Denied JJbeast101's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JJbeast101, Dec 6, 2014.

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  1. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    JJ Sprinkles
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    West 2
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for mass rdm, I was a T and I jihaded AFTER I gave a warning through T-chat, I told them to back away as I was going to jihad in the entrance, sine people were blocking it, there was a time interval of about 15 seconds between the warning and the explosion, I was banned by ant after that for mass rdm. I'd like to mention ant called me a "retard" and sarcastically insulted me saying, "nice job, you killed more t's than innos gg" or something of the sort. I rectified him saying that he had broken the rules, and since he was in a position of moderator, if he were to "harrass" me again, it'd be his duty to kick himself. After that I was banned for jihading and not giving them enough time to escape., I have a screenshot of when he insulted. He obviously banned me because his pride as a self-righteous and infallible moderator was hurt when I called him out on harassing me.
    Evidence of Innocence:
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    @ant. banned you for Mass RDM (3+) for failing to give your t buddies some time to escape your jihad. He will respond to this appeal at his earliest convenience. Please be patient and play on the other 4 servers while you wait for his response.
  3. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    Hello @JJbeast101

    I banned you for Mass RDM(3) because you gave your T buddies(me included) less than 4 seconds before Jihadding the entrance doorway in the map community_pool, killing 3 of your t buddies. As for the name calling, I do admit i said "even if you warn you're retarded for jihadding with 4 t's next to you". As the motd states i gave myself a warning and stopped immediately after, it did not warrant a self-kick. I apologize for getting angry but you failed to give your t buddies ample time to react to your warning. I will have a video upload of this event sometime tonight, showing you gave us less than 4 seconds before starting your jihad. I will also tag @Toxin , my admin, to review this report.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  4. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    I did not see you warning yourself, Unless you did it mentally and not in-game. In the heat of the moment I was having quite a fun time, If i did in fact only give 4 seconds, then I'll stand corrected and happily accept the ban, however, I believe I did give enough time for you to get away, I even said I was jihading BEFORE I bought the jihad, I don't know when you started recording but anyhow, unless my mic failed, or as I said, I fucked up in the heat of the moment, then I gave you enough time. I accept your apology, and apologize myself, for my agitation and clear hostility in my appeal. Thank you for your time.
  5. Hello @JJbeast101 ,while we wait for ant. to provide his evidence, I will say that it was wrong of him to address you in such a vulgar manner.
    As staff members we are to act in a professional manner. Sure, here and there crack a few jokes and have a good time, but harassing another player is never allowed under any circumstance. I apologize for ant.'s rude behavior and I have talked to him about this.

    As I am putting my belt back on, I can assure you that this will never happen again. Feel free to come directly to me of you have any problems.
  6. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    Here is the video. Please skip to 5:30-40. As you can see, you said "get the fuck out of here" 3-4 seconds before you activated your jihad. @Toxin @JJbeast101
  7. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    I stand corrected as it wasn't 15 or so seconds but much shorter, however, if you listen carefully, I warned them a tiny bit earlier but my mic didn't fully let my message go out, and in MY opinion that was plenty enough time for you or anyone in that situation to escape, as you can see the ones that DID survive where the ones who actually listened to my warning, moved, and ran away, while one of the guys just stands there, and you just run towards me, when I had clearly warned about the jihad, which is why you both died. :/
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  8. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    Thank you for your assistance and professionalism. I appreciate your help and concerns. I'd also like to add that there's no ill feeling towards ant. as he is human, and we all become irritated and some insults may slip out once in a while ;).
  9. ant.

    ant. I'm not your da da VIP Silver

    I'm sorry but I feel that you still did not give us enough time to react to your warning before jihadding. I must deny this appeal.
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