Approved AFlyingMexican(CBass)'s Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by AFlyingMexican(CBass), May 28, 2015.

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  1. AFlyingMexican(CBass)

    AFlyingMexican(CBass) Active Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:

    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well in truth the last case of "mass RDM" I was swinging my stupid flipping crowbar around and I accidentally hit Rice. I know how it sounds, with the roast-fest of the application but that's the truth. If I wanted to take it out on Rice and RDM, trust me I would have killed him in a very special way and if I wanted to get banned I would have most likely killed people. My first two "RDM" was when I was shooting up the LMG and being the very high recoil and all the ammo I shot two AFK T buddies JUST as round started which made as we all know causes a lag spike and without me being able to stop my gun it hit them. I actually hit the last person I would want to and that was my friend Rampage. Anyhow emtech2 told me I should do a ban appeal and knowing you guys I know this is going to get [red>>] DENIED but you just gotta believe *song* *blah blah*.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I'll just list of the people that I mentioned.

    @Rice was the banner and IDK who globalized it so he can tell you his version.

    ♠RampageSi™ was my friend who I accidentally RDMed IDK if he even has an account on here.

    @Emtech2 was the person who told me I should do this.​
  2. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I was the one who handled your extension.

    I find it alarming and rather suspicious that right after your application was denied, you caused an incident for yourself to be banned. Looking at your history, I can see that you're not new to Mass RDMing, and it makes me apprehensive in shortening this ban.

    How many you speak on your behalf on how much of an accident this whole situation was?



  3. AFlyingMexican(CBass)

    AFlyingMexican(CBass) Active Member

    It's no lie. I'm a sociopathic bi-polar idiot who gets himself carried away. My previous mass rdms I can attest to that. But look at THIS Mass RDM. I never KILLED anyone. If I wanted to have gone on a spree, wouldn't you think you would at least find 5 dead and angry players? I didn't execute AFK's nor did I mean to hit Rice even though I am extremely mad with the whole situation. Wouldn't you think I would have left after he said "3rd rdm that's a ban". (He said that IG btw). If I had committed a crime on purpose I wouldn't have stayed around. That's not much proof but I think that how this mass RDM was just MINOR injury, it wasn't premeditated. Rice also showed you screenshots at my rage for the 2 RDM slays. If I had purposely attempted to kill them in a malice attempt why would try to defend my actions. I even went on to play the game and it wasn't until the end of the round that he issued those slays. @Darktooth
  4. AFlyingMexican(CBass)

    AFlyingMexican(CBass) Active Member

    The times I hit Rampage. THE FIRST TIME. Was on purpose. The second was not,
  5. AFlyingMexican(CBass)

    AFlyingMexican(CBass) Active Member

    Me and him are buds and we mess with each other. A LOT. I understood why I got slain for THAT ONE, and I DID NOT fight it, but the second time I shot him. I swear to god I was shooting all over the place. AND I KNOW HOW THAT SOUNDS. I thought I had shot another person too and now that I see how it only hit him it makes it VERY suspicious. But the two last times where a complete accident. If I were you neither would I believe myself when I took out my rage on Rice. But I promise you I do more than hit once with a crowbar for intentional RDM. @Darktooth
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    While your story is weak and I may very well choose to not believe you, I feel sympathy in some odd way.

    I will reduce this extension, but leave it extended, to 3 weeks for carelessness. However, if you are found doing things like this again, your punishment will be much more severe.

    Do you accept this reduction, or do you find it unjust?
  7. AFlyingMexican(CBass)

    AFlyingMexican(CBass) Active Member

    If I can haggle give me a bunch of slays and one week? Heh heh. Clear my points, take away my paid upgrades. I'll do anything for 1 week but if you don't want to I'll take the 3 week. Thank you a lot @Darktooth. I don't think you know how thankful I am.
  8. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    I will make it 2 weeks. Stay out of trouble, please.

    Appeal accepted, extension reduced.
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