League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by ryan4win, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Han

    Han       VIP

    :( you'll be missed, bby.
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  2. SpacedOut

    SpacedOut New Member

    they removing it?
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  3. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

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  4. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    So I just got league today. Any tips you guys could give a newbie?
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  5. Han

    Han       VIP

    Aight, so first off, do you mind giving your summoner name? I just like adding people :I

    There are three things I always try to remember when in a match.
    1. Creep score. ( CS ) The little minion things. Basically, when I started playing, everyone went for kills. What a lot of people don't realize is that fifteen CS = one kill. So if you're going 3 - 0 - 0, and your lane opponent is 0 - 3 - 0 ( Meaning three deaths, no kills or assist. ) but he has something like a 60 CS advantage over you? It's more even then you think. Just focus on last-hitting minions. Don't just shoot them until they're dead, actually try to get that last hit in order to get the gold.
    2. Map awareness. This is another extremely important thing. Let's say you're bot. Everyone is level 6 / 7. You're winning your lane, winning the trades, and they're pretty low. However, you're also pretty low, and the jungler is missing in action. When that happens, you're going to want to take cautionary actions. ( Note, some junglers gank pre-level six. Ganking means going into a lane from the sides and attacking the champs there. ) Ward the bushes and make sure you don't push to far. I was in a match recently with a jinx. She was like a robot. She just pushed bot, again, and again, AND AGAIN. And died, repeatedly. Because she had no map awareness. She never noticed when mid lane went missing, or when the jungler was MIA, so she just tried to take down turrets.
    Another thing on the subject of map awareness is mirroring your lane. I like to do this when I'm a champ without much attack damage. Let's say my mid laner goes missing in action. You have three options, to 1) BACK TO SHOP. 2) Mirror them. 3) Push your lane. However, if you're a mid laner based on ap ( ability power ) you aren't going to be able to push it that much. You should try to follow your lane opponent and make sure they don't score a kill at bot, or else it will be harder for you when she gets back.
    3. As this is getting a bit long, I'll leave out some other points and just say teamwork. League of legends is a teamwork based game, you need coordination and to work together. It's really rare that I see one person hard-carry a game. Always remember to ping your lane missing in action ( Ctrl move mouse ) and help your teammates.

    what a wall of text. If you want some ideas for champ build or stuff just add me :)
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  6. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Alright sweet thanks for the tips! And my name is the same name as it is here, TheCoCoFTW.
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  7. SpacedOut

    SpacedOut New Member

    only buy tier 3 runes, and you start buying them after lvl 20
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  8. Han

    Han       VIP

    hmm, searched it up and there doesn't seem to be any account by that name :eek: are you sure that's the correct one?
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  9. TheCoCoFTW

    TheCoCoFTW Veteran Member

    Yea lol pretty sure, whats yours? Ill add you
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  10. Han

    Han       VIP


    Just a reminder, I'm NA ( You probably are too ) but if you're on another server like EUW or OCE you can't add me.
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  11. mysteriousglitch

    mysteriousglitch Not just any Glitch, it's Mysterious! VIP

    Drake Emor is my username and the champions I love to use in order Vel'Koz, Veigar, Taric, Amumu, Olaf, Cait, and Morgana are all my main. Had a game where everyone on the enemy team yelled "DON'T FEED THE TARIC!" I put no AP or AD items on him, all tank and I was killing everyone lol it was epic. But yea, if anyone is interested add me and lets play some games, looking for a new Clan, Alliance, what ever you want to call it, cause the one I'm in isn't active in doing ranked games. Mostly been doing Solo/Duo and it sucks, hate getting put in a game with no order...
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  12. Han

    Han       VIP

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  13. Alchemized

    Alchemized Why do nuns like swiss cheese? It's hole-y. VIP Emerald

    Add Alchemized.

    Let's make the best Ranked team. :D Serious TTT 4 lyfe.
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  14. Sleeping Dawg

    Sleeping Dawg c o o l b o y s VIP


    RIP Plat =((((((((((
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  15. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    I have very limited experience against actual players, I solo q inter bot matches to relax and have fun. I'll main Ahri a lot but I can play just about anything, though I am still learning jungle and no clue about ADC or w/e. I don't mind playing doing PvP for fun as long as you're casual about it and will voice chat. I'm almost lvl24 and have Vent, Skype, Mumble, Curse VOIP. If you add me please let me know who you are so that I can put a note on you, otherwise you'll probably be ignored.

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  16. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    Jungle- A jungler has the trickiest role to define, as far as what champions do best here. It is a varied role, because many champions are able to do this. But for the most part, the typical jungler is one who can survive fighting the jungle camps, usually with enough health left over to gank one of the lanes. Because of this, typical junglers usually have a higher health pool, some sort of build in sustain like life steal or spell vamp, and specifically use the Smite summoner spell. Another characteristic of a good jungler is that the champion has a high gank potential, meaning that when they pop out of a bush, they have some damaging crowd control effects that allows them to pick off targets.

    As I mentioned before, many types of characters can fill this role and there's no one single definition. Some supports are able to jungle, and few AP Mids are able to jungle. Most often, though, you'll see bruisers and tanks jungling just because of their higher health. It's rare for an AD Carry to go into the role, though. Regardless, the jungle role is, sometimes, more about the summoner than the champion. This particular role requires an extensive knowledge of the game, including the ins and outs of enemy champions, what time dragon and baron spawn and respawn, as well as knowing where to place the proper wards. While the support wards, the jungler often needs to as well to protect his jungle camps.

    ADC/Marksman- A Marksman, also called an AD Carry, is a person who deals damage via ranged auto attacks, utilizes life steal for surviving, builds attack speed, and sometimes critical strike chance. They also use abilities that are generally enhanced by building attack damage items. A lot of them are good at poking and harassing from a safe distance. Not only that, but many Marksman (though not all) have steroid abilities that boost their attacks in some way. In the game, your job is to last hit as many minions as possible so you can get the gold to buy items. Last hitting is CRUCIAL for the AD Carry because this type of champ is dependent on gold in order to buy necessary items. As a Marksman levels, they do not get very strong naturally. They get overwhelmingly strong through buying items. So when it comes down to chasing that Ashe back to her tower just to do a few ticks of damage, or staying behind to past hit the minion wave, stay back. Only chase if you know you can secure the kill. Another thing you need to do as a Marksman, is stay alive. During the late game phase, you will be crucial for taking towers and inhibitors. Your attack speed and damage are vital for pushing objectives like that quickly and safely.

    I didn't write this.

    Source- League of Legends forums, written by Niek.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2015
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  17. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver


    AYOOO, new to Ahri!

    Fun game. :D
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  18. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Welcome, on this episode of SeriousTTT, we finally figure out Lead Admin Sinz's new addiction... League of Legends.
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  19. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Just got back into it.
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  20. Krys

    Krys Gives Explosive Hugs VIP

    She's fun isn't she? I love how they fixed the AI of her fox fires so they're actually worth a damn now. I love using the Firefox skin.
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