Denied JJbeast101's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JJbeast101, Dec 1, 2014.

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  1. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    JJ Sprinkles
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well I was banned for mic spamming for a start. Throughout the game I got gagged I think twice before, one was for speaking in a squeaky voice , I stopped, next was because I was trying to play a trick/prank on someone where I tell him , "I'm going to ask you 3 questions, if you answer yes to any of the questions I ask you must pay me some points, so do you want to play?" Here the person says "yes" and he/she obviously pays me, I tried to say that but the round suddenly started, so I could never finish saying it to him, after I died I tried to use the trick on someone else, to which I was gagged, because I kept on repeating the same thing, I tried to explain to the mod, Avalon something, that I it was a different person and in order to play the game or trick/prank I needed to explain to him the rules, he responded with a "You'll be un-muted at the end of the round". When the round ended, I was un-gagged and played the game, I got killed and the person who I had originally tried using the trick on had also died, so I explained to him the rules, and he said yes, we chuckled, I said give me the points, he said he didn't have any, I said it's alright , that I didn't care, everything went perfectly fine, someone asked me in chat why I had done what I just got muted on, and I didn't feel like explaining to him how I was being wrongly muted , It wasn't as if I was saying it tons of times, so I just told him, because "yolo swag" or something of the sort. The point is, I should be un-banned because I did not mics-spam, at all.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Darth West

    Darth West I am Darth West, Dark Lord of the Sith. VIP

    Hello JJ as you know you were banned by @AvalonTreman for "Spamming", he will respond at his earliest convenience. As you already know we have other servers you can play on, in the meantime.
  3. Husky

    Husky Euthanasia VIP Silver

    Hello, @JJbeast101 ! I hope you are having a wonderful day. First off before I give my input @AvalonTreman is allowing me to comment as I am a witness to the entire event. @AvalonTreman is unable to comment on your ban appeal at the moment because he is driving at the moment so please be patient. While you were on the servers you were very loud and while the things you said were not vulgar or directed towards players it was very disruptive to the environment. You asked those questions multiple times and Avalon gagged you for your first offense and eventually you got your second offense of spam. You continued asking those same questions even after you were warned by Avalon and you were ultimately banned for spamming by Avalon.

    Thank you for appealing your ban on the Serious TTT servers:
    With regards,
  4. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    "Very loud" - My volume was that of any other person in the server, not once did ANYONE, not even Avalon warn me or even talk to me about my "volume"

    "Disruptive to the environment"- How was I being disruptive to the environment? I would've agreed with your opinion ( Yes, opinion, others might of not considered me to be disruptive) on the squeaky voice, but that was much earlier and doesn't have really anything to do with what you're referring to.

    "You asked those questions multiple times and Avalon gagged you for your first offense and eventually you got your second offense of spam. You continued asking those same questions even after you were warned by Avalon and you were ultimately banned for spamming by Avalon"- I began to ask the question once, the round started, I then tried to ask it again, was muted and wasn't allowed to finish (the very simple) trick, and when I finally got to say it (After which I had explained to Avalon what I was doing was not spamming) and everything went smoothly, we had a good laugh, I was banned. In reality I only got to say it once, and it was NOT spam, I didn't tell them the rules multiple times right after another, It had a time period of a round between whenever I asked the questions.

    My apologies to you and Avalon for your time. I do realize Avalon was just doing his job, and he might of felt that he was in the right, but very often because someone is a mod, or a person of authority, people consider them to infallible, when they are not . .
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    No one ever said that mods have never been wrong before to begin with. Husky himself (considering he was a former moderator) knows that well enough.
  6. I gagged you once for speaking in an annoying accent that was contributing nothing to the current conversation.

    I gagged you again for your "trick" as you were asking the same question over and over to attempt to get someone to fall for your trick. Per the MOTD, you were gagged for a whole round.

    After another round had gone by and you attempted to try your trick again, I'd like to point out that several other players told you you were warned about what you were doing. That's when I went ahead with my ban.

    I can only expand on what Husky said. Even when you weren't immediately gagged, you were disruptive, made every attempt to outspeak anyone else talking, especially for your trick. You even went so far as to start bickering with another player when you two argued about a report.

    Normally I would allow you to respond with your side of what I've given. But considering as how you're failing to see how what you did was wrong, you will be serving the entire sentence of your ban, as well as having the ban placed with your adminstats.

    Your appeal is DENIED.

    Your ban is not extended to that of the other 4 servers we host here at SeriousTTT. Please do not continue this sort of behavior there as well, or the consequences may be more dire.

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