Completed Report against Death the Kid

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by (9)Player, Jul 15, 2015.

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  1. (9)Player

    (9)Player VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Death the Kid
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    last round
    Time of Occurence:
    9:21 A.M.
    Reason For Report:
    Death the Kid (an innocent terrorist) randomly killed me (9)Player (a traitor) on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at around 9:21 A.M. Pacific Standard Time on the last round of the ttt_camel_fix2 map of the Serious TTT West | FastDL | Jihad | Harpoon | Pointshop server ( I hadn't done anything even remotely traitorous the entire round. I had neither killed, shot, nor hit anybody. I had neither revealed nor used any traitor weapons, items, and/or traps. It could have neither been because of guilt by association, crossfire, nor because I skipped over any unidentified bodies, as this was a few seconds into the round and nothing had happened yet. I am reporting this now as there were no admins online at the time that this happened. Death the Kid left the server a few seconds after he RDM'd me.

    Also, on a different day with a different person:

    pnarda [Imminent Deafening] (an innocent terrorist) randomly killed me (9)Player (a traitor) on Friday, July 10, 2015 at around 9:07 A.M. Pacific Standard Time on the last round of the bowling alley map of the Serious TTT West | FastDL | Jihad | Harpoon | Pointshop server ( I hadn't done anything even remotely traitorous the entire round. I had neither killed, shot, nor hit anybody. I had neither revealed nor used any traitor weapons, items, and/or traps.

    And there was also:

    Duke Baron (an innocent terrorist) randomly killed me (9)Player (a traitor) on Wednesday, July 1, 2015 at around 8:48 P.M. Pacific Standard Time on the first round of the ttt_67thway_v14 map of the Serious TTT West | FastDL | Jihad | Harpoon | Pointshop server ( I hadn't done anything even remotely traitorous the entire round. I had neither killed, shot, nor hit anybody. I had neither revealed nor used any traitor weapons, items, and/or traps. It could have neither been because of guilty by association, crossfire, nor because I skipped over any unidentified bodies, as this was a few seconds into the round and nothing had happened yet. I am reporting this now as there were no admins online at the time that this happened.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. jack-o-larstern

    jack-o-larstern Title VIP

    I can confirm (9)Players story with Death the kid. he did die in the start of the roud and did nothing that could susspect him as a traitor. Death The kid also Left the server instantly after shooting (9)Player without iding the body.

    Also, this happend right before i hoped to west. i was spectating the game a while.
  3. I dont remember this, nor do i remeber theexact time as this kid. I do n ot rdm but if the logs show that i do, i will serve my slays online. i dont remember this but the way he is making it sound i killed him when his t buddy shot at me and he stood there not helping. guilt by association. please ping me or let me know if i have to serve slays. i did not rdm i can guarantee that but cant prove it either since i dont remember every little thing that goes on in my life
  4. but honesty, this is a bullshit report. no screenshots? just a friend who constantly defends him? ill await the sentence
  5. jack-o-larstern

    jack-o-larstern Title VIP

    Okay sorry to comment on this Death the kid.

    Please dont come with comment like "just a friend who constantly defends him?". The only thing i did was confirming the story.

    Also even if you dont "Remember", i am nearly a 100% sure that 9(player) reported you and you left with an active report. so he assumed you did rdm. Also the fact that i saw you leave after this and not iding his body.

    Also please dont just expect your slay to be served ingame. and Never ask for that when you are commenting on a report. Mods will give you a chance to serve your slay if the report is found Valid. No need to ask it ;)
  6. ive been on all day minus when server crashed or rebooted. then i changed back to west. i will wait for a mod to give me his/her opinion
  7. (9)Player

    (9)Player VIP

    Hello there.

    You must have a truly awful memory if you cannot remember this. This happened on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at around 9:21 A.M. Pacific Standard Time. It's currently Wednesday, July 15, 2015 11:14 A.M. Pacific Standard Time. I made the report on Wednesday July 15, 2015 at 9:41 AM, roughly 20 minutes after this happened. This just happened today, less than 2 hours ago.

    This happened less than 20 seconds into the round, I didn't have any chance to do anything even remotely traitorous. I didn't even have time to find any weapons to defend myself. And there were no other traitor buddies around at that time as that round had a very small amount of players, I was the only traitor that round.

    Seems like you're trying to justify what you did by claiming to be more mature, condescendingly referring to me as "kid" when I see that in your profile you claim to be 19 years old. I'm 26 years old. I'm 7 years older than you.

    Actually, I do have a screenshot. I will attempt to upload the file to this post right now.

    Again you're trying to justify what you did by claiming that Lars is my friend who constantly defends me. What do you mean by Lars defending me "constantly"? I've been playing on Steam since May 27, 2004, have a total playtime of 4744 hours on Garry's Mod, been playing on the Serious TTT servers since July 5, 2013, have a total playtime of 3135 hours and 10 minutes on the Serious TTT servers, been on these forums since May 16, 2015, however I have only made 4 posts, and all of my posts have gone into my report threads. I have never seen Lars before and he is not in my friends list, as anyone can see on my Steam profile that I have no people in my friends list. Lars has never posted in any of my report threads until this thread. Lars had only posted once in this thread before you made the claim that he was my friend that constantly defended me.

    Please, moderators and administrators. I require your assistance in this thread. I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Thank you in advance.

    Attached Files:

  8. ive seen your profile, you are a kid. logs dont lie. ill way for the mods to do their job. you are a butthurt child. see you on the server
  9. jack-o-larstern

    jack-o-larstern Title VIP

    As for this i would like to include a screenshot.

    I would recommend you not to be negative towards players on the server or on fourms.

    This will affect you report btw

  10. What are you? This kids father? Shut up and let the mods decide. im tired of ou defending him like hes our girlfriend. calm down and be patient
  11. (9)Player

    (9)Player VIP

    You continue to resort to argumentum ad hominem, this is an informal fallacy. If you had seen my profile, you would have seen that I am 26 years old. You are 19 years old. I'm 7 years older than you. I suspect that you may be even younger than you claim to be considering your attitude, spelling, and grammar. I could be wrong.

    You are correct in saying that logs don't lie. As anybody can see in the log (with the screenshot that I posted), you killed me on my traitor round a few seconds after the round started. And then you left the server a few seconds after that.

    Another personal attack. This does not help your case. "Butthurt"? You do not seem to be aware that this is Serious TTT, and there are rules. And people do get gagged, muted, slain, kicked, and/or banned on the servers for breaking the rules. If the moderators and administrators choose to not follow the rules that they themselves have made, then it is entirely up to them.

    More insults? This is not helping your argument.

    I will indeed see you on the server. And I hope to continue seeing you on the server in the future with a more mature attitude, and more closely following the servers' rules! (after you have received and accepted your punishment, if you do indeed receive punishment of course).
  12. *sigh* ive let this go. ill take the slaysand go play on east. i let 9player and his friend win
  13. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Let's keep this professional.

    Locked for staff review.
  14. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Report against Death the Kid has been handled.
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