Finished October Giveaway

Discussion in 'Giveaways' started by Sinz, Oct 11, 2014.

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  1. Steven

    Steven VIP Silver

    1. The fact I wreck everyone makes everyone think I RDM although it sometimes annoys me it makes me happy knowing I am a great player.
    2. Traitor because I like to carry my team and I prefer to be at a disadvantage.
    3. Prefer to be harpooned because it requires more skill
    4. Hmm semper fi is my chosen word purely because it stands for loyalty and I am loyal and devoted to the cause.
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. ZeRo

    ZeRo :sneaky: Banned VIP Silver

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

    1) What I liked about the servers was the fact that there were so many awesome players back when I first joined.
    2) Traitor because I can always use my trusty flare gun to shoot someone and make them panic.
    3) I prefer stabbed because harpoons are lame.
    4) Crown
  3. Natsu | SP


    What's your favorite aspect of this community? Just the general atmosphere of the community, it's nice and whole-hearted.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? Innocent

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? Stabbed

    What's your favorite word in the English language? I have 3 actually. Pumpkin. Spice. Latte.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Butters

    Butters VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?
    - The staff<33 & the community.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    - Traitor. I love deceiving people by gaining their trust and then just stabbing them right in the back. ^_^

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    - I'd rather be harpoon'ed since what fun is it just walking up to someone and shanking them.

    What's your favorite word in the English language?

    - Ruse: meaning an action intended to deceive someone; a trick. Which is what everyone does. ;-;
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Han

    Han       VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? The fact that there's another star wars fan here :D
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? Traitor, of course! I haven't ever seen someone who enjoys being innocent for a long time.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? Neither!
    What's your favorite word in the English language? Guts.
  6. Darktooth

    Darktooth I was #1 VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    • I've said this time and time again that I've retained my stay here due to the welcoming feeling I get from everyone around. This server has turned into a third family to me, and a place where I find a handful of true friends that I would stick by through anything. You all are my favorite aspect of this community.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    • Traitor, because of the immense amount of fun I have "breaking" my left click while trying to get @Sinz in trouble, along with the insane mindgames with @Slicck when we'd take out mass amounts of innos just by saying they have T weapons.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    • Sinz used to silent knife me almost every round, and no one would see him do it. It would make me laugh my ass off, and call him many obscenities in adminchat. So, stabbed.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    • Unity.
  7. Slap

    Slap Dont steal my cheerios VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Well I have made so many friends on this server and its definately the community, being apart of this server has made lots of new friends and have encouraged me to buy new games to play with these friends ive made.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? traitor so I can jihad and be a GG
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? harpoon cause if I get harpooned in the right place I can fly like 40 trillion feet. and the poon
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.) Id have to say (Slappy)
  8. FrostedBlade

    FrostedBlade Through victory, my chains are broken. VIP Emerald

    1.) I really love the pointshop of the Serious TTT servers. But the reason that I choose to play on Serious TTT and become a donator, was because of the community and quality of the servers, and it's/their inhabitants.
    2.) I like being a Detective or deputy :3
    3.) I enjoy being stabbed. It feels....more personal.
    4.) Preposterous!
    • Like Like x 1
  9. If it was 100k points instead of $10 I'd probably enter this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. ink

    ink Genuine Happiness VIP Silver

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.
    The sense of humor in the community because nothing in the world is more fun than playing with friends who pretend to be Jesus Christ
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Innocent because it gives the wild factor to the community that you have to play with whatever you find in the game and not any op weapons provided to you.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    Being stabbed is the most enjoying moment of the game as; What is more fun that trusting the traitor for 15 minutes and end up being silently knifed in the middle of the crowd?
    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
    Almost; because it's virtually the most persuasive word in English and yet practically mind blowing.
  11. Sora

    Sora S-Senpai notice m-me! VIP

    but but but... :c

    1. Love the people here. ♥
    2. Traitor
    3. Poons
    4. Hue.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  12. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own.

    The overall community :D

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?

    Traitor, because I can shoot people and laugh at how their body flies off. xD

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?

    Harpooned, My body flies off and I find it HILLARIOUS

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)

  13. What's your favorite aspect of this community? (weapons, active servers, friendliness, etc.) Choose your own
    100% the friendliness. The way the mods handle ban appeals without losing their shit.

    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Traitor. Because I can.

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    None of the above.

    What's your favorite word in the English language? (indubitably, grotesque, omission, etc.)
  14. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    1. The Staff. You guys are so pro its not even funny...
    2. Innocent, much more work and its more fun.
    3. Pooned.
    4. La Ventana (My favorite Spanish word because I don't know English...
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))

    Also, don't put me in your contesty thingy, I just really love answering questions! :D
    • Winner Winner x 1
  15. Lightning

    Lightning Bringing the Thunder VIP

    1 The people are so friendly
    2 Detective. People are so clueless when I have their dna.
    3 Getting harpooned ( I feel like you asked this question so you know what to kill people with)
    4 Food
    • Winner Winner x 2
  16. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? My favorite Aspect would have to be the staff group.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? Honestly i love being a Detective
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? Harpooned, preferably.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? Favorite word in the english language.. Disembowled
  17. ThatBox

    ThatBox Not this box, that one. VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community?
    The people.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective?
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned?
    What's your favorite word in the English language?
  18. Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub

    Communion (1989) Putlockers HD Stream Eng Sub i'm thinking i'm thinking VIP

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? The fairness of the rules compared to every other TTT server I have been on, as well as the staff who in force them fairly.
    Which role do you prefer traitor, innocent, or detective? Detective. Can be a little frustrating following a DNA scan in circles, but it is nice to not be shot at every time I kill an inno, which is a perk neither of the other roles give you.
    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? Well, I guess with stabbing you always have a chance to defend yourself (if your HP is above 50)... But with harpoons you can potentially fly across the map, AND THINK OF ALL THE COOL PLACES YOUR CORPSE COULD END UP! So I'd say harpoon.
    What's your favorite word in the English language? Matricide.
  19. [TEG]AwsomeDark

    [TEG]AwsomeDark New Member

    What's your favorite aspect of this community? I would say my favorite aspect of this community is the people that are in it because everyday most of them come on and are nice and friendly.

    Which role do you prefer traitor,innocent, or detective? Detective

    Do you enjoy being stabbed or being harpooned? I enjoy being stabbed because I have a chance of killing the traitor if he misses.

    What's your favorite word in the English launguage? Benevolence.
  20. Chubblebutt

    Chubblebutt I'm Back.

    1. The people.
    2. Detective
    3.harpooned. I love going flying.
    4. chubble. no one knows what it is but it is fun to say.
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