Invalid Report against Falcor

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by [LMG] II Dominate II, Aug 8, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:

    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Not entirely sure
    Which Round:
    Over almost all rounds for that map
    Time of Occurence:
    Wasn't able to get the time, writing this report after the situation
    Reason For Report:
    Me and this other guy were arguing, and I was kicked unjustly. I was kicked for the reason offensive behaviour/harassment. If I was kicked for this reason, then the same guy who I was arguing with should've been kicked. I said that "rape is good for the soul" which is my oppinion. The other guy then said "rape isn't good for the soul" Now, if what I said was offensive to him, then what he said to me was offensive to me. I never harassed anyone so i don't know why I was kicked for that either. Then, proceeding me joining back, I was told this in the chat:


    #1: What Falcor said made no sense lol. Because it was the opposite of what I said it wasn't offensive.
    #2: Notice "TheAssualtClass" how he made fun of me in 4 messages; nothing happened to him. No gag or anything, but me saying what I said resulted in a kick?

    I would also like to add that he/she Slain CrazyMonkey for no reason whatsoever.

    Bottom line, I was unjustly kicked and Falcor is showing favoritism.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    You not only were being racist, and obnoxious but you were toxic generally to all players. You were making racial slurs and she warned you, then you proceeded to joke about rape and make fun of that when there are a lot of people who are molested and raped out there and that is extremely offensive. Then you were arguing and toxic to other players general name calling/cursing. Then you argued and were generally obnoxious with Falcor complaining that it was your right to be offensive to almost everyone in the server and a completely belligerent person. You should have been banned for how many times you harassed not only other members in the server and falcor, but for the racial and rape comments aswell.
  3. I made one racial slur and was warned for it. I didn't joke about rape, I simply made a statement. I did not call names to all player, infact I didn't to anyone. But when people call me names in the lobby, nothing happens. I argued with Falcor saying that if I was kicked, then so should've the guy who i was arguing with. Not once did I say it was ok to harass/offend everyone on the server. Your post should be deleted for all of the lies you have told
  4. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  5. CrazyMonkey

    CrazyMonkey Supporter

    I am a witness and agree. I was slain for no reason, and also, I witnessed Dominate get kicked for no reason. As he said in the post, if he got kicked so should have the other person he was arguing with.
    Also, I was slain because apparently "It wasn't overtime and I killed a AFK" I looked at the bottom of my screen where it said Overtime. I was later reported and slain for that which makes no sense whatsoever.
  6. Deepsea1508

    Deepsea1508 Hyuman VIP Emerald

    as far as i know falcor checked check with irritatingness on the timing. she told me that it was 4min and additional 15 sec for every kill, there was a total of approx 8 kills so a total of 2mins was added to the timer. the person reported you at 4:09 so it was clearly vaild that u killed when it wasnt overtime
  7. CrazyMonkey

    CrazyMonkey Supporter

    I'm 100% sure that it was in fact overtime, because the bottom of my screen said "Overtime"
  8. I was also on when this occurred and the map was "Forest Final" Just for your information.
  9. Beard Core

    Beard Core The Great And Powerful Beard VIP

    You were just Meta Gaming with CrazyMonkey and i believe Ghosting. You watched your friend crazy monkey shoot people and run away. And you were pausing multiple times (giving him advice on what to do i believe) You were innocent and let your friend commit traitorous acts and i believe aided him in them via support on mic.
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2015
  10. I don't know how to view a .dem file
    Tell me how and then I can respond
  11. Lone Wanderer

    Lone Wanderer The One and Only VIP

    To view a demo, you need to download it and place it in your Steam\steamapps\common\GarrysMod\garrysmod folder. After that's done, go into the game, open console and type 'playdemo name', putting the name of the demo where the name prompt is.
  12. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I am going to align your statements to our protocols:
    1. Racial slur you admitted to. That's your first offense of harassment. (Mute/Gag->Warn)
    2. Comment about rape; sexual harassment. Second offense. (Kick)
    If these offenses occurred in quick succession, you would go right to getting kicked. So yes, by your statement, you deserved the kick. He may have too, but that's not what this post is about.
  13. I didn't do anything wrong in that clip lol. The 3 times I pasued, I was sending a private message to "Ball Fondlers" because I recognized his name. I came back to TTT two days ago so if I missed anyone walking into a T room, etc. then its my bad. I never ghosted or metagamed at all. I feel like you just want me banned and don't have a legitament reason

    Edit: at the end, I did see someone shoot from the subway system, I just didn't see their name so I couldn't call KOS
  14. Falcor

    Falcor ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ VIP Silver

    Hi Dominate,
    I'm sorry you feel as if you were falsely gagged then kicked and that I am not being a fair moderator. and I thank you for showing your concern for the servers.
    But lets get down to the facts.

    First you joined the server and immediately started making racial comments, you then said the "n" word which is why I gagged you first.
    You then get ungagged, after I told you comments like that are unneeded and to not do it again. You then claimed how its not offensive nor harassment due to you not personally defining it that way.

    You were not kicked for arguing with @TheAssaultClass. I actually don't recall Assaultclass being there yet. Then a few rounds later you state how rape is a good thing. Not only did I find this offensive but many players were vocal how that was offensive to them. Complaining and arguing with you in voice chat saying that was wrong.
    I then Kicked you for your second offense of harassment.

