanilla server, and the server was on the map MC Jondome, i was killed by a T, and i was waiting for the next round to start, was night time, i needed Sleep, so i decided last Round and i leave, then i was quickly killed in that Round, i dont remember how but not was nothing like rdmed or something (i think was a c4) and i dont have any slay or something in that moment , i was playing clean, then i said to the people on the server "Goodbye im leaving" and some people said goodbye, then i go to sleep, and the next day, i was going to play, and i was banned on ALL servers, and I dont know why, Please Help me, i dont know, i didint do anything

    PD: i was banned a weeks ago from west 2 because i needed get slay one time, then my internet was disconnected due to a failure in the company.

    Thanks for read.​
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @Beard Core banned you for RDM & Leave 5th Offense and @BlueCore globalized and extended that ban. Beard Core will respond as soon as he can. Please be patient.
  3. cobrav809

    cobrav809 Member

    sorry for the wrong order in the ban appeal
  4. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Hello Cobra it's sad to see you on here but there is a good reason. Rdming players and leaving without serving your slay is against our rules and is a serious offense when repeated. This being your 5th Rdm and Leave you by now know you cannot do this but it did not stop you. You not only knew you had a slay before leaving but also had bitter words before leaving. After looking into your past and seeing that the 4th Rdm And Leave didn't teach you anything I asked BlueCore for an extension and he agreed.
    This Is The Rdm And Leave
    As you can see you clearly knew and have been punished for it in the past so you had to expect what was coming next. You killed a traitor without a reason for doing so which is Rdm.
    Looking at your past ban appeals and your behavior online when in-game with me
    I'm going to recommend BlueCore Denies your Appeal. You need to take time off to think about your actions and come back when you think you can play while following the rules.
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
  5. cobrav809

    cobrav809 Member

    Beard Core, when i killed The Traitor, killed him with justification, and if he Report me I Ever Do the reason why i killed him, in that map, when i killed a traitor in all the round what i play, nobody never reports me, only 1 or 2 times, but i give the real reason for i killed him, and i never get advise of a slay, when i was gonna leave, i make sure im clear to get out with no ban or anything, and i was clean, i check all some of the chat to see if something says about me, but i didnt see anything, if the "RDMED Traitor" was in a round when everyone was dead, and only me and him are alive, i didnt see anybody and i supose he was a T, then he said in the voice chat "Cobra, where are you?" and then he says "i think cobra is a T", nobody says anything, so its was obious he was a T then i killed him from the back and he didnt Report me.
    And the steam ID, i use the page, who is in the ban appeal options, and thats the Steam ID, i can give you some evidence.

    I really really dont RDM and leave in that map in that day, i never cant find a better TTT server, why i will gonna want get banned for my Favorite TTT server?
    i know i make some mistakes in the past, but some of that Isnt me, my brother, in the past he plays with my account, but like 2 Months ago i said him dont to use my account to play, because he can make ban me for not following the rules, im really really sorry for my mistakes in the past but im doing my best to dont get banned again that server but, in this time, i dont have any idea, i never see that Slay, i hope you all can forgive me, im doing my best. thanks again.

    Here is some evidence of the steamID

    Attached Files:

  6. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello again Cobrav809,

    This incident is really upsetting, and by no means am I happy that I've had to Ban you again, but as mentioned previously, I have indeed Globally Banned you for your Fifth Offence of RDM and Leave; which was given after I had found out about the recent Ban Beard Core issued you with.

    Both you and I are aware that recently you were Globally Banned by myself for your Fourth Offence of RDM and Leave, which, after some discussion and reflection, I decided to give you the benefit of doubt and Unban you. Whilst I Unbanned your Global, your local Bans issued were still active, and neither of them were VOID. This meant that your next Offence would be for the Fifth, as correctly given by Beard Core.

    I am really disappointed that the opportunity I gave back to you to play on the servers went to waste. I was hopping that I wouldn't be seeing your name on the Ban List for quite some time; however, after only three weeks, your name is sadly on it again. You knew that if you broke the rules again and made another Offence, that I would not hesitate to issue you another Global Ban for an even lengthier time. Because of this, I have.

    You know the rules, and given your history and your last Appeal you know that you should not be Leaving whilst Slain. Because of this; your history, your extra chance, and your behaviour, I am unfortunately going to Deny this Appeal. You will need to wait out the remainder of your Ban before playing on the servers again.

    As always, I will leave you the option of starting a Private Conversation with myself if you feel you would like to talk about this anymore. Thanks for taking your time to write this, and I hope to see you back on the servers in 12 Weeks with a different and better attitude and playstyle.

    Appeal: Denied
    Topic: Locked
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