Invalid Report against CDriscoll

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [LMG] II Dominate II, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Not sure, one with basement with T checker
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    I was banned for "trolling" by him.
    When he joined the server, he asked me to change my name because it made another player feel uncomfortable. I changed my name and then told him that a players name in game "DoodleBop" was making me uncomfortable (which it was, don't really want to discuss my past but will if I have too). I was ignored. After me messaging him twice and getting no response, I decided to message another Mod that was on at the time. I messaged him/her saying that his name was offensive to me and then was banned by CDriscoll for "Trolling"

    I was not trolling at all in this situation, I was simply stating that someones name made me feel uncomfortable and wanted it changed. I would like to know the legitament reason for this 14-day ban, and if there is none, I would like him to be punished.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Don't have any screenshots as I can't take them (banned)​
  2. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    I will respond to this report shortly, thank you for being patient.
  3. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

  4. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze


    Over the past few weeks, you've caused trouble, and attempted to push every button there was regarding offensive names, and spamming chat. This can be witnessed through your recent reports on staff members who catch you in the act, listed here:
    In each of these reports, you're caught typing in chat your personal views on topics such as rape, politics, and in ways that offend other users or make them uncomfortable. When brought to your attention by staff members, or regulars, you try to justify it by bending the rules and nitpicking the wording that the staff members online choose. Tonight was no different, sadly. @ZaneLoehr had messaged me on Steam inquiring what to do in a situation involving you, with the alias of "Hitler is Good". You were asked to change your name, and when Zane saw you had changed your name to "Stalin was Good", I came onto the server to speak with you. As seen in these screenshots, you attempted to nitpick what I had said to you, and attempted to not only get out of punishment, but get other users in trouble with you.
    • Explanation: As in the reports linked above, you attempted to nitpick ZaneLoehr's request for you to change your name by saying he simply asked you to change it, and that it didn't necessarily matter if your name was offensive or not, as he hadn't stated that in his original request.
    • Explanation: Cut off at the top, I had responded to you by telling you that your name should not discriminate a group of people, or make anyone in the server feel uncomfortable, as it had with your previous name. While what you're saying in this screenshot is technically correct, it's crystal clear what your goals were in this conversation, as you followed your standard procedure of pushing buttons as far as you could when it came to having offensive names and whatnot.
    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    • Explanation: These screenshots show the final straw in your ban, which is the attempt of getting a user punished for having an "offensive" name by your standards. This is a recurring issue with you, it seems, and is one of the main factors in which you were banned.
    With everything presented above, I hope you understand why the action I took was taken, and that your antics won't be tolerated.

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  5. Zane messaged me saying "Change your name before the next round please" Which is what I did. I changed it, I was not told my previous name was offensive, etc.

    Yes, it is crystal clear what my goal was. To figure out whether or not what I want to change my name too is allowed or not. Im sorry I asked questions about the rules to make sure this wouldn't happen again.

    Yes, just like my name was offensive to other players in the server, that name was offensive to me. I attempted to get him to change his name because it was offending me. So now every time someone sends you a message saying someones name is offensive, it should be a reason to justify a ban? No. Plain wrong.
  6. You were given too many chances today between ThatBox and CDriscoll, as well as in the other reports that he linked. After reviewing the situations and the evidence provided from both you and CD, I am going to deem this invalid.

    I feel the ban was completely necessary and I hope that you will stop pushing out limits and testing our rules and above all else, stop giving staff a hard time.

    Report: Invalid
    Topic: Locked
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