"Suspicion on Local Hobo" "Local Hobo walked past an unid'ed" "I've got x-amount of points on you Hobo, don't let me down" (which I usually do)
"@Sinz is literally, just the worst." - Everyone Hear it more than the abbreviation of 'RDM', really. I mean, who else has an entire profile dedicated to their massive levels of awfulness. @sinz i have a complaint
*shoots ceiling* "Stop T-baiting!" "De-NOM-icSociety" Player 1: "These servers are shit." Player 2: "Then why are you playing on them?" Player 1: *ignores player 2's comment* "These servers are such shit!"
(What I hear) "Why RDM me?" "I shot this guy because he was aiming at me" "Why am I getting slain" "You're a bad moderator" "I killed an AFK traitor. Its not overtime yet..." "I'm the detective, I can RDM" "Why did I kill you? SUSPICION" "Show me your primary" "TEE OPEN TEE ROOM" "I think (Player) threw the/did (something). KOS (Player)" Random Screaming Random DJ's Trash Talkers (What they see from my messages) "BlueCore first, then the rest of the staff" "BlueCore, then detectives" "BlueCore, then hang him" "Poon BlueCore" "I said not to kill BlueCore right? Leave him to me" "#PriorityBlueCore" "Get Diehard.... and BlueCore" "Get every ex-staff, then BlueCore" "MUST. GET. BLUE" More Trash Talk Exclusively on Jondome (By me) "Fk dis shit" "Not cumdome again..." "NO ONE TOUCHES THIS GOD FORSAKEN SWORD" "I broke the tester" Even more Trash Talk. Spoiler: You can't hide bruh
"Yes." "No." "KOS Rash." "KOS Rush." "How do I drop a gun?" "My crosshair is red, what does that mean?" *Music* (Vanilla op) "Can I kill that Rash guy for prop surfing?" "kek" "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" "Can I kill this AFK yet?" "Never bet on me, I'm trash." "But I had 2k points on you." "KOS the tower" followed by... "CAN'T KOS A LOCATION." "You passed an unID'ed, KOS."
"Mass RDM noob" "WTF I didn't do anthing" "Osama bin laden" (People really need to stop with this to me) "Why does your voice sound horrible"
"#AlwaysTrustEspurr" "No" "(ಠ_ಠ)" "KOS Espurr" "#AlwaysTrustEspurr" "#AlwaysTrustEspurr" "#AlwaysTrustEspurr" "#AlwaysTrustEspurr"