Completed Report against Big Al

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by zomborg, May 12, 2015.

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  1. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Big Al
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    He's a mod, meh
    Which Server:
    East 1
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Reason For Report:
    There were 2 traitors(myself and @Jim_Lahey ) left with quite a few innos left. Jim and I were conversing via T-chat on what to do. They were all kinda sticking together, so it was hard for us to pick them off. I told him to plant a C4 seen here:
    While we were waiting for the C4 to go off, Big Al(while alive) was telling us "Traitors need to trait," using voice chat only. There was no written warning via commands because he was still alive. He had no proof of whether or not my traitor buddy and I had not been traiting at that point.

    My t-buddy and I started killing people, to which Big Al killed himself to slay us mid-traiting, seen here:

    As you can see, @Jim_Lahey and I were actively killing people(granted it took close to a couple minutes because we were talking and waiting for C4 to go off) and Big Al chose to slay us. There is very obviously an almost 10 second difference between when Big Al killed himself and Jim had killed someone, also about 10 seconds between when I had killed someone and was actively shooting the detective(I didn't even get to see if I killed him or not because I was slain almost immediately afterwards).

    Not only did he choose to ignore the fact that we were actively killing people at that time, he was never dead to prove that we weren't killing people before. He gave us one or two(honestly don't remember) VERBAL warnings, nothing attainable, and then slayed us while we were actively traiting.

    I understand that it's annoying to have to wait around, but we were trying to do stuff. A little over 2 minutes of game-time really isn't that big of a deal, especially on a map like teenroom.

    I would appreciate if only the associated mod(@Big Al ) and admin(@FrostedBlade ) comment on this report other than my witness/t-buddy @Jim_Lahey . Thank you.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:

  2. Hawkins

    Hawkins New Member

    I was in this match. Really seemed like Big Al jumped the gun. You can see that I Am Literally God is traiting 2 seconds prior to Big Al killing himself to slay the remaining T's lol
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  3. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP


    Round 2 of ttt_bb_teenroom_b2 at approximately 2:40AM was when this situation took place. There were many lengthy periods of time where neither you or your 1 currently alive T buddy made any traitorous actions. I'll go over it here:


    I've highlighted in red the traitorous actions.

    Blank periods of time where both of you performed no T actions:

    * 3:05 - 3:56 (51 seconds)
    * 3:56 - 6:30 (2 minutes, 34 seconds)
    * 6:30 - 7:36 (1 minute, 6 seconds)

    During the first period I gave you both 1 verbal warning (it was more or less casual). When I noticed the incend grenade go off I figured the T's were doing something.
    After the nade, no actions were performed for 2 and a half minutes solid. This is a considerable delay, and during the entire period I gave a total of 4 verbal warnings, each of them increasing in seriousness.
    Finally after the C4, I gave one final warning as there was another period in which both of you weren't doing anything. After waiting for about another 30 seconds, I slayed myself and then slayed you both for major delay of the round.

    When I suspect T's are delaying while I am alive, I do a head count and see how many people are alive. I then wait and make another count a little while later and if I reach the same number I know traitors arent doing their jobs.
    I was being generous (normally we only need about 3 warnings before a slay can be issued for delaying, I gave you 6) but you guys seriously dragged out the round.

    I made the conscious decision to slay you, slayed myself so I could check the facts and then issued the slays. Right as I was issuing the slays you decided to start traiting after your third 1 minute hiatus from traiting.

    I will tag my admin @FrostedBlade for his input.
  4. Jim_Lahey

    Jim_Lahey VIP

    I'd provide input but it seems you've covered this in its entirety, Cthuluhoop. Just need to point out my name in game has changed from "Jim Lahey" to "I am Literally God". I would like to add that I asked Big Al why he still slayed me moments after seeing me kill someone, and he stated "He had made up his mind before he killed himself." I might be in the wrong here, but I feel the slay shouldn't have been finalized based on his judgement before viewing the logs.
  5. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP

    What I meant by that was I had made up my mind that enough warnings about delaying were given. All I had to do was slay myself to check logs and make sure that the delay was in fact there (my head count method works but I had to check anyways) before I issued your guys slays.
    I understand that you guys want to talk amongst each other about what to do but it shouldn't take that long, again and again and again. There were only about 6 or 7 people left alive on the server during this whole thing so there were lots of people waiting to play.

    EDIT: And for the record, as I said I was in the middle of being busy dealing out the slays when you decided to start traiting again. If I give a verdict for delaying and then you stop delaying while I'm issuing the punishment, it's not my fault.
    Last edited: May 12, 2015
  6. zomborg

    zomborg "She's like a little Satan." - CDriscoll 2015 VIP

    Regardless of your personal opinion on what is proper here, you slayed us while we were actively killing people. There were at most 11 seconds between when my T buddy killed someone and you chose to slay him and another almost 10 seconds between when I had killed someone and you chose to slay me. I had actually just killed someone the second that you slayed me.

    Also the last instance of "no t actions", we were waiting for a C4 to go off. It's hard to kill people when they are all clumped together. Once I personally saw someone on their own, I killed them, to which you still slayed me almost 10 seconds later.

    Regardless of your previous warnings, you still had no proof that we weren't actively doing anything. There could have been someone that wasn't in the group that we had killed or any other kinds of situation that you would know that we weren't actively doing something. Seems pretty unfair. There's pretty much nothing that you can say to defend yourself against slaying two people that were actively participating in the game at the current time.

    If this thread could be locked and left alone until @FrostedBlade could comment, that would be much appreciated.

  7. Slicck

    Slicck Advisor VIP Silver

    Gonna go ahead and mark this report valid. @FrostedBlade will decide what action is taken.
  8. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    Apologies, I was sleeping at the time of this report and it's verdict. This report has already been marked valid. I have talked to my Moderator, Big Al, and he will serve two slays in-game with me, one for each of your deaths.

    If you don't feel that this is fair enough, you may message me on the forums. Thank you for taking the time to file a report on the forums and have a good day!
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