Just noticed an introduction forum and I'll probably muff it up, but here goes. w My name would be Chris, though seldom called my real name in life, but my steam name is Local Hobo (among an assortment of other names, oops). I stumbled across GMod after a friend showed me some videos, where I wasted away on sandbox and City War servers for goodness know (big_city especially). Then one day, being the loser I was, I stumbled across some YouTubers playing TTT and thought "This seems like it could be fun" and now I'm here. I like reading, games, movies, conversations, and a plethora of other things, probably. I'm lazy but I've got three jobs as of this post, as well as college that I've nearly got two BS degrees in. Totally try to follow the rules, but sometimes my trigger finger gets a little too twitchy, or if someone starts griefing about feeling slighted by the Mods/Admins. I know, bad form, but it's irksome to expect the officiators of anything to march to your own personal (and annoying) beat when they have their own concerns. I play other games too and I am by no means "good", but it's about the fun. Either way, I'm usually on Steam playing things, and I'm usually fine for party play if it matters. But ultimately: HELLO EVERYONE!
Hello to you too Local Hobo! It's a pleasure to meet you. I found TTT in the same fashion; I watched some videos from YouTubers and thought it could be amazingly fun to play - safe to say it is!
LOCALLLL HOBO.... Hey Chris, nice to see you finally made an intro. Hope to see you around here more now As always though, see you around the servers
Welcome to the forums!! However he^^^ maybe a hobo don't trust him... Hope you enjoy your time spent on the servers
Hello and welcome to the forums! I've seen you a few times and I don't mind you at all, I hope you keep having a blast on the servers.
Ayyy how ya doin Chris, Glad you finally made an introduction, and a very warm welcome from all of us here ! Always enjoyed playing with you on le servers, Cheers.