Respond to PMs

Discussion in 'TTT Suggestions' started by Captain Derpsalot, Oct 19, 2014.


Should this be implemented?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. I always felt like pming people was a pain especially because you had to keep doing !p <name> and the worst part of it is when the person has a name that can't be pinpointed with !p.
    For example, a guy named Derp and another guy named HerpDerp, you cant !p Derp by himself....


    The function of !r would be like a reply. So for example

    Derp to HerpDerp: Hi

    HerpDerp can just type '!r Hey'
    instead of having to go through the problem with names

    Whaddya Think?
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. or here's an option!

    !p HerpDerp
    !p Derp


    but i guess that'd be okay so +1/2
  3. In case you didn't know, if there is a common shared name, in this case 'Derp', it gives an error.
  4. I believe you would use !p 'Derp' or something as i've seen people PM others using quotes for spaces n shit
  5. Would be more convenient though
  6. NeverEnding

    NeverEnding It's Never going to end. Trust me on this. VIP

    type the person name with !P in it (!p adam)
    ctrl +a
    ctrl+v <message>
  7. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Bind a key to the ULX menu, select their name from the lost under chat at the psay option. Viole.
  8. Enigmatica

    Enigmatica The Song Lives On Banned

    still takes a long time (longer than typing their name for me at least).

    I like this idea.

    !r "Hey" would send a PM to the person who last messaged you
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    I like the idea. I've seen it implemented on other servers and think it would be good here.
  10. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    They have this command in a game I play called "Smite", and it is very useful for when you want to respond but are in the middle of a game. +1
  11. Kalvinjetson13

    Kalvinjetson13 *CALCIUM INTENSIFIES* VIP

  12. POP STAR

    POP STAR have a nice day VIP Emerald Bronze

    Yeah, I like it. The suggested system is used in League of Legends. When you type /r it responds to the most recent person that sent you a private message.
  13. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

    I feel like something like this has already been coded. I'll look to see if I can find anything, in the meantime, if you find it before I do, let me know :)
    • Like Like x 1
  14. ShadowStorm

    ShadowStorm Acting from the Shadows... VIP

    I like this, it makes it considerably faster and easier to respond. +1 from me.
  15. There was a command in minecraft (/r) which did the same thing, probably where OP got the idea from. I do support this idea, but from my experience, if there are multiple people pming you, you may !r the wrong person.
    Nonetheless +1
  16. Highwon

    Highwon Owner VIP Silver

  17. prochaos

    prochaos VIP

    Or perhaps have a full list of names near the chat log, so you can start a conversation with any1 online and then use !R to reply to last person who spoke to you. Ths would even allow you to meesge those idiots who come on with full character names that you unable to type.
    The list simple needs to be hovered over with the mouse and poof there they are like when you report but smaller so it doesnt take up the screen.
  18. CorallocinB

    CorallocinB Animeme lord VIP Silver Emerald

    You know this shit is tangy when Highwon posts on it. Approval from your unknown lover.

  19. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned


    It's a feature in some minecraft servers lol

    It's always such a pain for me to respond to pm's I sometimes accidentally type @ and then the message and accidentally send it to Edmund chat lol