Vanilla Server: 1. Body Armour 2. C4 3. C4 Modified servers: 1. Body Armour 2. MP7 or SVU (depends on the map) 3. Radar or decoy (depends on whether I have detectives hot on my trail or not) I typically buy radar later in the game because I find it annoying when half my screen is covered up with green circles. Harpoons are bought for use against players who I have trouble killing with guns.
At first? 1. Body Armour 2. Teleporter Afterwards? 3. Disguiser 4. Decoy Anything else is just topping on the cake.
Ummm I gotta go with the death station and a teleported so if you get in a situation when you have like 10 hp you can just teleport to your death station
Big map: Armor then radar. Wait for people to spread out then pick them off one by one! Small map: Armor then spam c4 keeping one cred just in case for radar/mp7.
I only buy a Radar when it's either only me alive or not many Innos left It depends on the map Dragnov + Trip Mine/Disguiser combo - 64th Way, Dolls C4 + Harpoon/Trip Mine - Train, any Minecraft map, 64th Way Death Station on any map if needed to heal up MP7 only if in dire need to defend myself on any map Every other map is really anything goes
Radar radar radar. It makes rounds go so much faster. I play every T round hunter-killer, picking off people who are alone and without hope for backup. Beyond that, if I'm feeling cheeky, newton launcher and silenced pistol. If my T buddies suck, mp7 instead.
It honeslty depends on the map, however my usual starting kit is body armour, radar, teleporter, and death station (for the heals). I usually never buy traitor weapons unless it's a big map that the dragunov is useful one.