Invalid Report against Steven | SF

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Jake From Staté Farm™ ☏ Me, Jan 2, 2015.

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  1. Name of Staff/Player:
    Steven | SF
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    He left, didn't get a ID.
    Which Server:
    West 1
    Which Map:
    67th Way
    Which Round:
    Time of Occurence:
    Around 11:25AM
    Reason For Report:
    I walked in on Leo, a member who plays on the server a lot. I walked in on him, as i walked in on him he shot his gun and as he did so i walked in on a unID'ed body he was standing over. I reported him IG for killing someone because he shot his gun torwards a slay and they died. But either other way Steven said i was trying to avoid a slay, but i wasn't. Leo did 1-2 Traitorous acts that was killable and i killed him for one of them. I wasn't changing my story i was trying to get it straight that he did indeed do something traitorous, he shot near a player and walked over a unID'ed body. I did not kill him for killing someone but i said that in the report because i thought he waled up and shot him as i came into the room, but the main reason i killed him for is standing over a unID'ed body but i thought the other story would have more logic to it. He slayed me and said im not allowed to change my story to avoid a slay, which i understand and i wan't trying to do, i was trying to explain to him either other way he was standing over a unID'ed body and that is in fact traitorous and kill-able. He false slayed me for killing a innocent doing traitorous acts, walking over a unID'ed body.​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    TTT: [KennyS JR] EDD™ found the body of Darren Tupacca Wilson. He was innocent.
    [KennyS JR] EDD™: t bait
    Visit our forums at
    Visit our forums at
    Bob: ughhh
    TTT: Jin found the body of I'm not Traitor!. He was innocent.
    Hyperman: I got caught in crossfire ffs
    Darren Tupacca Wilson (STEAM_0:0:67167818) has left the server.
    Zero: hello
    Darth Zannah: Chinsy^^
    TTT: [SAPN] Chainsy found the body of Hyperman. He was innocent.
    TTT: Darth Zannah found the body of [SAPN] Chainsy. He was innocent.
    TTT: Ֆkynote™ found the body of The Parlay. He was a Traitor!
    TTT: Jin found the body of [KennyS JR] EDD™. He was a Detective.
    TTT: Bob found the body of Mute. He was a Traitor!
    TTT: Bob confirmed the death of Darth Zannah.
    TTT: Your Congressman found the body of Boba Fett. He was innocent.
    Bob called a Detective to the body of Mute!
    TTT: mahdavi101 found the body of Djzone. He was a Traitor!
    You were killed by Jin, he was a INNOCENT.
    TTT: Jin found the body of Jake From Staté Farm™ ☏ Me. He was innocent.
    TTT: Jin confirmed the death of Leo.
    TTT: Al Capwned found the body of mahdavi101. He was innocent.
    TTT: Bob found the body of Zero. He was a Traitor!
    TTT: Bob confirmed the death of Your Congressman.
    TTT: Jin found the body of Leo. He was innocent.
    TTT: Jin found the body of Darth Zannah. He was innocent.
    Steven | SF will slay mahdavi101 next round.
    TTT: Jin found the body of Your Congressman. He was a Detective.

