Denied Zero_arkanous's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Zero_arkanous, Apr 12, 2015.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Evidence of Innocence:
    You're all wrong.. First i never admitted to hacking cuase one I DONT two they had no PROOF of me doing so just ASSUMED i was Doesnt your sserver have a damn cake anticheat cake is 100% proof of any client lua's so No i didnt and this mass rdm shit? LMAO no kid i dont rdm please show where i rdmed on servers i never BEEN too? Besides vanillia? I never hacked never rdmed and ban evasion? I see where you could get that from me switching to another account to TALK TO A MOD / ADMIN face to face but no scrub it wasnt ban evasion. Jeez.. And hello coco c: Seems you guys need to check yourselvs you apprantly can't read logs..Cant obtain proof, And based off assumptions of a skiled fps'er you guys ban him and claim he's ''Hacking'' Meet me on csgo and i'll show ya exactly how to PLAY a game. Jeez. I mean REALLY and yes MY TWO WEEKS WERE UP thats the thing now you're just banning me for 156 days? out of NOWHERE? after i did my two weeks? cmon mate thats abusive i didnt even DO SHIT to begin with i took it on the chin and grit my teeth but now you're all just abusing the massive powers you got from your owner i wish to speak to THE OWNER no more of these kids with false proof and anger issues please. c: this is utter crap i mean REALLY wheres the rdm proof? Where's the hacking proof? I never admitted jack squat and lying? Please dont flatter yourself child. :cool:
  2. Oh and how about actually letting me reply before you go lock happy and talk shet without me able to respond c: GG THO ANYWHORE. now you can lock this shet too cuase you twerps have anger issues I'll take this falsey given punishment again though. c: I'll see you all when that times up. Lel. kids these days..
  3. Mr. Rogers

    Mr. Rogers Lil Tokyo VIP Silver

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
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