Casting a slay onto yourself

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by RogShotz, Feb 16, 2015.


Add this feature

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. RogShotz

    RogShotz New Member

    Incase you just want to avoid the whole debate, or there is no admin on people can see that you have slayed yourself so people can not just vigilantee rdm u and say it is a slay. I think this is a nice feature because me being my unrepuatable self, everyone gets mad at me for a little thing that i do wrong.
  2. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    You know what I think is a nice feature we have on the forums? The search menu.

    This has been suggested and denied a lot.
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  3. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    This has been suggested countless times and has never gotten any traction. Sometimes the players do not know what rdm is and will false slay themselves. So I will obviously give this a -1. Along with this rating I have to tell you I am impressed, your title was cool.

    Title= +1
    Idea= -1
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  4. Can't really see a downside to the feature, it's clearly possible to set up features to only work or not work when staff is on, what's the harm?
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    If there's staff online, this would be useless. If there's no staff online, it could be abused.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. correct me if there is something im missing but the only downside is a player slaying themselves when they didnt have to right? when the upside is avoiding rdm with no staff online bans or w/e the thing could be. seems like a better safety net since its so often a player is accused of somethin when no staff is online and even the good guys have to just wait even if they cant for staff to come online to handle the situation to avoid a ban. The staff is amazing as when in those situations myself i get on SB and ask any available staff to come slay me etc but not always possible. I think its a very good idea and it cant really be abused other than ppl slaying themselves for fun but what does that do thats negative? It would also help staff in people appealing saying there was no staff or blah blah blah and the staff could then say well u should have slain yourself and taken the consequences. Moral of the story, dont rdm and wont need this anyways, play careful and play smart.
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    What happens when they RDMx3? They can't just continue to slay themselves; they would need a ban. A lot of the time of they RDM with no staff it's either one of the two following examples: Mass RDMer that deserves a Mass RDM ban or RDMx1 that deserves a ban that would most likely be over when they log back into that server.

    Yes, it can be helpful in one aspect, just as in can be abused in one aspect. It's something that's useless and the fact that it could be abused and only creates one more thing for staff to track means that it shouldn't be added.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. how can it be abused though? Unless you are suggesting they continue to rdm bc they can simply slay themselves? are slays logged in? bc that would just be a flag for staff to ban the person when they are available so would help in that aspect. i dont think the statement about mass rdming is the thing that typically happens is true either, im on all hours of the night and morning when staff isnt always on and typically its just 1 rdm and even if you say the ban should be gone by the time they log thats also false seeing as though the ban could take place at any time. I still dont see 1 way it can be abused. If someone mass rdms and deserves a mass rdm ban they will but that is a complete and total separate issue. it can be helpful in many aspects whereas bad in another ive yet to see that other than some wild assumptions that arent relevant.
  9. exactly how is slaying yourself going to be abused? if people are going to RDM, adding a feature allowing them to punish themselves isn't going to make them more or less likely to.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  10. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Do you know how many people on vanilla I could convince to slay themselves for RDM even if they didn't!? I don't want to see new players being taken advantage of by trolls. If they got asked why they slayed themselves and said, "Mango told me" I'm sure that they have no evidence of me saying that and it'll be word vs word.

    For those people that get on and are still banned, a simple appeal with the proper explanation could fix it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Dumb Dumb x 1
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I also think this could cause more drama between players. Staff get spammed enough when a player isn't slain for perceived RDM.

    If a player thinks someone RDMs amd doesn't slay themselves they'll argue with that player and get pissed when they don't slay themselves.

    Punishents should be left to the people that have been selected as responsible enough to deal them.

    If you feel you should have a "slayme" command, put in an application for mod.
  12. Python~

    Python~ Young Bard VIP Silver Emerald

    A couple replies to this:

    1. They can be reported on the forums
    2. What's the harm in a player slaying themself even if they do mass RDM? And if there's no staff online, a ban wouldn't be issued anyway
    3. Players can't force other players to slay themselves, obviously, so why even bring that up?

    As for the original post...what?
    Just bind a key to kill yourself if you think you need to be slain
    If there's a mod online then he will issue the slay accordingly
    Why is this even a suggestion?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. RogShotz

    RogShotz New Member

    Post that on a different thread
    • Agree Agree x 1
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