Let's see what everyone is using beneath their fingertips. (Everything is used interchangeably on one computer) From Top to Bottom we have a: IBM Model M circa May 11th, 1992 Vortex Poker 2 with Vortex PBT Doubleshot keys and Keycool Rainbow keys CoolerMaster Storm Quickfire Rapid with Blue ABS Doubleshot keys and ABS Two-Tone Doubleshot Grey kaps The Poker2 has MX Cherry Blues and the Quickfire has MX Cherry Greens. Now it's your turn...
I'm really lazy and don't feel like taking a picture of the exact one I'm using, but here's a picture someone else took of the same model. Spoiler: Corsair K70 Cherry MX Red
Grape Kool Aid, a wad of dollar bills in a clip and eye drops. Black nerd kid confirmed On topic, I have this:
It's the same as mine, but I'm not at home right now to take a picture of it. Logitech G15 (BLUE LED) Keyboard.