Denied JJbeast101's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by JJbeast101, Nov 13, 2014.

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  1. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
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    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    Well I was banned for 'Harassment" for 24 hours, i was warned and kicked for using the word, "Nigger" both in mic and in chat, and I agree with that as I did in fact break the rules (Even though someone else used the "N" word in chat and didn't receive any punishment), however, the third time I did not at all "harass" anyone. Guilty kicked, if i'm correct two other guys for calling each other and me "faggots" one of them I remembered was named "10/10" and i'm not really sure if you could call that "harassment" for they were calling each other (and me) that and were doing it in a friendly manner, joking around. Before Guilty kicked one of the guys i was laughing and telling him to shut the fuck up jokingly, and after Guilty kicked him I asked why he kicked him as we were just playing and he proceeded to say "you're next on the ban list", and I pleaded momentarily and asked him why as I hadn't done anything, but my efforts were in vain as I was banned. I should be un-banned clearly because I didn't harass anyone, at all. P.S No offence to Guilty, but he was sort of being a douche, just a real party pooper, angry at everything, obviously if you act like that you set yourself up for these kind of situations.
    Evidence of Innocence:

  2. Mr Butters

    Mr Butters For a few to be immortal, many must die. VIP

    @Guilty will respond with his side of what happened when it is most convenient to him. However I was playing with you before Guilty had gotten on and I had gagged you twice for using the exact same racial slur and for telling me to "suck your dick" I got off shortly after this, but I am sure people such as @VonDicey @Brahma Da B3AST @Fiefoe remember this. You were also mocking me because i'm australian, attempting to imitate my voice, which I took no offense to so I did not kick and/or ban you myself.
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Your appeal is denied.

    I warned you multiple times to stop using racial slurs and harassing players. Your profanity and racial slurs were making other players feel uncomfortable and that itself is unacceptable. I will have the screenshots of what you said earlier that caused your ban to happen. Expect an edit to my current post.

    And a note: 10/10 and General were both punished appropriately because of their negative comments and harassment towards other players as well.


    There's the logs. With that and the fact that you were already gagged previously by @Mr Butters , it's clear that you have disrespect towards all the players. Your appeal is now officially denied. Have a good day.

    Sincerely, Guilty
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  4. JJbeast101

    JJbeast101 Member

    You didn't gag me twice for using the exact racial slur, what :cautious:? You gagged me the first time I don't remember for what but it was certainly NOT for using the N word as I only used it after you left because someone else said it as I said before, he didn't receive any punishment, anyhow that doesn't matter, I do in fact remember why you muted me the second time which was because I imitated the Australian accent, and i myself, am prideful in the voices I can make, No offence intended and in my personal opinion, imitating an accent isn't at all racist. Also I did at no time at all tell you to suck my dick , I told you "Why dontcha go back to australia and fight alligators with me mate?!" and as you said "i took no offence" and did not gag me at that time. Whether I told someone to "suck my dick" or not , doesn't matter, it wasn't towards you, and if I even did say that to someone, I assure you, it was of mutual consent. Also those people you proposed as witnesses are a bit unfair as you were joking with them all throughout the match. If there was a miscommunication on my part I apologize, and I assure you i did NOT mock your Australian heritage of accent, as I quite admire Australia and its inhabitants, badass yo.
  5. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Doesn't matter. Your attitude was nothing but racist towards African Americans and Australians (in terms of @Mr Butters ). Either way, your attitude was nothing but toxic and it's clear in my images as well as what Mr Butters said. Your appeal is officially LOCKED AND DENIED! Have a good day.
  6. Opii

    Opii Keep it Simple. VIP

    I would like to state that whether or not the other players "consented" to your use of language toward them, it does not mean others did not take offense to the language you were using or are were made uncomfortable by it. In no way were any of the things you said socially acceptable, nor were they in any way not racist. The imitation of another player's voice is and stereotyping their culture is racist as is using racial derogative terms to refer to other players. As you have seen me post in chat many times before, "Please refrain from harassing other players and/or using homophobic or racial slurs." Continuining this sort of toxic behavior will lead to a lengthier ban in the future.
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