Invalid Report against candycaneore

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by mickeyS, Jul 5, 2015.

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  1. mickeyS

    mickeyS VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Which Map:
    67th way
    Which Round:
    first 3 rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    throughout the whole game
    Reason For Report:
    she was abusing many of the players, including my self accusing us of mic spam because we were talking to eachother. She also wouldnt let anyone speak​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    brylex, bananaseroding​
  2. mickeyS

    mickeyS VIP

    she also just banned me for 8 hours for doing nothing many witnesses
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @Candycaneore will respond as soon as she can. Please be patient and I'll be tagging her admin @Sinz to give the verdict once she provides her evidence.
  4. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    @Ravin@puddles@Happy witness. also he has been banned for his 3rd offense in mic spamming, first and second warning were from Ravin
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2015
  5. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    also a big troller with his friend who was also warned for mic spamming. His friend is Brylex STEAM_0:1:44426625
  6. Jesus Carlos

    Jesus Carlos Regular Member

    these guys have been nothing but a negative presence on the server for tonight please for the love of god dont even consider this report candy has been patience as heck
  7. Moderator Saito™

    Moderator Saito™ New Member

    Candy has ben pushing Mod limits to the max and beyond. Enforcing rules can be cool but they way she does it is too strict and prevents any fun. I mean this is a video game. Not a court.
  8. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    and banana seems to be a little kid following them because I have warned several others of mic spamming because they were role playing with the weapon store in 67th.
    Other list of players warned during the time:
    xeno STEAM_0:1:40927209
    Moderator Saito™ STEAM_0:0:29710745
  9. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

    if any of the players here post to the thread and arent part of it, it is also due to Brylex and Mickey trolling and asking for witness feedback
  10. Candycaneore

    Candycaneore Neko Candy VIP Silver

  11. Brylex

    Brylex New Member

    Candycaneore, you've been constantly harassing people. Accusing multiple players on micspam. She even says Roleplaying is spamming, but it is not listed in the motd that you cannot roleplay. She's been way to strict with the rules, and interprets them that favor her.
  12. bananaseroding

    bananaseroding New Member

    She also "RDMed" me for no logical reason while I was trying to vacate gunfire in game. She claimed it was considered a traitorous act because I did not shoot at people that were shooting. However, her claims were false in which that I had no guns equipped. She then attempted to nullify my statements by claiming I should have hit him with my crowbar. That reasoning may be logical in her head, but it is false. There were no callouts as to which person(s) were "Kos", therefore, I did not know which person I was allowed to attack. After all this, I did file a complaint ingame. However, it was made void in favor of the moderator candycaneore. This is unfair in which any other person that commited an RDM, would be rightfully slayed the next round. Candycaneore abused her moderator power and bypassed such rightfull punishments. This abusive nature should not be allowed in this game. People deserve better moderators, I hope her actions does not stain the reputation of this server.
    Thank you for reading.
  13. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    If players in the server, which they were as seen by Jesus' comment, find that your "role playing" is annoying and disturbs other whilst they're trying to play, the staff member online may ask you to stop and consider it mic spam. If Candy, or any other staff member online, made it very clear that your "role playing" was being an issue then you should've listened, and stopped to prevent any further action being taken.

    Also, if you have any evidence of her "constantly harassing people", then please post it her so that her admin @Sinz can review it, and give a verdict on this report.

    Have a nice day :)
  14. Jesus Carlos

    Jesus Carlos Regular Member

    you guys being sexist and rude towards her didn't help the matter
  15. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Do you have any evidence of this? Such as damage logs, and text logs? Based off of your description it seems that you were killed for GBA .

    Defined here:
    Guilt by Association: This rule is the act of being near a player that is committing traitorous acts at that moment and doing nothing to stop them. Note, however, that it is not guilty by association if you are standing near a KoS'ed player, unless they are committing a traitorous act.
  16. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    I'm currently present on the server with @Candycaneore at the moment and I don't see any of this toxic behavior all of you are accusing her of committing to. She's been pretty tame about the whole debate as far as I've seen.
  17. Brylex

    Brylex New Member

    No one was finding the roleplaying annoying at the time, she was the only one that thought so? So if everyone is enjoying themselves, but her, because they were roleplaying, they have to stop? If the answer is yes, then I find that pretty unfair.
  18. bananaseroding

    bananaseroding New Member

    Neither does being called a "little kid" by a moderator. SeriousTTT needs to step up the moderator requirements. They cannot allow immature moderators to dictate the server.
  19. Brylex

    Brylex New Member

    She's been pretty tame because many people either: 1. Don't want to say anything because their afraid 2. Most of everyone left because of her behavior.
  20. Brylex

    Brylex New Member

    And no one is being sexist at all. Why do you assume this?
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