Answered Food for Thought.

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Makaveli, May 9, 2015.

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  1. Makaveli

    Makaveli Member

    Why would my ban appeal be reviewed by the very person who gave me the ban? Not a very sophisticated working we have here.
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  2. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Because they banned you?
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  3. Makaveli

    Makaveli Member

    Right, not like they could be biased about the whole thing.
    • Dumb Dumb x 4
  4. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    What are you talking about? As you can see below we here at SeriousTTT are a very sophisticated people. We like to drink tea in the morning and attend formal balls every weekend.


    Not to sound like a simpleton but we at Serious like to add flavor with the tea that is a ban. This flavor is called common sense and it is quite delicious. When you go to trial in a court do the people that caught you in the act not attend? Of course they do! They are the key witness it's with their insight that we are able to find out what happened. They are also the only one who can judge what should happen, for they were there. If I tried to give all the details to another staff to decide it would take many days in order to get the full story across. It is also important to note that while it may seem that the moderator decides their fate, and administrator has the ultimate say in the ban appeal. That would slow us down and not allow us to attend the ball. This question has been answered and I cannot wait to see you at the royal ball next Weekend.
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  5. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP

    I'd like to bring in to question the important details here: If you were the one banned, why were you the one making the appeal? Not very sophisticated indeed.
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  6. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    Let's make sure that we don't ridicule a player who is using the Q&A forum to ask a question as it is intended, please.

    Onto your question, the reason that the staff member who banned a player deals with an appeal is because they are the one that will need to unban the player, they are the ones who have all of the proof as to why the player was banned, and because the staff member was the main witness to what happened leading up to the ban. As Darth West and Noctorious said, moderators aren't even the one's who truly make the ruling on whether or not a player is banned. Behind the scenes, most moderators, admins, and leads look at the appeals and, if errors were made in judgement, will intervene to make sure an unbiased, correct judgement was made in that appeal. While having an appeal denied may feel like the decision was biased and whatnot, its not just the staff member that banned you who looks at the appeal, and I hope that this gives you a bit of closure as to why your appeal was denied.

    Sorry if any posts on this thread came off wrong or ill-spirited, and I hope you have a great day
    • Dumb Dumb x 3
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  7. Ravin

    Ravin Determination VIP

    You will also take note we have a series of checks and balances too. It is often Mods will call their admins, or those who are direct witnesses to the case to give feedback. Most mods will also instantly admit fault and will not hesitate to remove a ban if you provide them proof. For example, a gentlemen I was speaking to and banned today did provide me enough reasoning to recheck my information and was able to be unbanned, which I did so because I was incorrect.
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