Standalone or Epoch?

Discussion in 'Off Topic Discussion' started by Adam is the D, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. So I want to get DayZ but I don't know which version to get. I know that the standalone version gets updates and it's more polished and simple, but Epoch looks pretty cool, and it has more features like cars n shit.

    Also, if there is anyone that DOES play standalone/epoch, maybe you would want a partner to play with? :3

    I've played standalone for maybe 3 months on another account, so I know how it works, but I've never played epoch and wondered if it was worth the money?
  2. CDriscoll

    CDriscoll Lemme advise you VIP Bronze

    DayZ mod for Arma 2.
  3. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald

    they are both pretty good in my opinion. I play standalone more now because my group pretty much switched over to standalone.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  4. Serious Lawyerbot

    Serious Lawyerbot Supporter

  5. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    Epoch. It has way much more content and different big communities and also it'll take a long time till the standalone catches up with it's Arma 2 mod.
  6. Lol, the first person to describe why ___ is better :p

    I guess i'll be trying epoch :)
  7. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    The bad thing about Epoch is that it's harder to update it against hackers plus you have to buy both arma 2 and operation arrowhead then do a lot of other stuff ( downloading dayz, folder placing, downlading dayz commander and such to make things bearable) also if I remember it right not many are playing on the main cherno map anymore ( might be wrong you'll have to see it for yourself) so you have to download other maps(which are pretty good but unless it's not a good server dont expect much loots)and downloadşng them can be a pain in the ass.
  8. Carned

    Carned ✘o ✘o VIP Silver Emerald

    • Like Like x 1
  9. Yeah but overwatch sucks willies

    is that why you mentioned it carned?

    do you suck willies carned?

    I hope you don't.

  10. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald

    dayz crew.jpg

    I am the one with the green beanie on but this is just some of the crew.
  11. Need one more? ;)
  12. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    if you want one more on your crew just talk to me :D wandering around the map for the last 2 weeks I nearly have everything and always people are trying to kill me :D
  13. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald

    We have more gear then you could imagine. We had one guy in our crew who had 5600 items so his character got reset. I,m sure if you guys are mature and know how to play the game, they won't care if you join. Just message me if you want to join.
  14. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald


    This was just one room of pants and protector cases

    EDIT: This is the video we made out of it.
  15. Kalvinjetson13

    Kalvinjetson13 *CALCIUM INTENSIFIES* VIP

    That picture.

  16. so standalone ye? I'm not really that mature as you probably know but i'm quite good at dayz

    jk lol
  17. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    Is that a no restart server?
  18. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    I ll message you when I am on
  19. AlCo owns

    AlCo owns The one and only VIP Emerald

    No, one of the guys that we play with owns the server and is usually populated also. The regular reset time is either every 2 or 4 hours.
  20. Vrayer

    Vrayer Member

    What's the name of it ? I usualy play in oldschool dayz and GER/ENG something something server