Biweekly Weapon Update!

Discussion in 'Weapons' started by The Law, Sep 22, 2014.


Would you like this suggestion implemented?

  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Maybe.

  1. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    There are at least 50 countable weapons that we currently aren't using in the M9K weapon pack, and considering that would last us 2 years alone of biweekly updates, I don't think that is a concern. Not to mention the hundreds of other weapon packs out there.
    I know nothing about balancing weapons in Gmod, so I can only assume that it's a lengthy process of testing and reconfiguring, etc. Perhaps @Highwon @Zikeji @Yawn. or @Cee can explain the process of balancing a gun to make it compatible with all the current weapons on the server.
  2. Mr. Disco

    Mr. Disco Jeff Lynne is a musical genius. VIP

  3. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    After discussing the process with @Highwon I've realized that there is a lot of work involved with adding weapons. Here is his response summarized below:
    Without another developer helping out with this concept then it wouldn't be physically possible to get this project running. Perhaps down the road we'll be able to acquire someone who is knowledgeable enough and has the time to take on this project. :)
  4. Or we could just add in the new weapons and see what sticks if the process is too much work. Anything for new guns.
  5. +1 Quack Quack
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  6. BigBoyMansion

    BigBoyMansion Banned


    Bandwagon lol
  7. Dancinghotdog

    Dancinghotdog Member

    The double barrel is actually pretty balanced, if you think about it. The range isn't very good, as it does very little damage after a short distance. Only one spawns on the map, so any others have to be selected in loadout by VIP and VIP+ members or bought in pointshop. And there's a fairly long reload time after each shot. But that's my opinion. I think the Vanilla weapons, the double barrel, all handguns, the honey badger, and the AK-47 should all permanently stay on the server. Great idea though!
  8. +1
    Same weapons get old after a while.
  9. @Change-up maybe?
  10. I just have to say not every great idea is easy to implement, stuff should be tried to see if the results are worth the effort and if they are not then simply don't do it anymore.
  11. ProCsDoge

    ProCsDoge Member

    I Like the idea but, that would be to much work to do it every 2 weeks. just put the weapon in permenantly! that would be better.
  12. ProCsDoge

    ProCsDoge Member

    I Would also like skins for non vip with the same thing as this. switch it out every 2 weeks.
  13. The Law

    The Law You fought the law and the law won. VIP Silver Emerald

    The problem with permanently adding new weapons is that the download for new players increases, and keeping that download small is a large priority. Where one weapon is added another must be removed essentially, which is the problem the biweekly weapon idea tries to resolve.
  14. ProCsDoge

    ProCsDoge Member

    I Understand.
  15. Han

    Han       VIP


    This has gotten a massive amount of support ( Well, large size :p ). I'm curious to see if it's possible. Do we not have another developer who could handle this? Or is it even farther down the road :unsure:
  16. s1rcool

    s1rcool Active Member VIP

    So if this would be implemented on Vanilla, then it wont be Vanilla anymore.
  17. Orion

    Orion He is Exalted Administrator VIP

    Big +1, also giving the slow MP5 by updating it to the M9K version, and giving the silenced version to the traitors possibly?
  18. Big Al

    Big Al I hit em' up VIP


    @The Law, @Darktooth, @Slicck, @Highwon If you're looking for someone to do weapon conversion I would love to help out.
    I've converted weapons lots of times before (see ttt_alien_v2 flamethrower and pulse rifle, ttt_vault laser rifle etc.), it's relatively painless when you know how.
    You can give me any workshop or non-workshop weapon and I can convert it to a TTT compatible and balanced weapon, ready for upload.
    If it's more comfortable to have someone else upload the files after I'm done that could work too.

    Whatever works, that's my offer :) let me know if you want my help or not.
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  19. kwasaznik

    kwasaznik VIP

    Add this please! It's would make players more interested in playing, and it would be fun to see what the developers cook up for us.

  20. Whitewolfx0

    Whitewolfx0 Keep the shiny side up. VIP

    Because there is a chance of the bulk Cannon coming back
    And just ask long as the new weapons are buyable in the point shop/load out
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