Purposefully T-Baiting as innocent.

Discussion in 'Rules and Protocol' started by wastinqtime, Feb 16, 2015.


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  1. So I will begin by saying, I am NOT flaming the admin/mods or anyone in the screenshots. I'm just using what happened to bring to light the issue I am having. So while playing today, a player in our game named "Mc Chicken" started using T items "Teleporter" in front of players mid round. He also began saying how he killed the detective. So an obvious KOS was called on said player. Now about 2 minutes later he runs out of a door with a harpoon, and then he harpoons me. What the issue was is, is that he was an innocent the whole time. So as an inno he T-baited and was called KOS, which apparently means he can kill me as another inno. I agree with someone being able to defend themselves as an inno if a false KOS is called on them, but to PURPOSEFULLY T-bait and then start killing people for calling you KOS should never be aloud. This player "Mc Chicken" is a VIP player just like myself so I thought it was ridiculous that he could get away with an obvious abuse of a loophole in the rules, to give him a way to "legally" kill innos as an inno. The mod that was in-game and I had a discussion about this, and she said there was nothing she could to because technically he hadn't broken the rules(He had KOS called on him, so he is allowed to kill me). So I will post the screens of the conversation and let you guys decide what is the best way to adjust the rules to fix this. It has happened 3 times in two days, but this was the one that set me over the edge when "Mc Chicken" messaged me saying " Im not gonna get slayed ahahaha " Loosely.

    As a reminder not flaming Mod she was helpful in the sense that she was responsive:

    First screenshot(Mc Chicken's taunt and my message to admins): [​IMG]

    Second screenshot(Candy's(Mod) response):[​IMG]

    Third screenshot(Mods response to issue):[​IMG]

    Fourth screenshot(More conversation):[​IMG]

    Fifth screenshot(The big reason i truly hate how they can get away with this):[​IMG]
    As in the picture above I HATE THIS for that very reason. You could do this as an innocent EVERY round and all the people that kill you get their Karma screwed and you as the person in the wrong have free rain to RDM as you please and "technically" there is no rule break on your part.

    Sixth screenshot(My final message before this post):[​IMG]

    Closing thought/ TL/DR:
    Just wanna end it by saying thanks for doing what you could to help me Candy(Mod) and hopefully we can figure out a way to fix this so it can not continue to happen as often as it does. My suggestion is to make purposeful T-baiting against server rules as an innocent, or as another option to make it RDM to purposefully T-bait and kill other innocents for calling KOS on you. Just my 2 cents wanna hear others ideas on the subject. Sorry if the thread is extensive, I wanted to be thorough.
  2. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    See, this is where if I was on the server, this person would receive a slay for purposefully causing loss of karma. However, Candy as a moderator, does not have the authorization to punish for this type of offense considering the fact that he had a valid reason to kill you.
    • Agree Agree x 4
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  3. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Dont kill people who are obviously t baiting?

    It's quite obvious that Ts arent going to t bait.

    Dont be so trigger happy.
    • Disagree Disagree x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Han

    Han       VIP

    "started using T items "Teleporter" in front of players mid round. He also began saying how he killed the detective."

    I don't think OP means he was shooting the sky or something. If someone suddenly uses a teleporter, or pulls out a harpoon, it's only logical to kill them. ( Unless they're proven beforehand. )
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Turquoise

    Turquoise Princess of Vanilla VIP

    If a player claims that they killed a D for one of their items, then nothing is leading you to not believe them. In this case, I probably wouldn't have announced I'm going to kill the guy though. Bring him down via a sniper. If he reports you, then he's not that smart obviously.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  6. If you are called out you can kill only the person that called you out, and you can kill anyone that shoots you/at you. IF you called him out or made any attempt to kill him, you can and probably will be killed.
  7. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    I believe that @wastinqtime is completely justified in being upset. However, as @Sinz has stated, moderators don't possess the discretion to punish loophole RDM for many reasons, one of which is to keep punishment consistent across our servers. This is why no slay was able to be given, as technically, the player didn't break the rules, but as your screenshots clearly display, he did bend them rather completely in his favor to ruin the game. Players like this are often punished strictly (by Administrators or higher-up) when they are caught dancing around their loophole ring. As for a change in the rules, this is likely not going to happen. Our rules are set up in a clear-cut way as to guide our staff members in reaching a solid yes or no verdict.

    Moderators are however expected to notify said Administrators or higher-up's when they come across a toxic player such as this one. I apologize that no one was able to help you during the time that you were connected with this player. I do however have the up-most confidence that this player will be dealt with accordingly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. The thing that bothers me most is the blatant disregard for how the game should be played in general. Don't get me wrong I am all for people playing the game weird/different, but not at all for at the cost of others. Its attitudes like another guy that i ran into last night that can almost ruin the server at times. This guy was yet another purposeful T-baiter(Not just shots near people, all sorts of things like throwing discombobs on maps that can kill ect ect). His reasoning was "If I t-bait it costs me my life"(Loosely), but at the same time this costs a legit player his karma. I'm not sure of the karma ban perimeters(how low you need to get), but at one point 5 out of 11 of the guys in West 2 last night were below 800 karma. I just struggle to find it hard for there to be a rule to not purposefully T-bait. I have a screenshot from last night to show you the mentality of these types of players. For me it just ruins the game to have to worry about my karma cause of one player in the lobby deciding "Since its not against the rules I can T-bait and screw peoples karma, all I have to pay for it is my life for the round".

    Sorry if I come off whiny it is just an issue that has been more rampart lately for me. The more I am mad about my karma situation the more I begin to not enjoy playing. This guy actually made me so mad after dealing with this issue all last night that when I hit almost 700 karma I just got off and went to sleep. Just ruined my night tbh.
  9. Thank you for the reply. I was not upset at all with how the mod handled the situation. I actually understood where she was coming from, and appreciated the responses she did provide. I also understand where you are coming from in regards to the higherups making these decisions as it is a grayer area(loopholes), and agree that makes sense. I only suggested the rule change as something constructive as a response to the issue(Didn't feel like it would be a suggestion without it lol). I was a mod for a server way back when, and just wanted to say to you and everyone else that commented thanks for the time, know it can be a drag sometimes.

    P.S. @Carned Hard to ignore a guy that is saying he shot a detective, and uses T items right in from of you haha has nothing to do with being trigger happy :p
  10. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    Not at all a drag, that's what we are here for ;)! Take confidence and pride in knowing that you are also helping the community by reporting occurrences like this one. This player's toxic behavior might have gone unnoticed if no one ever brought the issue to light, so thank you for sharing your concerns in a polite and respectful manner (y).
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  11. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

    Disregard for how to play the game? Well if you told that to gamers they would laugh then rage at the person screwing around the wrong way.
  12. Oh yea I get you on that. That's why I said I don't mind people breaking the mold or just downright playing weird, I actually love to see it. Just not at the cost of others trying to play and have fun as well haha.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I think it's understood on my end now as far as the whole situation goes. If an admin or higher is on then it will be handled accordingly. If I see this kind of behavior and no ones on then ill bring it up in a report. Plain and simple. I just thought originally that there was no punishment for loopholes and I am very pleased there is and it is taken seriously. So that being said I think this can be closed, and there isnt much more to be said. Hopefully others will see it when they search(Of course they wont search :p ) and it'll help them understand! Thanks again for the help.

    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  14. ALL THESE ARE TLDR, the end: You don't have to shoot someone, but you will suffer consequences eitherway. just depends. that's the serious part of TTT.

    plus if you're going to kill the person tbaiting you, make sure you dont miss lol