Invalid Report against II Dominate II

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Beard Core, Aug 8, 2015.

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  1. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    II Dominate II
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Dat Map
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    2:30 P.m. Eastern
    Reason For Report:
    Metagaming with his admitted friend (in a report on falcor earlier today). Witnessing him commit traitorous acts multiple times and not only doing nothing but saying nothing about it. He purposely let his traitor friend kill people and get away and delay the round as well.

    Name of friend


    Edit Obviously i need to review the evidence before posting i thought some of the harpooning and shooting happening around you in the beginning was your friend as well but there only seems to be 1 incident in this video of you seeing him shoot someone and run away. And you might have not seen the name i cannot tell, so i am sorry, it just seemed weird when someone was harpooned right in front of you and you didn't even blink... and other things that happened... I will make sure i review everything before i submit reports from now on, now that i know how to play demos.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  2. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    As Beard Core directly approached me with this report. I will go ahead and handle it with some feedback from my admin, @BlueCore . This will also help prevent the claim from the one being reported stating there is a bias amongst staff as a different staff member has handled each report regarding their behavour/claims

    I will go ahead and tag @CrazyMonkey and @[LMG] II Dominate II for their side of the story.

    Thank you for your patience.
  3. I didn't do anything wrong in that clip lol. The 3 times I pasued, I was sending a private message to "Ball Fondlers" because I recognized his name. I came back to TTT two days ago so if I missed anyone walking into a T room, etc. then its my bad. I never ghosted or metagamed at all. I feel like you just want me banned and don't have a legitament reason. At the end, I did see someone shoot from the subway system, I just didn't see their name so I couldn't call KOS.
  4. CrazyMonkey

    CrazyMonkey Supporter

    We are friends, but we never ghosted/metagamed. Like Dominate said, he is new/coming back and might miss a thing or two; but I did not see in that video once were he let me get away with a traitorous act.

    It seems to me you don't have a legitament reason/proof of him breaking the rules.
  5. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    After reviewing the demo, there is not enough here to state metagaming was a factor. While fishy in some areas, like when Crazy shot someone and it is clearly heard through audio, Dominate did not push to investigate it. For whatever reason, this simply seems to be a difference in playstyle as he is much more passive/patient over other people who may have followed the shots and tried to figure out what happened. He did this in several spots, including when he killed the T at the end, he was making sure he knew he was shooting before he shot. His playstyle remained consistent in this demo.

    I will let @BlueCore finish up here with his statement if he wishes to leave it, but I cannot push a metagaming claim with the demo provided above.

    I can understand there seems to be a conflict going on between some users and staff. The report system is here to clearly investigate claims and reports. If you guys need to seperate yourselves and move to other servers, I would recommend you do so or take a break for a couple of hours. All parties included.

    This report will be left open for additional evidence if provided. However, my side of the report is left as invalid.

    Goddess watch over you.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  6. Thank you for understanding and reviewing properly
  7. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hey Beard Core,

    Thank you for taking the time to report Dominate for Metagaming. As you are well aware Metagaming is a serious offence, and so taking the time to report your suspicion is greatly appreciated. However, I have taken into consideration that you have Edited your original post stating that you may have made this report too hastily. Nevertheless, I have still reviewed the evidence provided to give my verdict on the report and its validity.

    After carefully looking through the Demo multiple times, I cannot say that it is concrete proof of Metagaming. Whilst in some moments of the Demo it seems to look as if Metagaming could be occurring, it is not enough to convince me. It appears that Dominate may have overlooked or missed players committing Traitorous Acts in his vicinity, but this could be for a number of reasons, and the one Dominate has provided; of being distracted by private messaging someone, is a valid one.

    As such, I believe this report to be Invalid; due to Beard Core's updated statements, the lack of substantial evidence, and Dominate's response to the report.

    Thanks for reporting in the hopes of keeping the servers clean Beard Core!

    Note: If any new evidence is collected, privately message me so I can review it. Thanks.
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