Denied AthlonZ's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by AthlonZ, Nov 18, 2014.

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  1. AthlonZ

    AthlonZ New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    AthlonZ (NoSound)
    Your Steam ID:
    STEAM_0:0:958794 (2003 original 1 owner, me)
    Which Server:
    all of them really?

    Why you should be unbanned:
    Random glitchy bans all over the server?

    Evidence of Innocence:

    It says here, I am banned for "1xx days" in west, east
    something like 7 hours in vanilla and something else

    I was banned and/or glitched banned without reasons, I do no know who could have banned me seemingly MULTIPLE TIMES in and out of ALL the server RANDOMLY lately. This "glitch-ban" started about 2 weeks ago, It, to me, is, Seemingly random and without reasons to be. Unless you explain to me EACH and separate bans from EACH and separate servers.

    My steam ID is STEAM_0:0:958794 I am a regular and I do not deserve to be randomly banned all over the 4 servers without explanation, Also I did notice that one time it said 10 days, and then 24 hours, and then 107 days ? What is going on? You HAVE a duty to tell me WHAT IS GOING ON because I, again Have no idea why I, and/or my steam ID is banned all over without any reasons?​
  2. Jake

    Jake Brother of megaboy (RIP) VIP

    You were banned by @kynwall for 2nd RDM + Leave Offense on West 2, @Guilty for 3rd on Vanilla, and @Nena for 4th, which is global. You also had your 3rd and 4th ban both in the same day. Any of them will respond when possible.
  3. AthlonZ

    AthlonZ New Member


    Under knowing these facts, I will contest the RDM and leaves, Everytime I leave, either I am tired to play, and I try most of the time to not leave before explaining the kill to the person,

    Unfortunately Yes I have quite a record, but as I said I am a regular and I do not RDM and leave, I do not do that, May I suggest it was involontary? How is that able to get me 100+ days of ban that is above me,

    It seemed that everytime I quitted the server, I was getting banned unknowingly, that would explain the RDM and leave, most of the time I leave without notice because I am tired to play, not because I come in, and volumtary kill someone and then leave, That is not what I am doing.

    For the RDM, that does happen I seem to have a happy trigger on people who harm other without telling me, if they are a T, there was lately a big RDM fest, and I have been playing for more than 4 years this mod, Ive been playing gmod since 2005-2006 when 9.0.4 was around, I plea to you to understand these, I am not here without reasons, I am telling the truth and the only truth, and it gets hard for admins to distinguish RDM (Random DeathMatching) from Accidental Killing or KOSing
  4. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    RDM and accidental kos and killing are the same thing.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Hello @AthlonZ ! Hope you're having a fantastic afternoon!

    I have the screenshots on my Dropbox, but I am currently not at home at the moment. I will upload them to Imgur and then present the reason why you were banned as soon as I am home! Your appeal will be on the top of my list of priorities when I get home!

    However, the
    main reason on why you were banned was because you left before your respective slay rounds were over. Looking into your adminstats, you already had a few RDM & Leave Offenses, which prompted me to ban you for your appropriate offense.

    That's the reason why you were banned by me. Consider it denied for the time being due to having multiple offenses accumulated. I apologize for this verdict, but that is the appropriate decision to give to someone who accumulated quote a few offenses.

    The screenshots will be added later today.

    Edit: I also remember gagging you twice because you were constantly mic spamming on the server as well as you leaving the server when I gave you 2 slays due to your 2nd offense of RDM on a different round. You then chose to leave the server. If you are slain or about to be slayed, you must wait until your slay round ends in order to avoid an RDM & Leave ban. Considering you have 4 offenses at this point, you did not do this.

    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2014
  6. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    The reason I globalized your ban is because you left during a slay, youHAVE to stay till next round if you were slain.
    By the time I banned you, there were 2 ACTIVE bans on you so I banned you for RDM and leave 4th offense.
    I will give my judgement once the other staff members tell their side of story.
  7. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Thank you for being patient with me! Here is your reason on why you were banned.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    With all of that being presented (mostly in order hopefully), let's talk about why you were banned. You left while I gave you quite a few slays (which is interesting because you say that you kill people involuntarily). Our banning system is not random by the way. Players are punished and banned if they commit a wrongful offense and they try to evade it or they extensively RDM. As shown by the screenshots, your punishment is well deserved.

