Snak for demote (worst mod ever)

Discussion in 'TTT Staff/Player Reports' started by mikefruity, Oct 23, 2013.

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  1. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

    About to get off, in a group of 10 people someone is jihading. Everyone starts shooting wildely. I happen to hit someone once or twice, they die, then i get slayed for 2 rounds.
    Yes 2 rounds for 1 death, which i shouldn't even have gotten being as i probably did 10% damage.

    Snak slayed me for 2 rounds claiming i killed 2 people. (when there was only one who was a faggot named zeo). I killed no one else, when i asked to show me the logs of the other person I "killed" he gave me a bullshit excuse saying he already got rid of them.

    Snak needs to be demoted. I had to leave after that round. Forcing me to stay for another 25 minutes. Which is pathetic, Why couldn't my slays carry to tomorrow?

    Never seen this kid in my life.

    EDIT: never playing on stupid ass west again, feel like east = intelligent people west = annoying pricks i don't like.
  2. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    wow just wow ur intelligents astounds me it reallys does lol maybe have proof like pics or video and this should goin in the report section
  3. Snak

    Snak Banned

    You rdm'd two people and so I slayed you twice You then exploded on me litteraly screaming on the mic that you were gunna report me :p Your lucky I am nice because I was about to ban you as you were harassing the entire server.

    btw this is in the wrong section.
  4. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member


    I killed one person which is bullshit either way! Only other person that died was the traitor trying to jihad!
  5. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    When reporting staff/player please follow this format: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1100

    Also, please post this in the appropriate section and try to be a little more respectful.

    Thank You!
  6. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

    and you're not fucking nice made me waste 30 minutes of sleep over some stupid shit that could of happened tomorrow.
  7. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

    I give respect to people that deserve it.
  8. DocFox

    DocFox The Best Is Yet To Come VIP Silver Emerald

    Considering that you recently reported one of our admin for something that upset you, it's hard to believe your side of the story.
  9. Scooter

    Scooter Scooter#5335 VIP

    i just to let u now and sorry if i step on any toes but i have never seen snak do anything wrong plus where is your proof it making me mad that u can disrespect snak like this
  10. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

    I reported someone a while ago aswell, for being unfairly killed. But he won that because apparently of a with-in 10 second thing.

    All i said was true or else I'd be in bed 45 minutes ago.
  11. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

  12. mikefruity

    mikefruity Member

    I've got to go now, as i would of 45 minutes ago.

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