Whats the meaning of your name?

Discussion in 'TTT Discussion' started by Slap, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. Sora

    Sora S-Senpai notice m-me! VIP

    well, bSun was a community i use to be part of (very loving <3) and Sora... well i had an addiction to KH at that time :p i plan on changing it tho...
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  2. Firestorm

    Firestorm Member

    I chose firestorm cause ya known i like fire and i like large thunderstorm + rain storms so i put them together and got firestorm :p
  3. Sleeping Dawg

    Sleeping Dawg c o o l b o y s VIP

    The usernames Ive used most in my 7 years of internet are:
    Sleeping - I'm not very good at it...
    Shikari - From one of my favorite bands: Enter Shikari
  4. I liked the word "Disruptions" and I felt it just looked better ending in a "z" rather than an "s"
  5. I took my name from the late guitarist of Mayhem, Euronymous. Euronymous (Eurynomos) also one of the infernal names, used in Satanic rituals.
  6. Killamarshall

    Killamarshall Hmm... interesting.. Smite anyone?? VIP

    That is the whole thing....
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. Sinz

    Sinz crumble VIP Silver

    Because all the cool kids were doing it.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Taco_Rocket

    Taco_Rocket G-G-G-Godmin VIP

    Don't you mean Kool Kids?
  9. That and The N***** Family
  10. AnarkisT

    AnarkisT ★ No Gods, No Masters. ★ VIP Silver Emerald

    I know what it is.
    Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret ;)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Ditto

    Ditto Some people fear death, others ask for it. VIP

    As you can obvious tell, to keep it short and easy on the explanation of my name.
    I really do feel as if everyone is Demonic. This world we live in today is so demented, and twisted. So I think we have a DemonicSociety :D
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    Last name plus the D.

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  13. Natsu | SP


  14. Best Icecream (official)

    Best Icecream (official) Active Member

    Got high and saw ice cream. Forgot the flavor and i thought it was the best. -Based on a true story
  15. My real name is Richard Francis Buttermuffin III of the esteemed Buttermuffin family. Dick is obviously short for Richard and that's what I go by IRL.

    In 1964 Pillsbury introduced the "Funny Face Drink Mix" which was highly successful, but when cyclamate was banned Funny Face had to be dropped which caused Pillsbury to lose $4.5 million. Meanwhile, a young rival baking company called the Buttermuffin Company was starting to gain some steam in the early 1960s. It was owned by Richard Francis Dungworth, my grandfather. Not liking his last name and with the increasing recognition of the Buttermuffin brand, he legally changed his last name to Buttermuffin. Now with the 4.5 million loss by Pillsbury in the mid-1960s, they were looking for a way to get that money back. So they struck a deal with Buttermuffin Company to borrow 4.5 million (which was most of the company's worth) while promising to promote them in return. While it was risky to loan so much money, it was a homerun in the long run because not only would Pillsbury have to pay back all of that money (plus interest) within three years, they would also have to promote the Buttermuffin Company which would increase profits tenfold.

    However, what my grandfather didn't realize, is that Pillsbury never said how much they had to promote the Buttermuffin Company. So Pillbury's promotion of the Buttermuffin Company included nothing more than a single flier sent directly to my grandfather's home. Due to the lack of promotion and lack of money from the loan, the company folded almost a year later and my grandfather died of heart failure a couple months after that. Some say he died of a broken heart. My father used that single flier as motivation to one day take down Pillsbury for destroying his father's legacy.

    Because my father had worked with my grandfather as a young man at the company, he had good enough credentials to land a job at Pillsbury's rival company General Mills. After many years of hard work my father became CEO of General Mills and made it his mission to take down Pillsbury. Then, in 2001, my father's dreams were realized when General Mills merged with Pillsbury. My father passed away five years later. Some say that he had finally been laid to rest like a spirit of vengeance after accomplishing his mission of avenging his father's death.

    Today I spend my time relaxing with a large inheritance from my father. So what does my name really mean? Honor, loyalty and determination. The Buttermuffin Family will live on and never be forgotten. My son, Richard Francis Buttermuffin IV, will make sure of that.

    Screw you, Pillsbury. May you burn in hell.
    • Winner Winner x 4
  16. Change-up

    Change-up "Change is coming" VIP

    Holy s***
  17. kynwall

    kynwall "Painting Roses" VIP

    Legend of Cow, that is all.
  18. Ditto

    Ditto Some people fear death, others ask for it. VIP

    Well since I changed my name for a reason.... The new meaning to my name is, well, everyone that I meet most of the time I'm an ass to them because let's be honest. This world is filled with immature people. So since they expect me to be nice to them, or I say something "that's mean." I always get called "Heartless"
    So my new name is "Heartless (DS)"
    DS = DemonicSociety (My last name)
  19. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    Do I really have to say it?
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  20. Pacifist

    Pacifist Cynically Insane VIP Bronze

    The real reason is that I thought it would be funny if it said that you were killed by a pacifist. Also it gives me a reason to holster my gun and play 'Tag your it' without the tag.
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