Black Ops 3 Thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by xNS4LxDeAnx, Jul 4, 2015.

  1. xNS4LxDeAnx

    xNS4LxDeAnx Member

    Post what you want to see out of the game, and what they might include / exclude in to this new Thriller Call of Duty. Tell us if your excited or not for the game and if you will be pre-ordering the game for the beta.
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  2. i dont play cod
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  3. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    "Zombie" and "Campaign" are two words...
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  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald


    Also no, cod is a dead franchise which targets young children and mindless idiots who are the reason the gaming industry sucks.
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  5. Espurr

    Espurr #AlwaysStabEspurr Administrator VIP

    The only time I play CoD is if I'm bored and I feel like I need to keep warm for some CSGO games. Because most of those CoD players are easier than CSGO bots.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. TheRealShadow

    TheRealShadow Member

    I need black ops 3... I've always been a big fan of the black ops series but the others had just flopped.. I'm excited to see what they do with zombies
    (I'm not one of the screamer exorcist people)
  7. paper

    paper legends never die VIP Silver

    In all honesty
    I love the Black Ops series.

    The original Black Ops was a bit meh but I loved Wager Matches. Those gamemodes were seriously amazing and tense as fuck.
    Black Ops 2's multiplayer and zombies were just downright addicting, I still play BO2's Zombies to this day.

    So personally, I'm really excited. I know Carned might hate me for saying that but pfftt :p
    I only preordered one game before and that was Deus Ex: HR but I might preorder BO3. Who knows.
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  8. theres a gun called vesper

    ill get it
  9. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    I absolutely love zombies, to be honest, it's the only reason I still buy cod games, with black ops II, I think it had the best, most creative group of zombie maps ever, and I am super excited for black ops III
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. TheRealShadow

    TheRealShadow Member

    This is my life story.
  11. I feel they need to be careful with their additions to the Black Ops Franchise, their expansion of it has left it with a sour taste in everyone mouth, I personally want to see nothing more than the best from the rest, improved, Call Of Duty was very popular for a reason, sure it's a sequel but don't change the whole formula, Ghosts and AW we're personally 2 steps backwards, Ghosts was less guilty of this than AW was, but if they take another step backwards with it chances are the entire COD franchise will fall into a Cult following more than a Large franchise game.

    I really hope to see a thought out campaign that brings you into it like MW2 did, rather than a rail shooter with cool gadgets, giving characters life rather than a guy with toys.

    Zombies, I feel, will be a definite as it is a Black Ops game and the formula hasn't changed, maybe if they gave a campaign to it, like many thought would happen with BO2 the experience would be better, i felt like the Ghosts spin on it was a good step towards that.

    Finally multiplayer, What more can I say that hasn't already been said, it used to be great, and the guns felt balanced. If they implement a class system, i feel this could greatly increase the balance, as certain classes would have certain weapons, (sniper, assaulter, etc) Having their own benefits and downfalls.
  12. Bear2

    Bear2 New Member

    Only reason I'm pre-ordering Blops 3 is for Zombies and the Campaign.
  13. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    Only getting it for Zombies. Me and my friends still play BO2 zombies together and always have a blast while doing so. I really hope they don't put the movement style in zombies as they do in multiplayer with the wall running and such. They could just release BO2 zombies and make more DLC and I would be happy. Otherwise I probably won't be playing it much. I have lost my intrest in the campaign since BO2. The campaign in Ghosts and Advanced Warfare lost my intrest half way through and I haven't completed it to this day. Every year I say I'm not going to play the next COD multiplayer, but I'll probably end up playing it anyway. The idea of wall running and exo jumps (Exo jumps aren't as powerful but still) has me skeptical as I belive its going to be a mini advanced warfare (Also keep in mind i have not seen anything BO3 related since the reveal trailer) I think BO3 is going to be a great game, although I really wish they would have made another World at War game as the futuristic theme is getting too repeatative in the franchise as of late. Trearch normally makes great Call of Duty games and I hope this is no different.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Espurr

    Espurr #AlwaysStabEspurr Administrator VIP

    All these people who still play bo2 online/zombies. Do you guys play it on PS3? I'm bored af most times on there
  15. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    Embarrassingly, I have every Call of Duty game in the franchise. The first few were absolutely amazing, and from there it just became a tradition to get them and play them. And honestly, for what they're worth, they're actually pretty fun. If you don't be a critic about it, and care less about its realistic intentions, then you'll have a good time. Just like an action movie at the cinema, you know that it will be filled with plot-holes and explosions for no apparent reason, but if you don't think about it, you'll enjoy yourself.

