Completed Report against Dude85362

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Casimer, Mar 14, 2015.

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  1. Casimer

    Casimer Member

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    The one with the lighthouse on an island. Dont know exact name.
    Which Round:
    Not sure
    Time of Occurence:
    around 10:25
    Reason For Report:
    He sent me a message of who one of the Ts were. I took a screenshot to proof​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2015
  2. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    Fucking Lies
  3. Rice

    Rice stay golden. VIP

    @ShadowStorm is there, should have messaged him about it. Also going to say that what he PMed you in the screenshot is in no way ghosting.

    EDIT: of course, unless there was a person whose name started with Illum*
  4. ShadowStorm

    ShadowStorm Acting from the Shadows... VIP

    Thank you for making this report, I will look into it. Next time you should message me in-game. Are you sure you don't know the round this occured? It would help immensely in the investigation.
  5. Kappa B.

    Kappa B. VIP

    I am in the game with both the accuser and accused as well as Shadow Storm at the time I'm writing this, just have to add that Casimer didn't properly fill out the Steam ID; section. dude85632's ID is STEAM_0:0:85542563. Illuminati was a T that round, this is ghosting in my honest opinion.
  6. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    There was already a KOS on illuminati I was spectating him and saw him doing traitorous crap and messaged Illidan after he walked right by illuminati like a fucking dumbass.
  7. Casimer

    Casimer Member

    I never heard a KOS on Illuminati. I didnt walk next to him either, I was by myself.
  8. ShadowStorm

    ShadowStorm Acting from the Shadows... VIP

    You do realise that is basically ghosting in a nutshell? Illidan may not have known there was a KOS active. Either way, before anything I will continue the investigation.
  9. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    Fucking doesn't look like it in the damned screenshot. ALSO YOU NEED TO GET YOUR EARS CHECKED BRUH. It was first called out in voice chat then after I messaged you it was called out in chat. Which is clearly visible in the screenshot.
  10. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    That's considered ghosting, you told another player something he wasn't aware of while he was alive.
  11. Casimer

    Casimer Member

    Funny you say I need to get my ears checked because I have, and am deaf in my left ear.
  12. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    Technically no because he became aware of my message after tthe kos in chat because his response was after both those events.
  13. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    That's ghosting...
    He was not aware of the kos while he was alive and you told him while you were dead. Not everyone can keep track of a kos especially when its called out in voice chat.
  14. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    So if illuminati was confirmed dead as a traitor and I told him he was a traitor after he died would that be ghosting? No that would be Illidan being deaf and ignorant.
  15. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Can you possibly handle this report without being rude? Thank you.
  16. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    there was also a kos in chat and obviously he was reading chat since he was aware of my message and responded to it after the kos in chat was made.
  17. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    Your story contradicts on another. The picture above shows that he's alive and you say that he was dead at the time you PM'ed him so which is it?
  18. Kappa B.

    Kappa B. VIP

    RE: Illidian was unaware of the previous KOS because in game, he didn't kill him given the various opportunities to do so (I was in game at the time). You informed Illidian of his mistake and instead of taking action, he took a screen shot. You were ghosting.
  19. ShadowStorm

    ShadowStorm Acting from the Shadows... VIP

    This report has been found VALID. Illuminati was definately a traitor during the round this occured, and Dude85632 told another player of in-game events they were not aware of from a spectator perspective, thus being ghosting. Before I lock this or issue punishment, does anyone else have anything to add?
  20. dude85632

    dude85632 VIP

    Yes I do, he was alive at the time of the message and I was dead. I was NOT killed by illuminati and so I had only known about the KOS. I had made an assumption based on the KOS. It had been made in voice chat and then in normal chat. THEN I messaged Illidan with my assumption on illuminati being a traitor which I had no idea if he was or not. Then the KOS was made AGAIN in normal chat AFTER my message. The first KOS on illuminati was made in normal chat and can not be seen in the screenshot. Also how can you be sure I was not about to spell the word alumni wrong and say illumni? How do you know that I was not false correcting him that it is spelled illumni and not alumni which is incorrect? You don't. My sentence was not finished it was just cut off. This is not valid it is false.
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