Denied @nimal's Appeal

Discussion in 'TTT Ban Appeals' started by @nimal, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. @nimal

    @nimal New Member

    Your In Game Nickname:
    free animal
    Your Steam ID:
    Which Server:
    Why you should be unbanned:
    I was banned for "ghosting" because I had friends on the server and while I will admit they play in a way that makes it seem like they are ghosting (ie. calling everyone traitors) we have not been ghosting and are just trying to have fun.
    Evidence of Innocence:
    I'm not sure what to put here but any admin in the game would have noticed that my friends were wrong 90% about who was a traitor.​
  2. Dead Man Laughing

    Dead Man Laughing Regular Member

    Animal, How about you explain why you call someone a traitor for something dumb like "walking" in order to make someone else KOS them, especially when they really are a T and you have no proof?

    Your friends were saying "KOS King" after you said "King is definitely a traitor" without an ounce of proof. So that in itself is suspicious

    And yes, I was a T.

    Heads up, you just admitted that your friends were calling people Traitor. The same way you did to me? So you admit that you and your friends were provoking RDM
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  3. @nimal

    @nimal New Member

    We didn't realize that you couldn't call someone a T if you didn't know, but that's not what I am appealing for, I was banned for ghosting, and I was not ghosting. It would have been more fitting had someone slain me, and explained that you can't call someone a T if you don't know. Also, I have read the rules and understand that now, I assume my friends have read them as well. So my apeal is that, I did call out a T with out actually knowing but I wasn't ghosting.

    Also as I remember it I was killed by KINGS TEST and then someone else killed him. I never actually killed him.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2014
  4. RhazhBash

    RhazhBash Professional Button Presser VIP

    @YesyesNena :P banned you and your friends for ghosting. While you wait for her to respond feel free to play on our other 4 servers, as you are only banned from east.
  5. fateburn

    fateburn 自分のためが VIP

    Hey @nimal or "free animal" ,

    First off ,
    I banned two of your accounts , first one is @nimal , the reason I banned it 5 days for mass rdm it's because you were slain for 2 rounds at terror train before for rdming 2 people , and then at the next map : 67th way you threw inic and randomlly damaged a t , that's the 3rd offense of rdm and then you killed another inno for following

    you , and at last you killed me with jihad as detective , you totally rdm'd 5 peoples at the past 2 rounds so I banned you.

    At that time , people were telling me via admin chat that you and Dan is prob. hacking or ghosting since both of you can called out traitors without solid proof , so the next map I started spectating and record demo
    The first ghosting victim was ^5Mr.CheeseyMan , you and your friends keep harassing him for 2 rounds and then I went to spectator mode to help me moderate the server , at the map ttt_intergalatic , you and cheesey were both traitor and then after you died , one of your friend "Astrolock" called a kos on cheesey even tho cheesey did literally nothing and there is no way Astrolock can witness anything , similar situation happened to "Dan" , "Astrolock" and "free animal" at this map
    here's the demo.
    Three of you were reported by different ts and all of you claim that those ts started shooting to you guys first but as you can see in the demo none of them actually shot first .

    Then I get off from server and started looking at those records and all the claims are invalid .
    When I was going to get back to server , another victim KingTest said in shoutbox saying you called him out because " he walked funny " , that happened in round 3 , both "Astrolock" and "KingTest" are both traitor and that's the round you called him out for " walked funny " , the demo I uploaded shows that you guys only called out traitors instead of calling out everyone .

    I'll tag my admin @Thorn to look at this and decide your friends should be unbanned or not , since you're going to be banned for "ban evasion" anyway.

    Note that this ban is only at East and you can play on any other 4 STTT servers ,
    Serious TTT Servers:
    Serious TTT - West 1 |
    Serious TTT - West 2 |
    Serious TTT - East 1 |
    Serious TTT - East 2 |
    Serious TTT - Vanilla |

  6. MrCheeseyman

    MrCheeseyman New Member

    Quoting from what Nena said -
    At that time , people were telling me via admin chat that you and Dan is prob. hacking or ghosting since both of you can called out traitors without solid proof , so the next map I started spectating and record demo
    The first ghosting victim was ^5Mr.CheeseyMan , you and your friends keep harassing him for 2 rounds and then I went to spectator mode to help me moderate the server , at the map ttt_intergalatic , you and cheesey were both traitor and then after you died , one of your friend "Astrolock" called a kos on cheesey even tho cheesey did literally nothing and there is no way Astrolock can witness anything , similar situation happened to "Dan" , "Astrolock" and "free animal" at this map

    He was indeed harrassing me through 3 maps at least and I had reported him multiple times for harrassment, being an idiot generally to me. I had a feeling that he was ghosting perhaps seeing as every time I was a T he would call me out for no reason. He then went "WOW WOW WHAT A SUPRISE HE IS A T". Your friend Astrolock has also been harrassing for no reason as well. Ive told this to Nena multiple times and I find it funny that you are wanting to make a ban appeal when you got banned for ghosting. Ontop of what people dont know that you have harrassed people on the game a lot.

    He reported me when I had full evidence on him whenever he was a traitor as I had a dna scanner and just kept shouting that I point blanked RDM'd him. Then the next round he then goes to randomly kos me. And reports me again for me killing him for false kosing when I was proven.
  7. @nimal

    @nimal New Member

    I think you are missing the point, though the presentation is nice, we essentially are getting banned for playing badly, this isn't proof of ghosting it's a simple guess. The time I killed you was unintentional as I didn't realize I had picked up a jihad. Also I was joking albeit it wasn't very funny it was not to be malicious and I was just trying to liven up the server. My problem here is that I have been banned for shooting at innocence which I also did unintentionally. But I wasn't banned for rdm on free animal. I was banned for ghosting, this just being a guess, because of a couple of hp of damage on a traitor, that I didn't actually kill. It's funny how you have been abusing your moderator powers by banning people with out checking if they were in the wrong or not. This "guilty until proven innocent" style of moderation doesn't shed good light on you as a moderator or as a person. I will close by saying that because of a couple of coincidences where an innocent shot another innocent so I shot them, I was banned on @nimal unjustly. Then because I know I wasn't going to get unbanned by you, regardless of what I did, I did use another account which I will admit is "ban evading" but it it really ban evading if you were banned unjustly. Then on free animal, I accidentally killed you so you got mad and banned me. I still don't understand how this could be considered a ban able offense. Thanks for your time but you are clearly bias against me, for a reason of which I don't understand.

    Note: There was a reason I was using this specific server and this patronization is unnecessary, you haven't really been of any help.

    Edit: Cheese you have clearly misjudged what was going on, of course I would be excited if I was right about being a T, but what about those times where I was wrong.
  8. Dan

    Dan New Member

  9. Thorn

    Thorn A Thorn in your side. VIP

    Appeal denied considering your actions that you have done I do not doubt what occurred in game.
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