Answered Clan tags

Discussion in 'Questions & Answers' started by Creampuff, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Creampuff

    Creampuff VIP

    So if anyone with clan tags in their name is to be automatically banned? I saw the mod kick and banned most of the [Cream] just for having this tag even though everyone has their own unique name. Its not like we're [Cream] (1), [Cream] (2), etc. I don't see the point in kicking/banning people if they have their own unique name with the tag.
  2. Rayzer

    Rayzer VIP

    Yes I agree, its just a name but yet the mods are making such a big deal about it :(
  3. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    Having a clan tag does not cause any problem unless you have a name that causes confusion with other players. If you have a name that can cause confusion, then you should heed the staff member's request to change your name. If you fail to heed it, then the standard procedures regarding inappropriate names will be taken.

    In short: you're allowed to have clan tags in your name as long as your name doesn't cause problems.
  4. Creampuff

    Creampuff VIP

    The Tags had no issues we all had unique names after our tags and all of the names were appropriate.
    This still doesn't clarify why all of us which had different names had to be kicked.
  5. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    In which yours did as someone had said kos cream and @The Law shot everyone with cream in their name
  6. So if clan tag are allowed and there is nothing wrong with have [Cream] before you player name, could i get unbanned for the 8 hrs then?
  7. Tim

    Tim VIP

    Creampuff.It leads to ban confusion. The mod had to manually get the steam ids. Also the first person to join the server with the name does not have to change their name. The second person does, ext.
  8. Angel-Kun

    Angel-Kun VIP

    So if [Cream] is not an appropriate clan tag, then what is? Any suggestions so that we may change our clan tag to something that will more suitable for the server? Also, what was the problem with [Cream] if the other members had different name? ex. [Cream] TwerkingForMiley, [Cream] Angel, [Cream] Orange Soda.
  9. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Let me give you an example of it causing confusion.

    I'm a mic user, when I play. If say one of the members of this clan were a traitor and starts to shoot me. I look, see their name starts with Cream and call a KOS on cream then my mic cuts out. Now, what is everyone supposed to do? Are they supposed to kill everyone with Cream in their name? Or are they supposed to get confused by the multiple people that have cream in their name and do nothing? Essentially, it is a lose lose situation.
  10. Classical

    Classical He who does not fear death dies only once. Bronze

    Just to get the story straight, i'll tell you what I saw.

    When I came in the server a couple members with the cream tag were harassing the staff and were gagged for it. They were called incompetent, dicks, etc. I do not know what happened before as I was not online.
    After they got ungagged the harassment continued, an admin (cant remember who it was, Darktooth or Disruptionz) asked them to change their tags next round or get kicked, most of them complied. However they changed it to names like: Kream and Kayream.
    Avalon banned a few of them for a short amount of time after this. They were warned multiple times.

    EDIT: This is just for reference as to what happened when they got banned.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2014
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    In this situation there will be a ton of problems because there are multiple people with the word 'cream' in their name who could become potential targets and that could cause a ton of confusion and unintentional RDM. While it's up to the KOSer to be more specific with their targets, this kind of situation can occur and cause many people to lose and/or have their rounds ruined as a result.
  12. That did happen at one point and cause mass RDM on the server, but after that is when SinZ told us that we needed to change our name. I asked if switching to clan tags were alright and he was fine with it. Then Avalon got on a few maps later and started kicking everyone that had the clan tag [Cream]
  13. This comes directly from a response I made when one of the "Creams" decided to report me.

  14. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    If that did happen, then that means that you did comply with the staff member when he requested you to change your name.

    I suggest going to this THREAD for the rest of the information including the mod's response to why he kicked you. Thank you very much.
  15. Thank you, @Guilty. I was just about to reference this.
  16. Creampuff

    Creampuff VIP

    Alright, can we settle the clan tag though.
    If we all put our tag in the back of our names which should not cause confusion is this allowable?
  17. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    As I've already established in my first post, as long as your name does not cause confusion, clan tags are allowed.

  18. Creampuff

    Creampuff VIP

    You could say its allowable, but it doesn't mean the other mods are willing to accept this.
  19. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    The scenario that occurred with @AvalonTreman caused a LOT of confusion and problems that did not have to occur. This is why you were kicked because your names were beginning to cause confusion considering there was a player named Creampuff in the server as well. By saying "KOS Cream", they'll notice that there are multiple Creams and some people may jump the gun and go kill anyone with the term "Cream" in their name. This is why the player with the name "cream" were asked to change their names respectively.
  20. The clan tags are still are an issue. If a player said "KOS Cream" even though its a tag, the same problem is still present.

    You were asked multiple times to change your name. You didn't, and you were kicked, you came back, and then you were banned. The ban will not be lifted.