Denied OneCum's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by OneCome, Jan 12, 2015.

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  1. OneCome

    OneCome New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    The One Cum
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was kicked for "Harassment" for criticizing "Guilty"'s really poor, unclear moderation, as since he joined he had used admin commands every single round to slay, kick, mute someone, while 2 other mods who were on before had used them conservatively, clearly and fairly (Bahama and Polt) . Upon rejoining, I was spectating a player named "I_Reich_You" who was RDMing and harassing people with VIP IMs until Moderators came online, at which point he began to increasingly suck up to them. He saw a player named "Petey" (dont remember full name, but it was longer), who he had noted before in chat he was annoyed at, leave the game. Petey was just standing there, having not moved for much of the round, and I_Reich_You told "Guilty" (who upon joining began LIBERALLY using the admin commands, more than half undoing erroneous mutes/gags/bans) to "ban Petey for RDM and leave". I noted that, not only did Petey not even do anything, the only person at the moment who had killed anyone was Reich. Guilty, who had several times made direct callouts and threats to me before then said "That's it One Cum, you're gone". He proceeded to 3 times enter the wrong command in chat as I asked both in chat and voice why I was being banned and who I was harassing. Upon rejoin I had not even spoken about "Guilty"'s poor moderation again, as I knew he was taking sincere questions as to why he was doing what he was doing in spite of no clear mediation of the server rules as "harassment" to him. Upon rejoining I did not say a single word about him or his moderation, merely called out "I_Reich_You" for making a blatantly meta-grudged and untrue ban request. Inspite of I_Reich_You having low karma and making visible threats in chat and through IM until a mod came on, and then repeatedly (and annoyingly, even to mods online) sucking up to them, I never once harassed him, just pointed out he was lying. I had also been muted by "Guilty" at one point while talking with people in-game, to which he claimed I was "mic spamming". Both when I was kicked, and when I was banned, I was denied Detective and Traitor rounds respectively. For neither the kick or mute, was I given any warnings. For many other kicks, gags, mutes, bans, slays (and there followed undoings when other people would call him out) were warnings given to any players, nor where explanations given when asked by players.

    A player named "Tupacala" (I think) claimed to have taken screencaps of times Guilty would respond rudely, provide no explanation, or literally explicitly say when he had found loose reason to justify a ban. I do not know this player, nor if his claims where true, but he was not banned or kicked while I was playing.

    As a note, I played several maps with the username "Sir Wilson", a name I do not normally use on Steam, and it was confusing me when people were calling over mic for "Sir Wilson". I waited till round end to change it to "The One Cum", and made no effort to pretend to be someone else, continuing to talk on mic with my same voice and same speaking patterns.

    I would also like to note Bahamas and Polt were very cordial and clear on why things were happening, and gave warnings and explanation when asked. The moment they both left, Guilty began ramping up on the admin commands to laughable levels, where most commands in a round would be undoing erroneous gags or bans.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Your appeal is denied. Don't call players "faggots". Have a good day.

    Note: you were already gagged multiple times by myself and my fellow staff members (@Brahma and @Polt<3 ), who were all present during that instance. You were even kicked for your problematic behavior. Overall, I don't see a reason to unban you. Have a good night. I will be leaving this appeal up until 11AM PST to see your acknowledgement of the situation.


    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
  3. Ellitagious

    Ellitagious The sight of the stars makes me dream -Van Gogh VIP

    I was there earlier and he was throwing around the words
    faggot, nigger, cunt
    after being several times of multiple staff telling him and others to stop.
  4. OneCome

    OneCome New Member

    There is literally nothing in the rules that says I can't say that word. He also couldn't even see it as I was dead and he was alive, and again, was the first inflammatory word "exchanged" by myself to Reich. I also clearly would not request you to be the one to overlook my appeal, as you were the offending moderator. Although you should definitely provide your side of the story and what evidence you can provide, it should be up to a higher authority not involved to mediate the evidence (as well as server logs) and come to a decision.
    As you literally banned me a few minutes ago, again without a direct infraction on publicly stated rules, and without warning, you are far far far from an unbiased party. You literally banned me and denied my appeal within 12 minutes, so I would appreciate it if you removed the "Denied" tag and allowed an unbiased and unaggressive fair review of events.
  5. OneCome

    OneCome New Member

    Polt, and I stopped after you told me (and I only said ONE of those words). You are free to check the server logs to see this. You do not have to stand with Guilty, you were a very fair, concise and cordial moderator while you were online, and this appeal is not meant in anyway to reflect your moderation.
  6. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Overall, here's more evidence of it all. Your appeal is locked now.
  7. Ellitagious

    Ellitagious The sight of the stars makes me dream -Van Gogh VIP

    No you didn't. Guilty and Brahma can vouch for that. I actually left because I was getting that offended.
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