Finished Half A Year! [GIVEAWAY]

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Darktooth, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    • Bioshock Infinite (replayed it)
    • The last amount of money I put into a game was in SMITE buying the ultimate god pack
    • Current favorite band: I don't really listen to certain people, just whatever is on the radio.
    • When I get older I aspire to be a lawyer of some sort.
    • IPhone
  2. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    Forever Sinz 4.0
    • The last video game you completed all the way through: Farcry 3, Life.
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases): Metro: Last Light
    • Your current favorite band: One Direction
    • What you aspire to be when you're older: A veterinarian or a Vet Technician
    • PC or Mac?: PC much wow.
    • iPhone or Android? I prefer iPhones much faster and much smooth like much doge.
    • #TeamTooth cause I wanna win :sneaky::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
  3. Brahma

    Brahma Homecoming. VIP Silver

    • The last video game you completed all the way through: Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask 100% hearts and masks
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases) PayDay 2
    • Your current favorite band: Rise Against
    • What you aspire to be when you're older: A computer tech like my dad
    • PC or Mac? PC
    • iPhone or Android? Android, Samsung Galaxy S5
    • Like Like x 1
  4. ExtraJuicyTable

    ExtraJuicyTable Staying under the radar. VIP

    • Grand Theft Auto.
    • NHL 15
    • Fall out boy
    • Engineer
    • iPhone
    • #Team Opii- Because I rebel
  5. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    • The last video game you completed all the way through

      COD: BO2 Campaign on my Cousins Xbox 360 I think.. I have Pokemon Y but I haven't finished it ;_;
    • The last video game you purchased

      I bought Outlast + Whistleblower DLC and Speedrunners in the same purchase :D
    • Your current favorite band

      None really. :/
    • What you aspire when your older

      To be a Video Game Concept Designer and CEO of my own business :3
    • PC or Mac

      PC Master Race.

      Also PC = Personal Computer, so Mac = PC. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
    • iPhone or Android

  6. Virtx

    Virtx VIP

    • The last video game you completed all the way through
    Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases)
    The Forest
    • Your current favorite band
    I dont think there really a band but MonsterCat is the best out there.
    • What you aspire to be when you're older
    Game Creator, and console developer
    • PC or Mac?
    • iPhone or Android?
  7. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    Did someone say more winners/prizes?


    Added to the prize pool is each game from the new Humble Jumbo Bundle 3!

    The following prizes have been added to the giveaway:

    That makes the total prize count to be 23 prizes, 23 winners. Isn't that insane? At the time of posting, that's almost half of the posts in this thread! The likeliness of you winning is even greater!

    I hope you enjoy this addition, and this giveaway all together. You all mean something special to me, and hopefully this lets you all see that. :)

    Darktooth <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Red

    Red Harbinger of Arceus VIP

    • The last video game you completed all the way through
    Borderlands Pre-Sequel
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases)
    Gmod <3
    • Your current favorite band
    • What you aspire to be when you're older
    • PC or Mac?

    • Glorious PC Gaming Master Race
    • iPhone or Android?
    Droids fo sure
  9. brinkboss

    brinkboss VIP

    Last game you completed all the way through:
    • Forza Horizon 2
    Last game you purchased legitimately:
    • Call of Duty AW
    Favourite Band:
    • Hollywood Undead
    What you aspire to be:
    • Scientist
    PC or Mac:
    • PC
    IPhone or Android:
    • Android
  10. ryan4win

    ryan4win I was supposed to do great things VIP Silver

    • The last video game you completed all the way through - The games I play don't have a campaign :( So I would have to say Pokemon or something.
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases) - FIFA 15
    • Your current favorite band - Maroon 5
    • What you aspire to be when you're older - Professional Athlete or something with Engineering.
    • PC or Mac? - PC
    • iPhone or Android? - iPhone
  11. Zigles

    Zigles Rule #1: Never trust a Zigles VIP

    Last video game completed all the way through
    Last video game purchased
    Assassin's Creed Unity
    Favorite Band
    Mayday Parade
    Aspire to be when older
    Forensic Annalist or Computer Programmer
    PC or Mac
    PC easily, as long as it's not Windows 8
    iPhone or Android
    Android (root, custom rom, the list goes on and on)
    • Like Like x 1
  12. Slap

    Slap Dont steal my cheerios VIP

    • The last video game you completed all the way through: Borderlands The Pre Sequel
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases): Borderlands The Pre Sequel
    • Your current favorite band: Of Monsters And Men
    • What you aspire to be when you're older: Lawyer im part of the Debate club.
    • PC or Mac? PC
    • iPhone or Android iPhone
  13. vonDicey

    vonDicey Protocol Dictates Action. VIP

    • Destiny
    • Destiny
    • I honestly don't have favorites.
    • SPACEMAN!!!!
    • PC.
    • iPhone.
  14. Kalvinjetson13

    Kalvinjetson13 *CALCIUM INTENSIFIES* VIP

    • The last video game you completed all the way through (The binding of isaac rebirth)
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases) (OlliOlli)
    • Your current favorite band (Bad Books)
    • What you aspire to be when you're older (a skeleton)
    • PC or Mac? (Pc)
    • iPhone or Android? (android)
  15. HoneySenpai<3

    HoneySenpai<3 VIP Silver

    • The last video game you completed all the way through (Call of Duty black ops 2)
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases) (Civ 5)
    • Your current favorite band (A7X)
    • What you aspire to be when you're older (anything i want to be)
    • PC or Mac? (Pc)
    • iPhone or Android? (android)
  16. Faithful

    Faithful VIP Silver

    • The last video game you completed all the way through: Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, for about the 10th time.
    • The last video game you purchased: Adventure Time, Nintendo DS
    • Your current favorite band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
    • What you aspire to be when you're older: I either would be a veterinarian for my love of animals or an architect for my love of designing and building.
    • PC or Mac? Mac (DON'T JUDGE)
    • iPhone or Android? iPhone
  17. Lemon

    Lemon ideal male moderator VIP Silver

    1. Farcry 3
    2. Gauntlet: Legends for my N64
    3. Pink Floyd
    4. A Sheriff
    5. PC
    6. Android
  18. Predated

    Predated VIP

    • The last video game you completed all the way through:

    Battlefield 4
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases)

    Ummm, I'd have to say Battlefield 4, I recently made a new account after I leveled up to Colonel 100...Twice
    • Your current favorite band

    Anything that I find good, that means Bon Jovi, and anything related to Lord of the Rings
    • What you aspire to be when you're older?

    I plan to join the Military and become a foot soldier, and serve my country to the end.
    • PC or Mac?
    I prefer both, as they both have their own traits and own cons

    • iPhone or Android?

    Both, as they both are good for phones, it's just a phone, nothing more, nothing less.
  19. Buttered Sausages

    Buttered Sausages Active Member

    • The last video game you completed all the way through ( Crusader Kings II )
    • The last video game you purchased (No piracy, actual purchases) (AC2)
    • Your current favorite band (Arctic Monkeys)
    • What you aspire to be when you're older (Doctor)
    • PC or Mac? (PC)
    • iPhone or Android? (Android for lyfe)
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