Invalid Report against ThatBox

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [LMG] II Dominate II, Aug 12, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:

    Time of Occurence:

    Reason For Report:
    I was warned by ThatBox for spamming hateful/offensive things:
    Not only is this invalid, but it is way too ridiculous. First off, I sent this message once:

    #1, googles definition of spam is as follows:
    I have sent only one message, not multiple times. How could this be considered spam?

    #2, How is this hateful/offensive.
    I didn't imply anything, all I did was simply state two world leaders names.

    He was saying that this is irrelevant, but if this turns out to be a valid reason for a warn, shouldn't anyone who talks about anything not ttt related (on chat and voice) be warned?If this is the case, then ThatBox should be punished for not being consistent with his punishments (targeting players)

    I want my warn to be removed and ThatBox to be punished.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I'll tag @Disruptionz as well.

    Just to let you know that our definition of spam doesn't have to be just one message. As with an email inbox, span can either mean multiple or just one unwanted/unwarranted message sent to a large number of people.
  3. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    You were spamming. It doesn't just relate to the text chat but spamming irrelevant things such as "Hitler was such a good influential figure." in voice chat is not needed and inappropriate. It was taking away from the game chat and all you were doing was trying to start a flame war.

    That is why I warned you. @Disruptionz will take care of this when he can.
  4. Like I said in the report, if the warning truly holds up that this was spam because it was a unwanted/unwarranted message, then he should be demoted for favoritism as he would have to warn every person that talks about something non-TTT related (which he clearly didn't)
  5. No, I said Hitler was a good man once. I was talking to another player about Hitler and his actions during WWII, however I never spammed.

    EDIT: Not to mention, we were talking about this when we were both dead and NOT IN GAME CHAT (in the dead person chat) so it was not taking away from the TTT chat
  6. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    Your talking to the other player was unneeded, as he was not talking to you at all rather asking me how to PM him about discussing his name being labelled as "Hitler.jpeg". We settled that altercation and yet you continued with the posting of irrelevant, inappropriate chat such as the one you screenshotted. I simply warned you to not continue, as is protocol to spamming.

    Warns are not removed as they do not appear on your record. This was simply a warn to let you know that further action would be taken if you continued to spam.
  7. I was not talking to Hitler.jpeg, it was a different person (can't recall his name) I did not continue to post irrelevant items.
    And to be honest, I don't really care about my record, I just made this report mainly for the corruption of you as a staff member on this server
  8. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    You are right that you were not talking to Hitler.jpeg, I was mistaken. You were not talking to ANYBODY at all, but rather doing what I had mentioned in my first post. You were saying/chatting irrelevant and inappropriate things in order to start a flame war. There was even a time where the other players on the server told you to "shut up", which even though is highly rude gives you a sense of what they thought of your comments. I decided to keep the video short in the sake of time, but I included your comments on Hitler (which were seconds within each other AND the chat comment) as a form of evidence.

    Removed for Personal Reasons

    It is for these constant comments that I warned you, but I do not see where you find this "corruption".
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2015
  9. This is considered spam? I said 2 comments, both different.
    And yes, I was talking to another player in the lobby
  10. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    I will not be arguing the technicalities any longer. Yes it is spam. No, you were not talking to another player, you were announcing this to the entire server while I spoke to Hiter.jpeg. I will now allow @Disruptionz to leave his final comments on this report.

    The comments being different is not what matters. What matters is their irrelevancy and inappropriateness, which you continued to say throughout the round despite nobody wanting to be apart of the discussion you called forth. This will be my final reply unless more evidence is presented or a different argument is brought up. Thank you.
  11. Then you are targeting me/showing favoritism to other players. Other players in the lobby were talking about subjects that are irrelevant/inappropriate.
    Oh, and yeah, I was talking to another player
  12. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    I'll go ahead and lock this as all information has been presented.

    Thank you for your patience
  13. [​IMG]

    If you're going to quote a definition from Google, quote the whole thing.

    Lets look at the first definition for noun.

    What you did is exactly as definition #1 states. Stating that what Hitler did was good is inappropriate and can be offensive to some people. Were not talking about what Genghis Khan did in the 11th Century; what Hitler did is still relevant today and still affects many people.

    Also, what? A warning? You're reporting him for a warning? You can't be serious.

    Report: Invalid
    Topic: Locked
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