Invalid Report against Rek

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by dest, May 22, 2015.

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  1. dest

    dest Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    4-7 rounds
    Time of Occurence:
    7:00 - 7:25 est
    Reason For Report:
    He had muted me and gagged for saying "nig" and "micspam". After he had me gagged he said "YAY 1 FULL ROUND!" which was a bit disrespectful because he thought my voice was annoying. After he had me muted and gagged he just left the server and left me there muted and gagged. He didn't even bother to unmute or ungag me and it was way more than 1 round.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @Azure will respond at his earliest convenience since he is @Rek 's admin. Rek will respond to your report as soon as he can as well.

    PS: Azure told me to edit this post . :cry:
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  3. Mason

    Mason VIP Silver

    I was witness to this, after ungagging you for saying "nig" repeatedly, the second he ungagged you you started to say it again...
  4. dest

    dest Member

    Nig isn't really a slang word like fag or homo or gay. It doesn't respersent anything and the word means nothing. I looked around the internet for the definition and found it can mean anything such as: National institute of Genetics and nig is also a village in iran and im from a iranian descent so to support my fellow countrymen in that village i often use nig as a term for the village. the website:,_Iran

    ps: he forgot i was muted which is not something a mod or admin should ever do, Even if he did it on accident he should still be punished because i could not communicate and say any callouts.
  5. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    This is a very, very poor attempt at lying. So poor I had to make a comment about it.
  6. Rek

    Rek Ø

    First off I'm at work so I will provide my evidence when I get back.

    I forgot to ungag you before I left and I aplogize for that part, I had a blackout grtting my blood drawn, while I'm not making excuses, very understandable how I forgot.

    Please have patience.
  7. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Just by your responses I can tell you knew what you were doing was wrong and when the you were punished you took it to the forums.
  8. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    So why did you say "nigs everywhere" then? I agree with @Mr. Rogers . This is a very poor attempt to justify your use of the word "nig". You should know better than to use it.
  9. Rek

    Rek Ø

    Alrighty then, right to it.

    First of all,

    I agree with Rogers here. You must think we are very gullible to believe something as ridiculous at this.

    Why would you be saying "nigs everywhere" if it were about people with iranian descent? You dug yourself a deeper hole by showing those chat logs.


    I hop on East 1 as I see it is staffless.

    One round in I encounter everyone talking at once, then a small, yet childlike voice, kept repeating one phrase. "Nig".

    Now as the talking got louder, you kept repeating it, so much so that multiple players complained and were yelling at you to stop. I then gagged you for saying "Nig" about 10 times straight in voice chat.

    I give you warning, saying: "Can you not?".

    I then proceed to ungag you, which in return for the privilege of using your microphone, you kept saying "nig". I therefore proceeded to gag you for a full round, as per protocol. People were ecstatic in the server so I said "full round yay". If this is harassment towards you I apologize, but let me give you a life lesson. Try not to get "offended" by someone saying "yay".

    You must have really wanted to get attention at this point because you then started saying it in chat very rapidly (again) as seen in your screenshots with the rapid "Nigs" - "Nigs everywhere". So I muted you for saying it after you got gagged for saying it the first time, you would think you have learned, I guess not.

    I guess along with this spam, you decided to be MORE toxic.

    You did this here

    Saying you "rekt" a guy. We call this RDM.
    You then proceeded to get revenge on me for ruining your trolling by shooting me straight up for no reason, as seen here

    Again, not acceptable to lie in reports or to RDM.

    My verdict:

    While I cannot give the final verdict on a report filed against myself, or else that'd be communism, I will let my admin @Azure finish it up.

    However, if left to me, this is clearly a case of you wanting attention.

    Signs of this:
    • You getting louder and louder in mic until complaints occurred.
    • You saying it in chat after previously gagged for it.
    • Shooting me in the face and RDMing me at the end there.
    • Reporting me on the forums for no apparent reason.
    How do you plan on getting through life if you let your emotions get the best of you? Attention is NOT a good thing if you are a toxic player, yet you crave it so much you took the time to report me on the forums.

    Your record also states you are a very naughty boy:

    Wow. Let's just leave it here.

    @Azure will decide.
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
  10. dest

    dest Member

    Even if i do have a history/Crimmnal record you were still in the wrong here. You first said you gagged me the first time for so called "Spam" Then later you gag me a second time for saying it ONCE which makes you saying you did it again for spam reasons invalid. When i said "nigs" "nigs everywhere" that was only a couple words that were not "Spammed" at all. You decided to do it so you could act cool on the server. And saying something like "oh i had a blackout" is just pure bullshit. If you knew you were going to leave you should've told another mod before leaving. Since you also forgot the first couple rounds before leaving it makes you very irresponsible. Listen i've heard this story from other communitys and its a excuse too many mods/admins use like "oh i had to go urgently because a hobo is breaking down my door". Its just pure bullshit and ill leave it at that.

    One last thing: At no point did i hear/see oh people complaining on the server. If you have evidence of that please post it.

    And by the way tell me what nig stands for from you're point of view.

    More evidence: In the rules it says "
    • 1st time - Gag/mute + warning.
    • 2nd time - Gag/mute for a round*
    • 3rd time - Ban 8 hours
      * If you keep spamming in admin chat after being muted, you will be banned for 24 hours.
    1st time was for so called "Spamming" nig in voice chat which i said nig a couple times but still wouldn't be a so called "spam". Then you ungag me and i say nig ONCE which you admited to me saying it once then you gag me again for an entire round for saying it ONCE.
    Definition of spamming - "Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited messages (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site/server" when you say it ONCE and not back to back like the first time i did you shouldn't have gotten involved. Then you proceed to mute me for saying "nigs everywhere" so what was that one for harassment or spamming? Please explain all these things as you're evidence and speech was very unclear.
    Last edited: May 23, 2015
  11. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    Yeah, This is gonna be locked until @Azure Gives feedback. This is going nowhere but circles.
  12. Azure

    Azure Into each life some rain must fall. VIP

    Apologies for the delay, I was out all day.

    Between your behavior in-game and your pathetic attempt at trolling/lying in your above posts, I don't think I even need to entertain this report.
    Using racial slurs will never be tolerated on our servers, and Rek's response was appropriate.

    If you wish to discuss this further, feel free to PM me.
    Report invalid.
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