    In your situation, you RDMed quite a few individuals as you can see by the logs I have presented. You killed loganskullmaster and you stated that you were a traitor (I don't have that part of the conversation in the logs), however, you were an innocent as shown in the second image. That gave you your 1st slay as a result. Let's not forget that you were also mic spamming which resulted in me gagging you twice as a result. Next, you damaged the Unknown with your incendiary while you were throwing multiple grenades during that round. That got you 2 more slays due to this being your 2nd offense of RDM on a different round. Finally, you then RDMed Monkey D. Luffy with your crowbar for most of his health after your slays were over. That would normally point to a Mass RDM (3+) ban, but with permission from my admin, @Thorn , I was granted permission to bypass that ban and give you 3 more slays as a result. Finally, what was the final sealing touch was you damaging The Lord Reaper with your incendiary grenade and after that happened, you immediately left the server. As a result, you were banned for RDM & Leave 3rd Offense after noticing your extensive record.

    Finally, let's talk about how long you've played GMod. It does not matter on how long you've been playing GMod considering that our servers highly value those who follow the rules and punish those who choose to break them.

    With all of that being stated, your appeal on my ban given is DENIED! Now it's up to @kynwall to give his reasoning to end this appeal.

    For the meanwhile, I hope you have a good day!
    Sincerely, Guilty
  8. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Hello, and a good day to you ser. My name is kynwall and I am here today to show you why I had banned you! First let us start off with the damage logs:
    AthlonZ-U15 1.png
    As you can clearly see you had thrown several grenades, two of which were incendiary's, damaging Andy and killing him. Before I could have slain you, you left the server:
    AthlonZ-U15 2.png
    Long story short you had RDMed another player, did not serve a slay, and therefor I had banned you for RDM&Leave 2nd Offense.
    I kept this short and sweet for everyone, I would also deny this appeal. Thank-you and have a fantastic day.
  9. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    With all the evidence , your appeal will not be approved.
  10. AthlonZ

    AthlonZ New Member

    First and foremost, I would like to thank you on the attention you have given this topic, You will understand I feel strongly that a reduced ban, or review at the very least in my favor for some of the RDM would have been appropriate, I remember multiple times them being in fact involuntary, I do not ask you to believe me either under these circumstances, there is 105 days left on the ban, as I said I am a regular, probably over the course of the time I have been behaving in a wrong way, To my own knowledge of this gamemode, "RDM" by this community's definition (Carned) is sharp and innevitably sometime unjust, I have seen well above 80% of every round in the last month having at least a single of these "RDM" as you call it, It is somewhat Innevitable, Let me introduce the reasons behind the bahaviours, I think it deserves a greater look, I do write this for my own pleasure and to inform the staff of this community of something I did and recognize, the grenade system have been disabled by some servers due to many players having this behaviour of throwing them, But why behind? I ask myself the same question, as I said, I strongly think I should not get 105 days of bans, when I clearly try to understand the situation and am strongly disapointed in the staff decision.

    I am ready to actually take on any kind of readaptation I would like to continue to play on your servers and I will show support to this TTT community that I have been playing for a while, For the sake of the betterment of gaming in your servers and community, please provide information about how can you help me, or people like me, who behaves like this, to NOT do that. I am very serious in that question, I will take it as a quest, because I can think of A LOT of things in a single day, If my proposition of reducing the ban lenght or having a chat or two with some of the staff, That would be greatly appreciated, nothing is better than communication especially in this gamemode as things goes fast around.

    If anyone is able to awnser the questions of how you can improve the RDM levels, and certainly how can you justify "unintentional killing" as "RDM" (Random DeathMatching), You will win some Internets :X3:

    Please accepts my best regards,
  11. tz-

    tz- feelin it VIP Emerald

    Your ban is only 8 weeks long, it is not "105 days". If you look at the MOTD/Server Rules you can see the amount of ban time you get for each offense of RDM and Leave up to the third offense.
    However, since you had your fourth offense, instead of it being a local ban on just 1 server, you got an 8 week global ban across all five servers because you have, most likely, not learned from your mistakes of getting banned. Not to mention that you got multiple bans in one day.
    As stated by Nena, this appeal has been denied, which most likely means that you'll not be getting a reduction unless all three moderators (Kynwall, Guilty, and Nena) agree to shorten your ban time. By the way, you shouldn't be throwing incendiary/discombobulator gernades, as they cause damage to other players which is RDM (unless you have a reason to throw them i.e. at a traitor who has commited a traitorus act).
    I hope this has helped you as to why you were banned as your request as to what you want in your latest reply to this thread was not very clear to me. Have a nice day :)
  12. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    The reason we consider "accidents" as RDM is mainly because if we allowed accidents to be let off, then we would suddenly start having a lot of "accidents", get what I mean? ;)

