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I dont really have any fears, well that I know of at least. ok well now that I think of it I do fear of someone killing my fiance.
I have a fear of the unknown If I don't know where my parents are going I shit myself if they don't come back within like 10 minutes I suppose that would be caused by the fear of my town, since I'm in the slums of england (the good part of the chavvy area)...
The fact that one day in the future will be the day that my heart stops beating. There's so much I want to achieve and learn about, and so much I don't know that I want to know. Life's been too good to me, makes it difficult to accept that one day it'll all just end.
Oh jesus sleep paralysis. First time I ever experienced that I thought adam.exe had stopped working (computer jokes weeeeee jk im saying that my whole lyfe is a computer pls halp) and that I could hear things moving in my room and I couldn't even roll or open my eyes, worst of all I couldn't breathe which fucked me up a bit. I think the trick is to try and make a cough-like movement with your throat to get you to breathe and move your head.
It's kind of hard for me, since I have a few. It'd have to be between bees and heights though. The bees one I got over years ago, but then heights replaced it. I'm fine when I'm in a plane, but when I'm somewhere out in the open, I start to get dizzy and feel like I might fall over. Sucks.
I don't have any IRL Not too bad.. Sorta.. Also I have a fear of Shrek. Also, you might think this sounds stupid, but my greatest fear is being sent to Hell. Even if you don't believe it exists, imagine burning for eternity in a lake of fire and brimstone...
I am not scared of spiders, but what freaks me out is when I don't see them. It is proven that the ones you don't see (camouflaged or just really small) are the more lethal ones, or at least more dangerous.