    The red colored line is after i killed leo for standing over a unID'ed body. The Rest is where my killer, Jin, which had a right to kill me. He ID'ed the body's where Leo was at. I can't recall which body Leo was standing over, i only looked at the body for a split second in spectator mode. I didn't link everything as proof, i just linked it because thats the chain of events that happened.​
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  2. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    Hello there jake so in your original report you said you killed Leo for killing a player. To which I slayed you because he didn't kill a player. You then changed your story and said he shot and was over an unided body. After that you said you wasn't 100% entire sure he killed a player but you had a back up plan to say he was over an unided body but you didn't tell me this to begin with and altered your story as seen here I then asked my admin who I was in teamspeak with at the time if I could slay you for completely changing your reasoning to avoid a slay to which he replied with yes.
  3. I never told you ingame that i " wasn't 100% sure " so that was words put in my mouth. When i killed Leo, i killed him for the reason of standing over a unID'ed body from the start, but when the report came up I Did think he killed someone so instead of me adding he stood over a unID'ed body i said something else thinking it would be more logical because after i killed him for standing over a unID'ed body, and after i was killed for it on the spot, i did think he killed someone so i instead used that reason instead of the other one. I wasn't trying to change my story to avoid a slay, i was trying to get something straight that he did Traitorous acts which is killable on the spot but you instead ignored me for my reason.
  4. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    the image clearly states you didn't know whether him killing someone was 100% true but in your report which I sadly don't have anymore that's what you killed him for
  5. It was a traitorous act. It was kill-able. The pretty much the end of the line, i killed someone for doing a traitorous act and you slayed me for it.
  6. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    if your not 100% sure that he killed someone that's killing on suspicion
  7. If im not mistaken there are logs for when people shoot they're weapons? If you could look those up, i killed him because he walked over a unID'ed body in the first place, but the reason in the report i said i thought he killed someone was because he was T baiting/shooting his weapon torwards a player and oh look, they happened to just die? I had multiple reasons to kill Leo for what he did, i could have added any or all of the reasons in the report i replied to but i chose one, but the one i chose didn't have enough proof to support itself so when i PM'ed you iingame trying to add more reasoning for why i killed Leo you blatantly ignored my other reasons and said i was trying to avoid a slay, if you want the honest truth steven i could give a shit less about the slay, i care more about you being lazy and not checking logs and not doing the obvious and taking more reason into what i said, you ignored me when i was trying to add reason of why i did kill him, you took it as a word for word and killed me. The reason i said in the report " I killed him for killing a player " instead of saying he walked over a unID'ed bodyy, was because he was shooting at someone shortly before i kileld him, so since he was shooting at someone and they happened to die, taht kinda popped in my head after i died when i saw the report maybe i should reply that he killed someone because he most likely did rather than he walked over a unID'ed body over it so i didnt argue with you and Leo ingame about he did or didn't walk over it, or that hey he was on this way to ID it and i killed him too soon. I didn't feel like writing out a whole paragraph in the report for why i killed him so i put something in the report that seemed for logical and something that wouldn't progress into arguing of why i didn't get slayed, but unfortunately i have to do that anyway, i was never changing my story, i was adding reason to it and you ignored the reasons. I know how all or most of the mods are, they fuck up and false slay someone but they use all the "Legit" proof they can to get the report Denied, now as you see here im posting actual logical reasons/evidence to go torwards the report and your post a picture of me talking to you IG, which reason do you think iis more logical? You being lazy trying to get my report denied or me actually trying to get you to realize you fucked up as a Mod and false slayed me.
  8. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    I will let my admin give his response I slayed you for changing your story to avoid being slain granted he may have shot but you didn't kill him for shooting you killed him for killing a player. But he never even damaged a player this then resulted in your slay.
  9. I killed him for walking over a unID'ed body. But i used a diffrent reason in the report thinking it would be more valid and avoid arguing over why i didn't get slayed or something, i don't even think you read what i said above because im having to repeat it. Above, liek i told you i really didn't give a rats ass about the slay, i cared more about you not hearing me out and you not checking ALL the logs. So, did the player shoot right before i killed him yes or no? Because thats the reason i added in the report. I saw him shoot before i killed him and after he shot a body him the floor underneath where he stood. Now like i said if you even reading, i killed him for standing over a unID'ed body, but i did in fact use a diffrent reason in the report i used, becausei thought it was more valid...... and like i said maybe 5-6 times now, it would be more logical and avoid arguments over why i did not get slain, and did the shot logs show the player shooting regardless if another player got dmg'd? you cant slay me for thinking another player got killed when i saw the guy get shot at.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
  10. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Hello Jake From Staté Farm™ ☏ Me,

    Thank you for making a report. My moderator, @Steven | SF, was on TeamSpeak in the same channel as me when this response to the report was submitted. His slay was valid. Your initial response to the report is what staff will base their decisions off of and in this case, your initial response stated that he killed another player, which he had not, and thus was a kill based on the suspicion that he had killed another player. Your second story, which was to be disregarded due to the change from your first response, would have made this situation into word vs word, as while we can prove through shot logs that the player fired a shot, does not show the direction the player shot and includes the existence of an unidentified body. Nonetheless, this is a change of story and can be viewed as an attempt to avoid a slay.

    I would suggest that you respond to reports with what you have witnessed, not with what you suspect, to avoid further situations such as these. My moderator has supplied your response in admins chat and admittance to your insecurity of your response to the report and has supported him in defending his actions. This report has been found invalid.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2015
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