    You appear to have a bad habit of throwing several grenades, which, I must inform you, are intended for use in killing or injuring people. When you aimlessly throw these grenades, you are responsible for the damage they cause. You have been banned 3 or 4 times for leaving after said incidents so I'm not sure how you did not realize until now, which is unfortunate that you received such a long ban, but hopefully this will give you some time to think over your incident and hopefully you can take this as a learning experience.
  13. AthlonZ

    AthlonZ New Member

    I'm saying we could always just ban grenades like some other servers did. I have no idea why it is showing that i am banned for 105 days unless you can actually check the real timing left on it, I will honnestly let the upper moderators review this case I do take THIS writing as a learning experiance and the goal have been hafly done, I still maintain that I left the servers Unknowningly of the facts rather than doing voluntary "RDM & Leave" Any amount of time really won't make me think either one side or another, however just having this conversation with you and seeing how we can arrive at a solution, But I clearly see your point now, It's a lot more clear now then when I was playing, I maintain the fact that I was a regular and might I have passed by a bad habits time, I do understand since a while I on the personal level had a lot of difficulties to go on for, For the nade throwing I do agree with the fact that I most of the time throw them, in reality it's to get rid of them and I think, subcounciously I do have a pleasure of seeing these blow away, I doubt I try to INJURE or KILL anyone with these. I did not wanted 8 weeks or more of ban, I did not understand at the time the gravity of the situation, again I doubt much that much time or any time can or will change my mind, id rather think about it on the forums like we are doing right now this week than spending 8 weeks regretting actions I could not control fully obviously.

    Upon review, I think a reduction to 30 days makes it fairer and does it fact would recocgnize my side of the story. I speak for more than myself as I am learning right now and I remind myself and try to understand as much, You have provided me with something that I needed to know as-of-now and even BACK then, It's a question of acquiring the knowledge.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    UPDATE : 2014-11-20 6:24 PM GMT -5
    Since there is zero reply so far, If you prefer I could do a new thread, I am afraid this won't get awnsered. Look at the view count just 2-3 days and I have capted the attention of alot of people it seems like, over 250 views? wow I am honnestly impressed, If again you prefer I make a new thread I can, or again I would like to meet in chat the moderators to explain the situation, I am not here to back down, I have been playing this gamemode since 2010 if not 2009, I remember because we had a crew in my class of IT Tech school and we used to play a lot, I still maintain after a while that the decision is seemingly, overwhelmingly unfair as I had no intention to get banned for 2 months without my own knowledge, As I started on the topic the first thing I asked is clarification for the RDM and leaves, and I did, but I do not merit to be banned for 2 months, I prefer to learn now rather than been mad or unwillingly doing the same thing in another server or community. My question IS left unawnsered so far. Add me on steam or if want to arrange a meeting on Teamspeak I could.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2014
  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Any situation where you leave before your slay round is over for no legitimate reason will result in an RDM & Leave ban. You say that you don't deserve your 2 month ban, but this was also your 4th offense of RDM & Leave (the 3rd and 4th of which happened on the same day). As clarified in the MOTD, the more offenses you gather, the worse the punishment gets. While the MOTD only shows up to the 3rd offense, the 4th Offense is generally an 8 week ban on all STTT servers. So by the standards of the protocol the staff follow, your ban is justified.

    Lack of knowledge does not excuse you from any form of punishment unfortunately considering that you did RDM quite a few players and then left before the respective slay rounds were over. As clarified by @Nena , if you do get slain, you MUST stay for the entire duration of the rounds.
    You can use the time off the servers to learn the rules. I would also recommend that you consult the MOTD and THIS to learn about the rules. I would also recommend consulting the Q&A section of our forums to understand how some of the gray areas of our servers could be dealt with.

    And making a new thread will not change the results of anything considering a verdict was already reached by myself and my fellow staff members Nena and @kynwall . With this being stated, I will be locking this thread considering the appeal was already dealt with. Please refrain from making another appeal that pertains to the ban you received not too long ago. Thank you very much and I hope you have a good day!

    Sincerely, Guilty
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