Completed Report against Amerogin,Zero

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by Anaso, Nov 23, 2014.

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  1. Anaso

    Anaso VIP

    Name of Staff/Player:
    Steam ID of Staff/Player:
    STEAM_0:0:43067988/ STEAM_0:0:78855517 (respectively)
    Which Server:
    Which Map:
    Which Round:
    last round
    Time of Occurence:
    6:20PM (UTC+8:00)
    Reason For Report:
    I kill zero in the spider cave then I go out to the tower, Amerogin starts shooting me, she doesnt end up killing me, some other guy was helping her kill me but she shot first. After the situation, I go ask zero this:
    *DEAD* (TEAM) Anaso: zero, are you fucking ghosting with amerogin
    which he then responds to(through voice chat):
    yes, because you couldnt fucking wait for me to stop lagging and you had to kill me.
    I then ask Amerogin about this:
    You to Amerogin: why are you ghosting with zero?
    which to then I get no response.

    Amerogin and Zero are really good friends and thats where I came up with the idea to ask zero about ghosting​
    Evidence And/Or Witnesses:
    I just hope that their honest enough to tell the truth

    @qsawz , @DeusExVita , @based_unicorn and @Zero Toxicity was on the server(dont know if they heard doe)

    edit: @Stabby Puggy :3 was there too​
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  2. I heard Zero admit to ghosting when he was questioned by Anaso
  3. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    Do you have any recordings of them responding via voice chat admitting ghosting? Otherwise I doubt anything can be done.
  4. OkaiD

    OkaiD *-* VIP

    Hi @Anaso this is not enough evidence of ghosting, do you have any other proof of it?
  5. Anaso

    Anaso VIP

    since I dont have anymore evidence, I guses you can just ban amerogin for rdm with no staff since she did rdm me
    and also high sus on them
  6. OkaiD

    OkaiD *-* VIP

    I have spoken with the player @Anaso in game about the 2 claims. The ghosting claim is invalid due to lack of evidence. The rdm offense is invalid because the player killed the traitor after the traitor threw a harpoon and shot before the player had killed the traitor.
    If you have any other evidence or if you think you remember the player rdming during another time that you had not told me feel free to message me through a conversation. Topic locked.
  7. OkaiD

    OkaiD *-* VIP

    Additional information has been provided by the player, report set to investigating and reopened.
  8. OkaiD

    OkaiD *-* VIP

    This player has been slayed in game for RDM topic locked.
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