Invalid Report against MrEvanJ | SP

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Dako, Apr 26, 2015.

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  1. Dako

    Dako VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    MrEvanJ | SP
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    2 or 3
    Time of Occurence:
    1:30pm approximately. (EST)
    Reason For Report:
    The reason for this report isn't so much the fact I had to deal with a slay, but the reasoning and clear ignorance of the rules as staff. Earlier today I was killed by MrEvanJ. When asked why, he responded with 'gba' I made a jest and asked what a gameboy advance had to do with being killed. He then explained "Guilt By Association". I was confused by this, and asked how I was associated. He claimed I was watching someone shoot out the lighthouse window and doing nothing about it. Now, if I'm inside looking at someone balls to the wall shooing out of a window, I have NO confirmation as WHAT he is shooting act. He could be free firing into the ground, I cannot visually confirm that and cannot kill him as a result. As I step closer to peak out at what he was shooting, he falls to the ground dead. I turn to see who was shooting, then drop dead from a shot to the head by MrEvanJ. Following that round, I was slain for the proceeding round. When confronted about both the shot to my head and the slay, he gave me the same reasoning: Guilt by association. Somewhere in the conversation he also mentioned "Well, he was holding a T weapon." last I checked, that gave me permission to kill the player but didn't force my hand or face being killed as a result of refusing my participation. I spent the remainder of the round asking how and why, until finally I was met by silence. Two maps or so later, there was a brief moment where I brought it back up and asked him "Please show me anywhere in the rules where it says killing is okay if associated." He said "Check the extended rules." Unsure if they changed, I did check with no avail. Even if this was a new rule, there would be a brand new category (similar to T acts) as to what constitutes "Guilt By Association". Would I have to be shooting with him? Would I have to hold his hand while he killed innocents? Is being in the general area of a shooting player and not shooting back to not be involved with an unclear situation, traitorous? This member of staff believes so, even when being confronted with the question "How" and the challenge that they were mistaken.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:,3UYCBpR
    (2 Images in this link. Near the top of the picture, select first and second image)

    (Apologies for these pictures and their possible poor quality. Had to grab these from a video. My reasoning for not posting the video is it doesn't show the incident and it's filled with irrelevancy that I'm unable to edit out.) ( No reply to this. Conversation effectively ended.)​
  2. Smash

    Smash Baka VIP Silver

    I'm going to tag @MrEvanJ | SP and his admin @Salisian. Along with this, just to clarify you can be killed for GBA(AKA being associated with a person committing a traitorus act.) This includes but is not limited to watching someone shoot at someone else and witnessing someone with a traitor weapon and doing nothing. Wether either or was applicable in this case will be up to the evidence provided by both parties.

  3. Dako

    Dako VIP

    Allow me to take this opportunity to say I was wrong about this Guilt By Association rule. However, neither I nor MrEvan could see what or whom the player was shooting at from the angle [we] were standing at to confirm if the act was traitorous, or freefire.
  4. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Hello @Dako, thanks for taking the time to report me as for the slay on you you were reported by ICE Cream and it was found valid there were a lot of reports and that is one that I missed screenshotting, (Aco {T-Mod} can also vouch for me if needed on the reports.) that was my own fault as seen in your screenshots I messed up when you asked why you were being slain that was my fault again but as for the report against me I am currently uploading it so please be patient. I will respond with the evidence shortly. I am going to go ahead and tag my admin @Salisian to deem if the report is valid or not. Also here is another example of GBA in this report. If you have anymore questions about GBA feel free to ask a staffmember or just make a Q&A Thread.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2015
  5. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Okay the video is done so let me just break it down for you.
    0:08 I notice Aco dies to a sniper and proceed to go to where I thought he was shot from.
    0:29 I see @Dako for the first time on the stairwell and we are being blocked.
    0:36 Finish going up the stairs and notice the T sniping
    0:37 You see the T before I do.
    0:37 I shoot and kill the T, which you did nothing to help me either way.
    0:39 Shitboxed while shooting you in the head.
    0:40 Kill you and then get myself killed.
  6. Dako

    Dako VIP

    0:29 I was on the stairway creeping to try and shoot a mine that was placed.
    ~Proceeds up the stairs with MrEvan~
    0:35 I look around after hearing shots. I see a man in a window, walk towards him to see what he was shooting at.
    0:38 he drops and I check the body to see if it was an inno, if so, call a detective.
    0:40 the next second, I'm shot in the head.

    My question is how is MrEvan able to distinguish that fire as being aimed at another person, especially a traitorous or innocent one, and not just free fire? There's clearly a wall blocking any vision. MrEvan also had continious sight on me

    Edit: Also, if that was my T buddy and he was just shot, why would I immediately go to his body to identify it and not at least look around first?
  7. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Hello again, Seeing as just being in the possession of a Dragunov is traitorus. After looking at your edit you could have went over to the body to not be killed for an unid body. But this is not an argument thread so I will wait for my admin to respond.
  8. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    Under the extended rules for Guilt by Association, it says that there are certain acts that actually do force your hand in the game, acts that are blatantly traitorous enough to merit GBA. Traitor weapons are one of those rules, especially given that he was clearly sniping with a traitor sniper. At that point, you don't have to know what he's shooting at- the possession (and use) of said weapon is traitorous enough.


    From the video, it's hard to tell how long you were in contact with the sniper before Evan shot you. He was probably a little trigger-happy there when he shot you, but the kill was technically valid.
  9. Dako

    Dako VIP

    Well, if you take into consideration I arrived a split second sooner than MrEvanJ, it's difficult to say I neglected to fire upon the person or was associated any more that MrEvanJ himself. He one shot the person, so I couldn't exactly help with the incident and before shooting back, I'd have to make sure the body was innocent. I don't see how me being next to the person for a split second longer than MrEvanJ make's me associated with them.
  10. MrEvanJ

    MrEvanJ On my grave I want VIP not RIP VIP

    Not to fuel the flame but just saying the spilt second you had before I did it took me time to line up that headshot and then kill you, you may not be as experienced as me but regardless you had time because you saw him before I did. But again it is up to Sal so.
  11. Dako

    Dako VIP

    I didn't see what you did though. I had walked to your right, off camera, then walked up to the guy to see to investigate. There's not really an argument here, only a discussion of viewpoints which is the point of all this. I didn't feel like I had aqueduct information to gun the person down nor an extended amount of time to consider what was happening and act on it before I was killed.
  12. Salisian

    Salisian An unbroken series of successful gestures VIP

    I'm going to go ahead and close this thread and mark it as invalid. Evan may have shot a little quickly, but I don't think the instance alone merits discipline. He lost track of you for long enough, and when he saw you again you were approaching an SVU-sniping player rather than shooting him. Maybe a misunderstanding, maybe a bad call, but not really RDM.

    Nonetheless, he's been spoken to about the itchy trigger finger.
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