    Now down to our conversation after the matter. Your screen shot is out of context. That was after you said via voice chat, that when another player said "rape is bad for the soul" which was the opposite of what you said, offended you.It actually wasn't even TheAssaultClass who said this in voice chat. From my recollection this was on forest finale and you and assault were arguing on whitehouse. Yes I said it was just as unnecessary but it was behavior that would have never occurred without your vile comment.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Also once I noticed you and assault were arguing in chat, I immediately told assault to stop via pm.But once again this players actions wouldn't of been said with you antagonizing the server. Yes he shouldn't of even said anything, Hence why I told him not to say anything. Seeing as Assault is a player who has been on the servers with me for many hours and knows this is warning to cut it out. But you were kicked a map before you two started arguing. So you saying you were kicked for that is invalid.

    As for why I slayed @CrazyMonkey it was because of this report
    As Haruka has stated the night before i clarified the overtime timing with @irritatingness And Haruka and I both counted 8 deaths before you decided to shoot blizzy. Which would mean it was well before overtime. Crazy then asked me, why he was slain and I told Crazy it was due to the fact it was not overtime yet. He then asked again and I even looked back to double check since Crazy was sure it overtime. It's possible it may have been glitched for you Crazy but my fellow staff members and I still have to slay if your game glitched and an rdming happening. Whether your timer is messed up or it didnt tell you who all your t buddies were.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I'm sorry if any players felt I was favoring others. But this clearly wasn't the case. I promise I have never treated another player any differently then the next. I believe this can be shown in the above screenshots when i asked you who was calling you names. But you were only trying to make an example.

    In conclusion your attitude and comments are not things we condone on the Serious GMod servers. And I believe without a doubt I was completely fair with you and Crazy. And followed protocol in exactly the manner I'm supposed to.

    But this report will be reviewed by my Admin @BlueCore and he will give his verdict on this unfortunate situation.
    Thank you again for showing your concern. And please be patient as BlueCore is in a different timezone and it may be a decent wait.

    If all parties have stated there point of view, I ask a fellow staff member to lock this thread until my Admin can review it, seeing as I am directly involved and would like no biases.


    *after talking to my Admin I realized a miscommunication and my misunderstanding of the overtime formula. I will be slaying myself next time in game to make up for the false slay against CrazyMonkey. And I will edit this with a screenshot of my slay. Sorry for that inconvenience Crazy and taking that round from you. I apologize.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2015
  15. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Hello Dominate,

    Thank you for taking the time to report my Moderator, Falcor. I know that because of personal opinion, incidents like the one you've described can occur and cause concern. I would also like to apologise for taking some time to get back to this report. However, I have taken the time to hear both sides of the story, as well as review the evidence that was provided with this report.

    I understand that you are fully aware of the server rules we have in-place here, as well as the protocols Moderators of our servers must follow when Gagging and Kicking someone. As such, you must understand that Falcor had every right to temporarily Gag you. Saying the "N" word is not acceptable nor permitted here; regardless as to why you said it or if you personally don't view it as offensive terminology.

    Your second offence of Harassment; which is what caused you to be Kicked from the server, occurred when you said the words "Rape is good for the soul". You, personally, have admitted to saying this, in addition many members that were playing during this time also heard you announce this to the server. Regardless of your personal opinion on the matter, comments like these are highly unacceptable and clear infractions of our rules on Harassment. As this was your second incident of Harassment within a short period of time, Falcor had every right to Kick you from the server.

    From the information provided and acquired, I will sadly have to agree with Falcor in saying that the screenshot you provided, as well as what you wrote in relation to it, are misleading and put the story out of context. It would seem that TheAssaultClass got agitated and aggressive at you for the things that you were saying over your microphone; these being the racial slurs, and later the comments of your opinion on raping. While TheAssaultClass didn't have to say some of the things they said, it is understandable as to why they said them. TheAssaultClass has been warned about their statements from the report you made against them, however no serious punishment will be given to them due to the fact that if it wasn't for your own statements, this whole incident would never have occurred.

    On a separate note, I would like to bring up the incident of CrazyMonkey's slay. It appears that there may have been some confusion with the Overtime formula and how kills are interpreted into the Round's overall Time. Given that this incident took place on a Non-Vanilla server; being East 2, Overtime begins as soon as it hits exactly 4 Minutes into the Round. As such, any damage dealt to AFKs on and/or after 4:00 is not considered RDM.

    The addition of 15 seconds of extra time per death is added to the overall Round Time; it does not add onto the time prior to Overtime. As such, the slay that was issued to you was given incorrectly, as you damaged and killed this playing for being AFK nine seconds into Overtime. I have talked to Falcor about this error, and she will soon issue herself a slay for the accident. You have my apologies.

    Overall, given all the information provided and after investigating both sides of the story myself. I have concluded that Falcor's actions were appropriate, and the punishments she issued you were given correctly. Your statements caused you to be both Gagged and eventually Kicked. Whilst you may not have considered all of what you said as Harassment, please understand that your remarks were considered as such.

    As such, I have found this Report against Falcor to be Invalid.

    Thank you for your time.
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