Answered rdm?

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by krisphung88, Jun 25, 2015.

  1. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    In ddolls, I was in the vents with a detective who placed down a health station when shortly after, a t tried to mow us down. Unluckily for him i possess miracle aim. I said in voice comms i was proven, and so did detective. No later than 20~ seconds, the vents became piled up and they asked if the health station was real or not. I said yes, but they still questioned, so i said i was proven and that ill prove it to them it's real. I shot it to death, which resulted in people firing at me. Before anything, I T bait most of my inno rounds, and NEVER shoot back, however I saw this situation completely different as I am clearly the one who shot a traitor. I shot back at anyone trying to kill me and did kill someone. Was slayed for rdm after the mod discussed with an admin.

    I asked how it's rdm , and they said it was for intentionally lowering people's karma and fighting back when you are clearly provoking. I threw it right back at them , saying that they are the ones who decided to lower their own karmas when they clearly know I am innocent. I know it was a "traitorous" act. But that's all it was. It's like shooting people for t baiting when you know they are doing it, which im okay with that when they do shoot me. But this wasnt T baiting.

    So is this rdm? I mean you don't shoot detectives who destroy the tester or health stations do you?
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Being proven is completely subjective. An observer viewing you get proven, then killing you, is RDM.

    Someone saying you're proven is only good for that person.

    Committing a traitorous act and getting killed for it by a third party is not RDM.
  3. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    Not everyone on the server has to or does recognize when a player is proven. If you shoot a Health Station, which is a T act, in front of several people that don't know you're proven, they will shoot at you
    It can be considered toxic gaming as an innocent. Intentionally provoking others to kill or shoot at you to reduce their karma. you could have easily just used the Health Station, or get the Detective to
    However, if this was a one time thing, I don't think you should have been slain for this. Plus, toxic gaming isn't slayable
    Hope this clears some things up.
  4. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    So under normal circumstances, you wouldn't be slain for this at all. However, in light of this case an if the mod discussed the situation with an admin, then chances are that the moderator received admin discretion to slay you for the reason of lowering player karma. After all, admins and above have the power to bypass protocol and give slays when it's normally not allowed based on protocol.

    Considering you even admitted that you normally traitor bait and lower player karma, this traitorous act could be seen as you deliberately getting player karma lowered. While mods are not allowed to slay players for traitor baiting, if the traitor baiting or the act of lowering players' karma levels are constantly done, then a higher up may choose to have you slain based on you lowering karma levels excessively.
  5. BlueCore

    BlueCore Onward and Upward Banned VIP

    As already mentioned by fellow members and staff, under normal circumstance you wouldn't be slain for this. However, if the Moderator in question talked with an Admin, it's more than likely they got discretion to slay you for the incident.

    Unfortunately, due to your history, I can understand why the discretion to slay you was approved. You have openly admitted to acting in a troll-like manner; even declaring that you like traitor baiting as an Innocent to lower other player's karma - stating that it's the best way to play the game. This type of behaviour is not wanted nor welcomed here. I would like to kindly ask you to reflect on these incidents and think about if you would actually like to keep playing on our servers in future. Thanks.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. krisphung88

    krisphung88 Member

    Hey blue, I'm fine with the choice I guess. Lowering other player's karma so they do less damage to you so when you are a T(most important and most fun) is a fairly fair way to do things. It's not like I do it to get people karma banned or so that they get slain for rdm(both of which never happen). If it's not welcome, T baiting should be more strictly ruled then. I don't believe t baiting is a "troll" thing to do, it's a part of the game, and really only affects myself and SLIGHTLY affects the people who shot me.

    This situation was clearly different , but I guess rules are rules, and the fact that discretion was used is when I have to question that discretion since I had no conversational part in that part at all.

    anyways thanks for the answers guys, I will take it all in and not shoot back under any circumstances next time unless I am a detective.
  7. If other players are shooting at you, you have every right to shoot back.

    However, purposely destroying a health station only for the excuse to shoot at other players who shoot at you for destroying a health station is not allowed.
  8. <TylerK> -

    <TylerK> - Member

    If you're proven that is no reason for others to not kill you when you commit a traitorous act. They're still allowed to kill you if you say throw an incendiary or T-Bait.