    Personally, the Black Ops series have been my favourite. I will actually go as far to say that the first Black Ops game is my favourite out of all the Call of Duty's. The story-line was fantastic, the zombies maps where designed well, and the multiplayer seemed to be the most balanced. I'm definitely interested in getting the next installment. Sure, I know it's probably going to be bad, but it's tradition. I will enjoy those four-six hours of un-intriguing story and just blasting my gun at everyone I see.
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  16. Asty

    Asty Gotta live life VIP

    Black ops series has been my favorite. I'm going to get the game, 100% for sure. Other Call of Duty's I mostly can't stand, wish they would go back in time back to a game like COD World at War. Would love to see some of that action, but sadly i think they are sticking for the future type of gameplay for awhile.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. xNS4LxDeAnx

    xNS4LxDeAnx Member

    As seen in the latest trailers for zombies, we will be getting a Black Ops III: Zombies Campaign!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we get to carry on the Origins story! I mean, how hype is that??????
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  18. Muffin

    Muffin Fresh Baked VIP

    The way I've always considered which games to get, has been weighing whether or not the game is worth it based on long-term support and replay value, quality of the game, and if the game is just generally fun.

    With that being said, I don't think I'll be picking up Black Ops 3.

    As everyone knows, every CoD game launches in November, drops a season pass (4-5 map packs), then dies about a month or so from the launch of the next one. That basically ends the support of that title, as they focus on the next installment.

    Replay value and repeat business is where CoD seems to make its money. People who enjoy the type of gameplay they offer will never be unsatisfied, as every title they make is fast paced, and honestly speaking, doesn't require much thinking. I have enjoyed it in past installments, but haven't recently. CoD4, MW2, WaW, and BO were all solid games in my opinion, they offered experiences that for me, no other games at the time did. CoD just cannot do that for me now, especially now that my favorite aspect, at least most recently, has been Zombies. WaW and BO did it right, but I found BO2's Zombies to be pretty lackluster, so why bother?

    Now that the most enjoyable aspect of CoD for me isn't really there, what other incentives do I have to buy BO3? The multiplayer?

    The multiplayer of CoD makes me more angry than it provides enjoyment. Sure, running around mindlessly with a ridiculous arsenal of cheesy explosives can be fun, I don't doubt that, but I prefer games with an actual skill ceiling. A game that you can watch and separate the skilled from the decent, all the way down to basically Bot's with ears.

    I can't enjoy a game in which a worse player can walk away the winner of an engagement as often as it happens in CoD. Half of the ways in which you kill people in CoD games doesn't even actually involve you shooting them. Killstreaks, explosive equipment, among other things. When I play a modern CoD game, it truly feels to me like they want everyone to feel like a good player, even if they're abysmal. A console player could probably get 10 kills in a match without even having disposable thumbs just by placing down a Bouncing Betty in a high-traffic doorway or something.

    Even gunfights can't actually tell you who's the better player. The guns kill pretty instantaneously regardless of where you actually land your shots. It basically boils down to who sees who first, provided they don't whiff a full magazine spray on an already recoil-less weapon.

    All in all, I know CoD has it's place, just not for me. As I already stated, I like FPS games that reward the better player for being the better player.

