Rejected Perma VIP+ Suggestion

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by sodapoppin, Jun 4, 2015.


Should this be a thing?

  1. Yes!

    1 vote(s)
  2. No! WTF?

    1 vote(s)
  3. I don't care...

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  1. sodapoppin

    sodapoppin Member

    There should be a way to purchase VIP+ forever like $50 or $100?
    • Dumb Dumb x 8
  2. suggested before. You donate to help the server. Not yourself.
  3. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Donations are made to support the server, not for benefits. The benefits come as a bonus. Not that it is fair to charge 10$ a month, but you don't have to if you don't want.

    EDIT: -1 and I got ninja'd by Erwic. Damn it.
  4. sodapoppin

    sodapoppin Member

    Define... "You",
    b/c the server will eventually die, and I don't think that is why anyone donates or why YOU, @Peter Parker & @Orion , even donated. You probably donated because you wanted models or something. You don't just give money to people...
  5. Miss Alice

    Miss Alice winky face VIP

    Sure they do. I plan to do it myself the next time I have a little money to spare. It's called generosity.
  6. sodapoppin

    sodapoppin Member

    I know, I understand that but NOBODY is generous on the internet. If they were, I would be rich. Nobody just gives me money or anybody I know has been given money.
  7. sodapoppin

    sodapoppin Member

    Except, I have given people money randomly.
  8. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Firstly, think on what you just said. You just accused me and @Peter Parker of something you don't even know about.
    Secondly, I didn't donate for my VIP nor for my VIP+ (which already expired) because I didn't feel the need for skins and all that stuff. But people just simply donated me. And as you said, on the internet, no one is generous. @Silent Rebel is the one that gave me VIP+ and possibly donated OVER 500 DOLLARS to the server to other people.
    Don't say stuff you don't know.
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  9. Paradox

    Paradox The One Eyed Ghoul Banned Elite

    @sodapoppin To be honest, probably not gonna happen, as in VIP is permanent but VIP plus is for the extra 10 dollars a month to help the server out a little each month not to say hey here is 50$ that helps this one time and never again, at least that is how I see it from my perspective
  10. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Check our giveaways section. You'll find that many people have gave away their own money just to be nice.

    On topic with the suggestion: This will not happen, VIP+ has and always will be a subscription based donation. It is this way to help the server, as no active member wants it to die.

    Suggestion Locked and Denied, also in the future please use the search function before making a suggestion. This has been suggested before.
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  11. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Sorry @Mr. Rogers


    Running a server isn't cheap. Donations aren't for @Highwon's profit or pockets at all. To give you a rough estimate of the monthly server cost, each 36 slot server is roughly $32/mo. Lowpop is going to be around $18 and hosting may be around $20. So that's $230/mo. The incentive for players to donate is the ranks and the quality of the servers and community.

    People who donate should be donating because they want to support the server and help keep it running. Because they enjoy the server, they may want benefits. Highwon hasn't given anything insane to VIP+ members, he's not trying to entice people into paying monthly, he's giving them the option to donate monthly for a couple benefits.

    It's like if you were to donate to your favorite charity, normally they'll start sending you post cards asking for more donations and even offer monthly/bi-annual/annual donation options. Maybe they'll offer a "free calender" or something like that. Except in our case, we offer virtual benefits in a game.

    Oh, and we don't send you a postcard begging for month twice a month.
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