Approved based_unicorn's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by based_unicorn, Nov 21, 2014.

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  1. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    So I don't remember rdming anyone at all before I left, I literally got off because there was no admins on and i was afk for some. Also i don't beileve i mass rdm'd anyone to be banned for 56 days. And I thought mass rdm was only a week, but 56 days for doing nothing? I think that's a little over the top, I'm not sure if you guys went on some like banning spree but i don't think i should've been banned. Also everyone on that server likes me and i'm not an rdmer and i'm also a good sport/ player. I also don't think i have ever argued with any of the mods. trial mods, or Admins..
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    Light weight salty about this tbh.
  3. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    I am the one who essentially brought this ban upon you (So I am apart of this issue), @Nena banned you. I got the attention of a staff member that you were potentially posting a phish link in the chat of Vanilla. Nena then banned you shortly afterwards for posting a Malicious Link.

    A staff member will deal with you when possible. Good luck.

    From the chat itself -

    |TC| based_unicorn: screen-pictures /img_012/ wtf (Broke the link, removing the Http:// and .com for the safety of others.)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
  4. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

  5. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    What's a phish link? I was wondering what it is because someone on my friend's list sent it to me.. And sorry? I'm still new to this computer/ Gmod thing neither tho i guess i have been playing for a while but it's just been TTT

    Attached Files:

  6. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    Ok I clicked it and nothing happened... idk if having Mac has something to do with it, i thought it was just a screenshot of something
  7. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    That's the exact link. I however do not have the screenshot due to some weird reason (My mistake). However, the file you just posted is telling that you did in fact have a link to a phish.

    Since there's an error on my part due to not having a screenshot (Once again my bad) I'll have to say it is most likely now up to the discretion of the admin to make a decision now based on what you have just posted.
  8. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    Well i didn't know people actually post those links to hack people, i still play console system more then this. So i'm not really familiar with all these complicated stuff
  9. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    LOOK NOTHING HAPPENED. I don't get how that infects people's laptop. I did it like twice already

    Attached Files:

  10. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    Based_Unicorn, I can assure you without a doubt in my mind that what you have posted in the chat of Vanilla VIA that message you receive earlier in the screenshot you posted is in fact a phish link. Any sane PC gamer who at least experienced this issue once can tell when a phish link has been posted. They are red alert sirens going off in a steam PM, and not at all hard to tell.

    The fact of the matter is that you were in possession of this phish link. I did post in my earlier post that link (in broken form) and then you reply with a screenshot of this link that you received.

    However, wait on Nena to respond.
  11. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    You will be unbanned and just remember do NOT post anything like that in game next time
  12. based_unicorn

    based_unicorn Member

    Ok can you tell me what a phish link is T_T?
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