Completed Report against Zachpfann

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by DocFox, Feb 7, 2015.

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  1. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    Did not get this, but he is on the servers and tagged.
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Minecraft b5
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    510pm AK
    Reason For Report:
    @Zachpfann admitted to using the "Passed an unID" loophole just before shooting me as I was typing to him. My guess is he was upset because earlier, I had killed him for legitimately walking by an unID'd body; I was typing to him regarding that situation when he killed me.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    @Kawaii and @Master Failure were witness to the situation with Kawaii being direct witness to it all. This is not a report on them, due to the fact that it could potentially be word vs word.

    Here are screenshots:

    Edit: This is a report to at least make the community aware of his trollish behavior. ​
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  2. Kawaii

    Kawaii Paper Towns

    Good morning MangoTango,
    Yes i was a direct witness to the issue and yes i did question @Zachpfann about the issue and which unid it was.

    He failed to respond to me only stating that i witnessed him ID-ing it.

    From the included photos above(and me being there), i clearly saw Mangos body not moving and facing AWAY from the bodies by the tower.


    @Zachpfann has been dealt with ingame.

    I will now tag my admin @Nena to give the final verdict of my actions.
  3. Zachpfann

    Zachpfann Member

    Luckly for you two the moment I went to get the evidence to prove my case against kawaii, the chat box had moved and I could no longer access the chat and take the screen shots, in which I asked how to get more of the chat box @Sinz saw me asking and replied it can not be done. I'm sure he can approve that indeed I did ask. The only reason Kawaii was not responded two because the slay happened at least 5 rounds after the fact of the report, I left when I figured the thing was over, before she pmed me the last two times, in which I'm sure was clear cause I was just standing there at spawn, however came back just in time to witness slay. And at that moment begin to gather evidence but it was no longer apart of the chat box. Clearly we where having an argument, in which you should include the entirety rather then specific part of it to seem one sided. I did say that, because I was explaining that's what you did in order to get away with your rdm, which you then stated you created the rules I said they were shit and had to many flaws. If you included more messages you would have understood the conversation more rather then just seeing what he wanted you to see. Earlier in the round when I was typing a pm to you I was standing by center building and saw you pass the body, as I was replying, then you began to reply to me. I walked to the body and Kawaii witnessed me id it and even said she killed me for it in which she did not. I then walked to mango as he was standing still replying to me in the pm, explaining his placement, then killed him for passing the unided body of cheese or Gary as I'm not sure to which one it was, I believe it was Gary's body. The screen shot of the pm was not an admittance, it just seems that way because you did not include the rest of our conversation in pm's. Clearly that was the situation in which you rdmed me, and I was saying that's how everyone gets away with rdm and its flawed.

    I would also love to point out the dedication difference in which Kawaii had with the report proving how biased you people actually are. As you can tell in the private messages that these two are obviously really good friends. The total time in which, was spent on my round was less then 2 rounds. And In my report I even said that he would reply with the old "he pass an un ided bullshit." in Which @Master Failure did witness me say and I'm sure he will tell you that there decision was decided quickly. Yet when I find him in the same situation, catching him slip up, he files his report and the report was carried on for at least 5 round probably more. And I answered every question asked of me but can not obtain proof because of the chat box moving. Just that show how long it had been sense the actual report was filed.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
  4. Master_Failure

    Master_Failure master of failing.. not much more to say VIP

    @Zachpfann for you mentioning me could you clarify what you mean?
  5. Zachpfann

    Zachpfann Member

    Did I not say when I filed the report, that I ided the body I passed, and that he would end up replying with I didn't do it?
  6. Master_Failure

    Master_Failure master of failing.. not much more to say VIP

    ah yes you warned me about that, he did the same to you... I found kawaii better to deal with this report cause she was a witness while i was tending to other matters but yes you did, I can not give my part in this, however what i did see might be loophole trolling considering what you said to mango
  7. Zachpfann

    Zachpfann Member

    :pThis report is irrefutably irrelevant and invalid being that I was slain. Sadly the chat moved to quick for me to file report on the mod for it or there would be a report actually worth reading :p
  8. Zachpfann

    Zachpfann Member

    You obviously have no idea what trollish behavior is. If I was a troll I would have no interest in being apart of a community, when have you ever seen a troll just stay with a community. They just join get what they wanted such as rdm or whatever and leave. So Stop making false accusation of trolling, and educate yourself a little bit more to try again to find a moment where I could be punished. Just keep it on repeat until you can overcome me.
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    I'm not trying to turn this into some kind of flame war. I just wanted to point out the fact that you decided to loophole RDM me right after your mentioned how it wasn't hard to get away with it; I doubt that is a coincidence. Unfortunately for you, a staff member witnessed the situation, knowing that I didn't walk by the unID, but that they were killed after I left the area. You only used my relative position to loophole revenge RDM, due to the fact that you were upset for me killing you earlier for a legislate reason that would be reflected in chat and damage logs. To further clarify, the "argument" that him and I were having prior to my chat screenshot was me explaining to him why I killed him and why it wasn't RDM.

    I'm not a new member of this community and we have trolls that get the chance to stay here a little while before they are caught. Also, I don't loophole and exploit rules of a community that I put so much time and effort into; you, on the other hand, have nothing to lose.

    This report was simple documentation to make everyone aware of the way you like to twist rules and situations to be in your favor. From what I've been told, this isn't your first time doing so; it just so happens you did it to the wrong person in the community(someone who knows the rules and how to collect real evidence).

    Something I've learned as a medic in the military. "If it wasn't documented, it didn't happen."

    Edit: After @Nena looks at this I'm fine with it being closed. This report can be used for future loopholing attempts from the reported player.
  10. Zachpfann

    Zachpfann Member

    You obviously do not because Kawaii indeed was in the wrong. I just couldn't get evidence in time. Next time that wont happen m8. She did not witness anything, she only slayed me because I went to get dinner for family and I never replied.

    And this "loophole" shit you guys keep talking about, is stupid. If its such a problem, take care of it. There are no loopholes, you either have a rule on it or you do not. This game is not big enough nor complex enough to have loopholes in rules. It is as simple as just finding a way to prove you side and make sure you are in the right. There is a reason I am in law school. I point out your flaws therefore adjust to it. Its not loophole trolling.
  11. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    @Sinz could you give your input since I clearly have no clue what I'm talking about?
  12. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Moderators have it within their jurisdiction to punish for events they cannot entirely substantiate; such as a player killing another player for 'shooting at them' when in reality this was fabricated and the player shot the sky or some place completely different. In the logs, it will show the player was shooting but it will not show where the player was shooting towards thus creating word vs word reports and players "loopholing" out of slays. If a moderator were to witness where this player was shooting they could punish for it, unfortunately a moderator cannot spectate every player all the time. This type of scenario is a kin to every unidentified body case and is the easiest way to describe it. Because we cannot always prove a player actually passed the specific corpse of another player we cannot punish for it and players who use this as an opportunity to randomly kill other players are loop-holing the server's core rules and guidelines. If caught, the punishment is severe.

    In this report, @Kawaii claims she witnessed @MangoTango being AFK, however, not for how long. Additionally she did not witness the death of MangoTango rendering her testimony fruitless because of the fact she cannot prove if MangoTango passed an unidentified body or not. If it comes into light that you were simply using this as a way to evade punishment and enacting revenge you will be confronted by myself, personally.

    The staff team and I take this matter into account and will use this report to dictate future incidents like this one.

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