Denied SterkMun's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by SterkMun, Mar 15, 2015.

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  1. SterkMun

    SterkMun New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    The mod, Seth Harle, was not handling a mass RDMer so I called him "fucking stupid" one time, got the first warning in game in the chat box, then when I died in the TTT, he was dead, and I called his action stupid and was criticizing it. Got kicked, again this was for disrespect. Then the third and final offense was because of me saying, I think I know server rules better than this mod. This got me a ban for 24 hours, Before this I told him If I was banned for being passive, I would take it to the forums and that is what I'm doing, it's mods like this that make the server not fun, another player, I forget his name, was also warned by this mod, we both were calling out the RDMer, Jihad Joe. Along with 3/4 of the server. he still did NOTHING. I thank you for your time today.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. BeautifulButterfly

    BeautifulButterfly Float like a butterfly VIP

    Hello @SterkMun . You were banned by @Seth Harle for Disrespect/Harassment (3rd). He will respond at his earliest convenience.
  3. SterkMun

    SterkMun New Member

    The server was Serious TTT West I Fast DL I Jihad I Harpoon
  4. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    I was there. This is completely untrue.

    You called him a bitch multiple times, he warned you multiple times. There are ways to talk to staff member and blatantly insulting them because you think your issue is more important than everybody else's doesn't make it right to disrespect ANYBODY like that.

    No. 3/4 of the server was not calling Jihad Joe a Mass RDMer, at most 3 people were while Seth was trying to actually talk to you throughout the entire thing. Now, he could have handled the situation better (IMO) but that does not give you the right to keep calling him a bitch and shit mod after he kicked you.

    It just isn't cool.
  5. I was there as well and I can vouch for Box's side of the story; you were completely disrespectful and you are exaggerating your claims.
  6. Seth Harle

    Seth Harle Solace VIP

    Hey there @SterkMun
    My name is Harle, nice to meet you. =)

    Alright so you were banned by me for Harrasment (3rd) for 24hours.

    Let's list down some of the significant events that brought me to my decisions.

    Firstly of course the warning.

    Then proceeded by the kick,

    Demo of the whole incident

    When you came back, you were still persistent in pushing your luck and said something along the lines of "I don't care if I get banned, i'll just make an appeal and get unbanned".

    I regret to inform you that your appeal has been DENIED but i'll let my admin @Finn decide on the final verdict to make it seem more fair and not biased towards you. Have a good day =)
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2015
  7. Zikeji

    Zikeji Repoleved VIP Emerald

    Since your color codes broke your tag, I'll tag him for you. @Finn.
  8. Seth Harle

    Seth Harle Solace VIP

    That's new to me but thanks o.o
  9. Finn

    Finn Human VIP

    I found a wonderfully choice bit in that demo, and I quote, "I will disrespect whoever the fuck I want" and "#Mod'saBitch" - Sterk.

    Well sir, no you will not. Frankly, your attitude is atrocious, toxic, and petty.

    You felt the need to make an appeal for a very deserving ban so that you could continue to play and potential get Seth Harle into some hot water.

    It failed, miserably. The evidence produced is overwhelmingly in Seth's favor.

    Enjoy your 24 hour ban, and know that it is only on our West server.

    Appeal Denied.
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