Personally I like headshot wars with deagle/scout, but I believe the Huge should be removed with something else, it's like spray & pray .. too random and takes out the *serious* part ..... and after asking some people did feel the same way as me about huge headshot wars... so.. here it is.
I would be fine with it if the damage isn't upped to 1 shot kill, like headshots only but damage is the same as normal rounds.
Huge headshot wars take no skill. Its a really fast round and its really not fun. All you do is hold down your mouse button and you aim and then they die.
Same for Jack Hammer. It's so annoying to get snipped by a lucky bullet from one of those from across the map.
+1 huge is no fun for something like headshot wars, you will almost never get a headshot unless you're 5 feet away from them
I'm not sure which is harder Adding a whole pack of guns to the entire server or Finding the gun and adding the exception to a randomized gamemode
I'm a lot about the huge and it should be removed because its to easy to get headshot with and ruins the headshot round
The HUGE has been removed from headshot wars and a variety of new weapons have been added to the headshot wars list.
I won my first HUGE headshot wars lol. But it was all fluke and really no skill was involved. I'm glad it was removed.