    I hope Call of Duty can get back to what I did like about it at one point in time, being it's simplicity. I mean, CoD4 is still one of the best FPS games in history, and it didn't have all the bullshit the modern titles do. Simplify the game, put the skill ceiling back, if you're Treyarch, make the Zombies maps and game-modes kick ass, and I'm sure people will actually be excited for your game, outside your ever decreasing pool of fans. Seriously, you seen the pre-order numbers? That shit's hilarious.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  19. LeBlonde James

    LeBlonde James Supporter

    I got the Beta from a friend. I'll probably just play the Multiplayer. Zombies looks stupid.
    • Disagree Disagree x 3
  20. Call of Duty: Black Ops III

    Okay, so I participated in the PS4 Beta of BO3 and I have summed up a small list of pros and cons from the beta. I will also be playing in the Xbox One version this week to see if they've done any changes that are noteworthy. *This is a Beta, and things are subject to change from what I have posted in this thread.*

    • Fluid movement: THANK GOD, Advanced Warfare's movement drove me away from the game with how chaotic it was, the new "Thruster Pack" handles more similar to Titanfall's jump jets whereas you're limited to one jump that gets you only to where you need to be.
    • Specialists: Now I know that this is one of the highly controversial features of Black Ops 3 and many people have complained how it is/will be a gamebreaking mechanic... But it's not, really it isnt, these abilities range from super speed for a brief moment to using a Hand Cannon much similar to Destiny's "Golden Gun". These abilities bring a fresh feel to some of Call of Duty's objective based modes such as Hardpoint, Domination, Search and Destroy, etc. Personally I believe it was a well implemented change.
    • Paintshop: This right here made me eager to try the beta in itself, the ability to create custom camouflages for all the weapons in the game, I myself actually made a pretty nifty Gears of War "Crimson Omen" camo for my Man O' War and my Knife, and it gave a sense of the whole "This is my rifle, there are many like it, but this one is mine!", and when you're waiting on a friend or passing time, it's a pretty fun feature to mess around in! (Although I would have like to be able to paint my Tomahawk, Grenades, etc)
    • Removal of Exo-Abilities: this right here, bringing back Lethal and Tactical setups just made thing better, AW pretty much made you roll Overclock and Stuns the entire time, letting the players use classing combos such as the Throwing Axe and Shock Charges or the dreaded C4 and Concussions setup. It just fits into the series better than Exo Abilities did in my opinion.
    • Weapon Variants: This was probably my biggest issue with Advanced Warfare, you played RNG for powerful versions of weapons which actually gave you an upper hand in combat, that for me was really just a turn off, and I had a majority of those weapons including the Relic, Speakeasy, Obsidian Steed, and numerous others. Black Ops just brings it back to base weapon stats and however your attachments affect your weapon.
    • Hit Detection: This right here is my number one annoyance, I realize that this is a beta and all, but this was some BF4 Vanilla shenanigans right here, I was being killed around walls from people around walls after I had been long since away from said wall and the killcams would further prove my point. It was just frustrating throughout the beta.
    • High Caliber Attachment: High Caliber is an attachment that you unlock for I believe all weapons excluding the shotguns. This attachments significantly increases headshot damage, and by this I mean seriously increases it, the Man O' War assault rifle has a slower rate of fire than all the full auto AR's in the game, and with the High Caliber attachment, it reduces the 3-shot kill from the rifle to a One Shot Kill. Just not exactly an attachment we need after getting rid of Stopping Power.
    • ARK7: Now this one is personal. The ARK7 is a spiritual successor to the AK74M in the future, and it's fire-rate doesnt match it's damage at all. The ARK fires crazy fast, but deals damage in the form of getting hit by a Super Soaker, not to mention it has pretty high recoil as well. I wanted to get into the ARK7 because I'm an avid AK platform user and think the gun in itself was one of the more aesthetically pleasing ones as compared to the Sheiva.
    • Sniper Rifle Balancing: While I'm sure that the FaZe Clan kids took this as a huge nod to them after the DSR50 was absolutely demolished in Black Ops II and drove snipers away from making content. Treyarch decided we should hand them the Locus and the Drakon as an apology. The Locus is a bolt action sniper rifle with a good magazine size, one shot kill chest up, and it has zero scope sway, absolutely none, which is pretty silly considering all you really had to do to be make sure the sight was at their chest and fire. The Drakon is a semi-auto sniper rifle that is also one shot kill from the chest up with a mag size of 20 I believe, but it's signature things is that is has no recoil, so slap an ACOG on that bad boy from the cheap price of 5 kills and you have a God Gun.
    In all, the beta was very entertaining, it brought me back to the Black Ops side of Call of Duty, and personally that's the one I enjoy the most. I look forward to the release, and campaign and Zombies. I'll probably buy it.
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 1