Denied Zero_arkanous's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by Zero_arkanous, Nov 23, 2014.

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  1. Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Because i wasnt ''harassing'' I was stating tapeboy to shut up due to HIS MIC SPAM to batter amero for a answer when she did she said she called him a cuntsack after he called her an idiot and he was DRUNK as butters stated to talk to tapeboy about he after got his answer continued to mic spam questions as to why he was called that and amero didn't wanna answer he HARASSED HER for an answer therefore was harassment on HIM not i. I never insulted mr butters calling him a cunt he misunderstood as when i said in the chat report ''I heard him kept saying balh blah blah self entitled cunt'' I FORGOT A PERIOD which states the end of my sentence butters however took it as i called him it this is untrue. BUT I GOT A SCREENIE OF ME AND AMERO TALKING So ima put it up
    Evidence of Innocence:
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. If i may add I'll become more serious about the mic issue, And I'll Be more appropriate if given this ban appeal you'll no longer have no issues from me again. c: Please consider.

    (I promise I enjoy this server too much and loyal to this server tbh. I'm actually wanting to play right now. this was clearly a misunderstanding. I was saying what i heard and butters took it as i called him a name i did not. i was explaining what i heard. Me saying i dont care about my ban however was for me telling tapeboy to be quiet but here is what i was EXPLAINING. Not calling a name to butters
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  3. Jake

    Jake Brother of megaboy (RIP) VIP

    I do not see your name or SteamID on the banlist. Does it say you are still banned? Anyway, it seems you were banned by @Mr Butters, and he will reply when he can.
  4. I'll check i was banned o _ o idk if someone undid it but maybe he did.. I'll check it out thanks.

    (EDIT) Yeah im still banned and eh idk why it aint showing thats my id i looked it up
  5. Jake

    Jake Brother of megaboy (RIP) VIP

    Forgot to refresh the banlist ;).

    You were banned by @Mr Butters for "Harassment". He will respond when he is available.
  6. Bah, I find Him to have a possible vendetta against me for my humor which he doesn't understand. And Idk As I see it shouldn't be in his hands cause Seeing how he banned me for a misunderstanding I find the banner of the player to be biased.

    But I digress I can't say he has hate for me But i get the point he's making with my mic and how i act but as my mother has taught me. Treat those how you are treated. :v And Butters, Let's face it. You were being quite agressive toward someone who was ''mic spamming'' When there were others there spamming far more than me when i was just simply talking, BUT AGAIN I DIGRESS cause my mic is crud and i cannot hear myself on the other end. butters for that i am sorry but on the 3rd of december i'll have a better mic and you can understand me better. :v as for the link you sent me.. It clearly shows that i was explaining what i had heard from another player. So Take the ban off please? And i promise to be on a better streak of behavior.
  7. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    Please see this as to why your ban appeal is being denied:

    I can assure you that Mr. Butters has no personal vendetta against you. Simply asking if you have another mic since your current one is inaudible is in no way a personal attack. You have previously been warned by Butters before this incident to refrain from continuing your form of "humor" and should have thus understood that it is not tolerated on our servers. This ban appeal has denied.
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