Approved ApacheFritz's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by ApacheFritz, Dec 30, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    East 2
    Why you should be unbanned:I never was slain and dont even understand which time as I get many reports most in which are false

    Evidence of Innocence: I know of one incident if you show me the report I will answer back what happened on my end

  2. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    @FrostedBlade issued the ban for RDM & Leave, 1st offense. This staff member will respond to your appeal at their earliest convenience.
  3. alrighty thanks for responding I think that the scenerio happened right before a new map so I couldnt respond to it
  4. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    Hello ApacheFritz, I hope you are having a good day today, and thank you for taking the time to file this appeal. I hope that I can help with clearing some confusion. Yes, I did ban you for RDM & Leave 1ST Offense on 12/30/2014 from the server East 2. On the map xmas_nipperhouse, you had a report filed against you that was never answered, even after I forced the report onto you two separate times. I have a few screenshots that may help with this. See below:


    As you can see here, the player [TD]Sulfuric filed a report against you for what he believes was RDM. With our report system, both parties are given the chance to share their sides of the story. As I stated above, you had never responded to the report, even after two separate occasions of me forcing the report onto your screen, one after each round following round 4. You can see in the screenshot that the report filed against you was in round 4, and there is a report above yours that occurred in round 6. You can also see that your report is still unanswered. This alone however, was not why you were banned.


    Here you can see the damage info's leading up to the time of [TD]Sulfuric's bitter end. As you can see, he never shot a bullet as he states in his report. This however does not mean that you RDM'ed. [TD]Sulfuric could have done something traitorous for you to have gunned him down. I however, don't know if this is the case because I couldn't get you to respond. After several attempts to establish communication with you, I issued a slay on you in hopes of grabbing your attention. However, it seems as though this action did not grab your attention either, as you left shortly after, before the final round ended for that map, and were consequently banned by me for RDM & Leave 1ST Offense.


    Since you took the time to file this report and have stated above that a slay was never issued onto you, it seems to me that you were oblivious to the fact that you had even been given a slay, or were involved in a report for that matter. I have no proof of the instances where I forced the report onto your screen, but unless I am mistaken, it should stay on your screen unless you exit it. Whether you intentionally RDM'ed or not is to remain unseen. I don't know of your circumstances, or how you could have possibly been unaware of a report that I forced onto your screen on several occasions, and also not have seen a slay that was issued onto you. I am choosing to give you another chance, but not without a warning first:

    Take heed to this warning, ApacheFritz. You and you alone are responsible for your actions on our servers. It doesn't matter what the circumstances were that lent to your unawareness. You are still responsible for them. You need to pay more attention while playing on our servers. In an instance where you have to leave in a hurry, fine. Just mention it to the staff in admin chat, most of us are understanding people. In any case, you should always ask staff via admin chat if you are cleared to leave before disconnecting if you have the time. This eliminates any situations where you were unaware that staff was trying to contact you for a report.

    You will be unbanned from East 2, and the ban will also be voided. This appeal has been found invalid, but has been approved.

    I hope to see you on the servers in the future, ApacheFritz, and have a good day!
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